To be precise if im correct. The Dutch people voted against EU membership, against the Euro and against Ukraine EU membership because of the mess its in.
The Netherlands is free to exit from the EU at any time. Just do what the Brits did.
"Any European with a functioning brain"
We Europeans dont even got an army but going to war with Russia is having a functioning brain?
Who says anything about starting a war on Russia? Besides, a war between Russia and us might not be our own choosing. By the way, letting them have easy time with Ukraine and hoping for the best would be an idiotic strategy. Russia will always push as far as it is allowed to. It also goes without saying that in addition to countries bordering Russia countries further in the west should rearm themselves as fast as possible.
"Russia is an existential threat to the Ukrainian people"
Russia and Ukraine are none of my business and if they are are problem why aint you at the frontline instead of being keyboardwarrior? Or you just prefer Ukranians die for your narative?
That's an idiotic take. Ukrainians are going to have to defend against Russia no matter what. The only choice they have is between allowing the destruction of their nation being subject to untold horrors at the mercy of Russian occupiers and fighting back.
Not supporting Ukraine would be idiotic because Russia has declared reclaiming its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe as its goal. Any Eastern European would be stupid not to agree to support Ukraine. And because most Eastern European countries belong to NATO and the EU, any Russian incursion into Eastern Europe is automatically very much a business of Western Europeans as well.
Supporting Ukraine through giving it military equipment, money and political as well as diplomatic support is entirely in the interest of all Europeans. The horde must be contained. The Cold War is back.
That's an idiotic take."
No thats comon sense.
That you can't support a party to a conflict by any other means than physically taking part in it yourself? That's just nonsense.