Now it appears the police/National Guard are firing on people on their own property. Seems like they are desperate to force a civil war with their Cointelpro style operations while ordering police to stand down at the scene. Yet they have time to patrol residential areas and bully innocent people on their own property.
Almost seems like they really want to lock us down, and if the pandemic couldn't achieve this lets have some scripted violence to force the issue.
Insincere familiar politicians
Little more than paid actors. I have wondered for years now at what point there will be a backlash in the shadows against their oppression. Read a book as a kid called wasp.
Basically the story line was set on small independent individuals causing as much havok and disruption in the shadows while blending in with the population. No other person knew about them so there was never a threat of being outed by another agent.
I keep holding out hope that there will be an awakening in the police and military (like we see with organizations like Oathkeepers) that stand against their orders and remind their leaders they all swore an oath to the constitution, not the monied interests writing these scripts.