slightly more optimistic and positive view on some issues as well. I don't believe that everything is always as bad as it may seem at times, but that's just me. Maybe that has to do with my general attitude of trying to live a happier life after my recent life experience, and I spend less time around these issues, than I once previously did.Thank you for your great comment @valued-customer. I absolutely agree with your general outlook of the times we live in, and the dark reality of where we are heading in the future. That's why I'm here, and involved with this community. However, I do have some slightly different takes in some areas, but they are much smaller than you may believe. I also have a
Unfortunately, I am in a situation currently where I still don't have the full capacity or concentration levels and energy, to devote an adequate amount of time into doing serious research to produce more meaningful articles where I am exposing the deeper agendas that you mentioned, in more detail. I am simply not up to it right now, and nobody is more frustrated about that than me. I am more than happy to stand corrected and learn from others, on any specific details or larger agendas that I may have missed.
Some days I just want to completely switch off and not even read any news whatsoever. Subsequently, I am not as up to date on some current events (and don't claim to be), so I struggle to keep up with everything going on around the world, like I used to be.
Therefore my general idea and approach of writing posts such as this, is to give a very brief and general opinion based on my previous experience of researching some of these topics, along with an overview of some of the important points mentioned in the article that act as a guide and/or spark for other members (especially people new to this type of information), and to motivate potential new researchers. We need more people to have a deeper interest, and to get motivated to do some of their own research and share it with the rest of the community. That's mostly what i'm trying to accomplish here, so I hope that this can help in that regard.
I understand that you will feel that I didn't directly answer to your comments and concerns - and I didn't in the most part, because I agree with the large majority of what you said....but that's where things are at for me right now. I am only human, and I'm tying to do the best I can for the time being. My mind is not as sharp as it once was, so as a consequence the quality of my writing will suffer to a degree. I have noticed mistakes and flaws in many of my posts recently.
I do however sincerely believe that I have a reasonably good understanding of the world we live in and where things are heading, based on what I have researched myself over the last decade or so. I'm almost certain you've spent a lot more time rsarching these topics and issues yourself than i have!
Have a great day, and keep up the great work!
I'm sorry to hear you're not fully prepared to face everything going on. I've been there, and empathize. I hope you're up to snuff quick.
I have to say I noticed in this comment particularly that is not evident. I literally said to myself while reading it 'Damn, this guy can write!'
Be well.