Mix and match covid vaccines! No problem! Trust us, without any science to back up this decision!

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

It's really strange to see what is going on. You have people who are telling others that they can mix-and-match different types of experimental injections. Different experimental injections have not completed their trials yet, while still being pushed on the world population.

These are apparently health experts, who claim without any evidence that it's perfectly safe to receive injections from different manufacturers. Not only from different manufacturers of the same technology, such as mRNA or adenovirus, but even mixing the different types of technology!

These decisions are at least being done in some places, such as Canada and the UK. They are recommending mixing and matching AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna injections. 1, 2, 3

Where do they get the justification to do this? Nowhere. There there are no trials or studies that looked at the safety of this in the short or long term. There is therefore no science to back this up. But they will continue to tell you that this is science, to simply trust the science.

But there is dissent in the ranks of the experts in our society. While some ignore any potential risks in favor of merely pushing experimental injections on everybody no matter what, others are more prudent and warning of risks.

“There are no data on this whatsoever,” Cornell University vaccine expert John Moore told the Times, adding that the UK officials “seem to have abandoned science completely and are just trying to guess their way out of a mess.”

The update also stands in contrast to the guidelines established by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which explicitly states that the vaccines “are not interchangeable.”

“Either of the currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can be used when indicated,” the CDC wrote, noting that the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices “does not state a product preference.”

“However, these mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are not interchangeable with each other or with other COVID-19 vaccine products,” the agency said. “The safety and efficacy of a mixed-product series have not been evaluated.”

this Cornell University vaccine expert is himself saying that officials in government and other health experts have abandoned science completely and are guessing their way into making decisions. It's absurd.


Mix and Match them lolz? I think the sheeple should be made to take all 5 vaccines twice just to be "safe" - signed the Illuminati.

It's all about eugenics, and mixing the toxins is a more effective way to cull the useless eaters...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

i agree with you

Understand the confusion and hesitancy. There are scientific studies out there that do indicate that it is safe and may actually provide a stronger immune response. Especially when mixing Astrazeneca with one of the mRNA vaccines. Agree there are no long term studies on the effects of mixing the vaccines, but so true is the fact that there are no long term studies on the effect of COVID itself. So, from all the data so far it seems safe. I myself had Aztrazeneca and Moderna (and had a pretty strong response.) So, the science is there to help steer informed decisions.

Here are a few links:

So obviously vaccine injury from Covid 19 shots includes loss of critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking uses ALL information, including existing research data... and does not ignore the evidence aspect. There is no intellectual commitment when you do. The post's title is wrong. There is research, merely trying to balance it out so that actual critical thinking can occur. You should try it, or at least ready the studies.

You completely misconstrued the meaning of the CDC advice you are quoting as an argument for your position. The point of this advice was to avoid mixing-and-matching vaccines in a two dose regime (because there wasn't much data on the relative effectiveness of such a mixed approach vs the known results from the recommended two dose shot of the same vaccine). The CDC was not saying you shouldn't take another vaccine after completing a standard two dose regime. The word "interchangeable" in this advice is key to proper understanding of its meaning.

Although, on a separate note, depending on vaccine availability in the area where someone resides, it might be selfish to take another vaccine shortly after becoming fully vaccinated.