

Not even reading

Poor egos probably need even more.

But no, let's verbieten free speech on a free speech platform.

There is a point to be made.

It's a lot harder to make a point while you're also insulting people and making them angry.

😂 poor angry people will then be lost forever

At least I don't force them to learn

But I don't get why they cheer for being forced to slave

And I don't care anymore

Good luck, cunts.
(Yes you can all ignore what I wrote now and just focus on that single insult, as always, like brainless ego idiots just do - which is also one of the saddest things: I really try. I try to much. And everyone just ignoring, only focussing on the few insults and acting as if I did not even try.
But I realized it is unimportant how hard I try and better just let go)