Well arguable I could fork this software or pay a developer to and do that myself right?
It would be like Banning bad actors imo, community consensus and majority opinion could be a good way to diversify the blockchain for different interest groups.
Keep using HIVE but get you're OWN frontend where these guys can't post... like fulltimegeek.com
Also... guiltyparties is a Coward and a Deviant... for the record.
This platform needs 20 more years to develop, it's like having a Sega Dreamcast and Phantsy Star Universe Online, while asking your friends IRL if they have an account...
Im ordering a nintendo switch 🤔
My favorite band decided to put out a powerful neutral message this year.
My Actifit Report Card: December 19 2021 - Second Chance?
We should talk about this sometime...
Please pas my # along to @ultravioletmag
You can fork Hive and create a new social blockchain with whatever protocols you want.
Not sure why anyone is downvoting you for this comment, but this is exactly the kind of insanity I have lost patience for on Hive.
I just ignore it.
Best do. It will continue till the end of time.