The flu magically vanished in 2020 and 2021

in Deep Dives4 years ago

As the fakestream media continues to try to convince people of the airborne ebola threat (i.e. what is allegedly SARS-CoV-2), they also want people to believe that children are at risk of dying. So much that they need risky experimental synthetic chemical pathogen producing genetic therapies to save them from the deadly threat.

The flu and the new covid cold have similar death rates (which are inflated), and children are among the least vulnerable to both actually getting and the rarity of dying. Is a risk of death if infected (IFR) of 0.001% something to worry about? Something to force masks, distancing, and increase anxiety, depression and suicides. Is it worth it?

Why was the flu never this super huge risk that became the sole concern the world over?

Hey, what about the flu, eh? What's going on with the flu since everything is focused on covid?

Wuh? Where did the flu go? It vanished! It's a miracle!

Is it Christmas? No. It's just the myopic focus on covid, where you ignore the flu and classify anything that could be the flu as simply being covid.

Those two images in the gif come from the CDC. The flu vanished from detection not because it vanished, but because there is now a PIC classification. This is pneumonia, influenza, covid.

Because the deadly novel covid is SOOOOO different from the flu, it just had to be lumped in together with the flu. Then they could conveniently just omit detecting the flu, and categorize it all as PIC, which is equated to covid in many of the ways they count numbers and do their bs statistics.

Like when they look at hospitalizations and say it's covid. Well no, the CDC hospitalizations data on covid is actually from PIC cases, not covid only. In 2020 onward, pneumonia is covid, flu is covid, and the public will just believe whatever the media and deceptive statistics tell them to believe.

Here is another image to show the disappearance of the flu and how many child deaths have been associated with the flu this past year:

Yeah, pretty telling, isn't it?

To explain this, so many have said something along the lines of how this is due to the efficacy of masks, social distancing, lockdowns, etc. Yet, their double think cognitive dissonance fails to address how these imaginary effective methods have fails to deal with the scamdemic that the media is pushing on them as 'real'.

All the science before showed masks don't have significant effect, and studies still show that. Yet, in 2020 all that changed and suddenly it worked for the flu, but not for covid... where 95% of people are wearing masks yet fraudulent 'cases' (i.e. PCR test positive results, no sick people) skyrocket. Makes sense.


Mainstream media is really the worst. Speaking from American TV, all the “news” shows are really talk shows / opinion shows. There should be a disclaimer after every commercial break that reminds people that these shows are talk shows and not actual news. I would love to see a popular news station actually just reporting the world news as is, without giving their opinion or selling a narrative. Some people in this country actually care about world news and facts and not some dramatic tv host that will do whatever they can to keep the ratings up to keep a job.

Yet the sheep in the USA believe their government has literally saved their lives--by destroying their neighbors' jobs, businesses, and sanity. It makes me sick (figuratively, not physically) to see the great deception has been so effective.

Power of magic!