You know, we've already seen that this @vp-freelance creature is a troll, but I'm disappointed to see now that it's not even that creative as trolls usually go.
A few weeks back it tried to tell me I didn't know what was happening in Ukraine, and I responded to it by pointing out that I lived in Ukraine when the ruZZistani genocide began. It then followed this up with articles that tried to assert it lived in Donbas (a notion buggered by its proven inability to even identify a single major landmark in the region when my fiancee, a born and raised Donetsk resident whose home was destroyed by the ruZZistani horde, called him out on it).
Then last night I posted [this article]( commenting on ruZZistan's murder of priests and bombing of churches. And lo and behold, vp-freeloader follows up not even fifteen hours later by attempting (albeit rather unconvincingly and without a single credible source) to make the same case in reverse. I realize you're out of ideas and can't conjure up material other than copying those of us who shine light on your crimes and trying to turn them around, but try to put some wait-time in between the original and your lame attempts at rhetorical reverse-engineering, so it's less obvious.
Gotta do better, kid. Gotta do better.
I live in Ukraine, and you ran away from here as soon as you saw the Russians)))
I have repeatedly caught you in lies and Nazi appeals, and you ignore it every time. as if nothing had happened.
I realized that you live in your own fictional world, in which you transfer all the crimes of Bandera’s followers onto the Russians)))
You are funny and low, all the books you have read have not added a drop of prudence to you! Shame!