Report from evidence based medicine org warns of health risks from covid shot

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

A UK evidenced-based organization (EbMC) has written to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) asking for them to look at an urgent report on Yellow Card data related to the covid experimental injections. They are not funded by industry. Merely medical professionals who focus on evidence and have concerns over these shots.

The Yellow Card reporting is like VAERS in the US. Five types of data groupings were layed out:

  • Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs
  • Immune System ADRs
  • ‘Pain’ADRs
  • Neurological ADRs
  • ADRs involvingloss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell
  • Pregnancy ADRs

ADRs are adverse drug reactions.

They are asking for more investigation from the government with indications of possible grave health consequences from these experimental injections:

In addition, urgent independent expert evaluation and discussion is required to assess whether the novel vaccines may be causing gene mutations among recipients, as suggested by the occurrence of usually extremely rare genetic disorders... Are these ADRs occurring in babies of vaccinated pregnant women, or spuriously among vaccinated adults? This question needs urgent attention.

As pharmacovigilance data are known to be substantiallyunder-reported, werecommend that the MHRA urgently publicises these ADR data and assists people with their ADR reporting, to facilitate full elucidation and clarification of the extent of the problem.

The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system todeclare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.

They have posed 3 urgent questions for the MHRA to answers:

1- How many people have diedwithin 28 days of vaccination?
2- How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination?
3- How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?

This analysis would give greater meaning to the Yellow Card data, but it's lacking. The EbMC is ready to lend help to analyze the data if they can be given greater access to the government's data.

Have a look at the reports finding to see more specifics of why they conclude that the experimental injections against covid-19 are unsafe for humans.


Sadly, we love in a world where no matter how valid data is or the accreditation, in this case for example, the very doctor who almost won a nobel peace prize for developing the mrna shot doesn't mean anything. Its mirror world. That scientist is now flagged by big tech as a fraud🤪
The point is that we are beyond a monopolized global ecosphere. This is fascism on roids. Nothing will stop them but masses of us standing together like in France.
The big banking tech pharmaceutical militarized complex that runs the world is taking our tax money/resources, hyper inflating our dollar in the process, and forcing nano tech into us??? Holy shite.

When referring to the vaccines from a UK perspective they are not "experimental" as categorized by the U.S. FDA under the EUA. The MHRA gave full approval to all three vaccines in the UK (Janseen later this year.)

The re-alignment of the Yellow Card Scheme does not mean that there are more/new side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines. Also, similar to the reporting database in the U.S. (VAERS) adverse as the letter points out - events do not indicate that the vaccine caused them nor that the vaccine is unsafe. These reports are starting points for investigations.

I read the letter and was OK with it up until Lawrie started making claims against the data without actually performing the research on each entry. She then started to leap to the conclusion that they are unsafe for humans. Lawrie directly contradicts herself.

Absolutely agree that more expedient investigation needs to take place to understand if there is any correlation. Maybe even government and 3rd party analysis.

I urge you to read the following article for another take on the letter:
Yellow Card scheme for adverse events does not suggest any new side effects of COVID-19 vaccines

Absolutely I do not trust these vaccine manufacturers for a rushed job on an experimental vaccine that they already had developed. Yep that's right.

National institute of health as well as Chinese military biological warfare personnel knew exactly what kind of disease they were playing with as well had developed numerous vaccines against them.