Bill Gates: COVID-19, Eugenics, Vaccines, and the Depopulation Agenda

in Deep Dives5 years ago


By: Richard J. Quitliano
Editorialist & NewsHawk

WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS) — Bill Gates and his wife Melinda both come from families with ties to the eugenics movement of the 1930s, a movement still in existence and whose philosophy has changed very little over the years, although the movement itself has moved underground — to “eradicate the human weeds,” as Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger so delicately put it many years ago. These human weeds include almost everybody not a part of the globalist elite, including blacks primarily, but also other people of color. Perhaps that’s why Melinda is recommending that the COVID-19 vaccine be “made available” to blacks first.

Using Philanthropy to Shape the Narrative

One thing that the Rockefellers found out very early on was that philanthropy, mixed with some good PR, is a very powerful tool in shaping the public’s perception as well as garnering political influence. One thing that never changes is that money is the most effective tool for controlling politicians, America has the best government that money can buy, a fact not lost on either the Gates’ or the Rockefellers. Bill Gates’s popularity has less to do with his philanthropy than good PR.

“In the first few months of 2020, business tycoon and billionaire Bill Gates saw his popularity soar through the roof. According to YouGov, 58 percent of Americans polled about Gates had a positive opinion of him, he is equally liked by men and women, and both Boomers and Millennials adore him. Gates’ popularity might have increased due to a viral Netflix documentary about his life being released in late 2019. Combine that positive press with a wave of media interviews seeking the guidance of the man who “predicted” the next major pandemic, and voila – Bill Gates is a superhero here to save the planet from impending doom.” 1

Of course the “superhero” narrative couldn’t be further from the truth, as we’ve exposed in previous articles, Bill Gates is a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur and an agenda that spells doom for mankind. Gates is a proponent not only of depopulation but of a medical police state in which every citizen is constantly monitored. Gates’ father William Sr. was director of Planned Parenthood in the dangerous days before Roe v. Wade and a personal friend of Sanger (who we’ll get to later when looking at his wife).

One thing to bear in mind about Gates is that he’s a very intelligent and clever man who’s discovered how to use his money and foundation to form partnerships with other foundations and organizations with the same or similar agendas. This makes these partnerships very formidable as they not only include NGOs but governmental institutions and extra-governmental institutions such as the UN and WHO.

“First, the facts. Bill Gates has used his immense wealth to garner influence and media time, spreading his message of fixing global health issues while he continues to make billions. Using the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to dole out grants and donations, Gates has created a web of organizations that owe their budget to the Foundation or answer directly to Gates. By tracing the Foundation’s investments and Gates’ relationships we can see that nearly every person involved in the fight against COVID-19 is tied to Gates or his Foundation by two degrees or less. This gives Bill Gates and his Foundation an unchallenged influence over the response to the pandemic. Equally worrisome is Gates’ call for global lockdown until the entire world has been vaccinated and given a digital certificate to prove immunity.” 2

The problem inherent in Gates’ “philanthropy” is that he uses it to not only control the narrative but to shape public policy. He gives out grants not to entities concerned with public health or issues that concern the public but to organizations that in turn enrich both him and his foundation — what one may accurately term self-enriching philanthropy.

“The concerns around Bill Gates fortune and his use of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to influence pet projects is not the only worry expressed by critics of the Foundation. The larger – and more immediate – is that unelected billionaires like Gates are using their fortunes to shape public policy using their philanthropic foundations. This method of investing billions of dollars in the form of tax-deductible charity donations to private companies is allowing Gates to shape policy and profit by holding stock in the same companies supported by the Gates Foundation.” 3

For every dollar paid out the Gates Foundation takes in two or three, not to mention the PR benefits they accrue.

“For example, in 2017 Independent Science News released a report detailing how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid PR firm Emerging Ag $1.6 million to ‘recruit a covert coalition of academics to manipulate a UN decision-making process over gene drives.’ Emails released by Freedom of Information Act Request reveal that Gates’ recruitment effort was part of a plan to ‘fight back against gene drive moratorium proponents.’ Gene drives are a controversial genetic extinction technology promoted as a way to eliminate mosquitoes with malaria, agricultural pests, and invasive species.” 4

Since the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 money has taken over science. Grant money is doled out to research institutes that can find data (read: excuses) that bolster predetermined outcomes, turning the scientific method upside down, something Gates has taken full advantage of. On the issue of gene drives, one that has recently reemerged with the announced release of millions of “gender-neutral” mosquitoes incapable of breeding, Gates ability’ to manipulate both the narrative and public policy becomes clear.

“At the 2016 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 179 international organizations called for a UN moratorium on gene drives. The opponents of this technology also circulated a letter, “A Call for Conservation with a Conscience: No Place for Gene Drives in Conservation,” signed by 30 environmental leaders who called for a “halt to all proposals for the use of gene drive technologies, but especially in conservation.” The Gates Foundation is heavily invested in gene driving technology and was not happy to see a diverse and unified push-back against gene driving. The Foundation hired Emerging Ag — who have their own web of connections to Big Pharma and Big Ag — to shut down the opponents of gene driving. Emerging Ag was successful and the moratorium was shot down.” 5


Gates’ relationship with Dr. Fauci and the WHO shows that he is using his money and influence to divert attention away from the real cause — a bio-terrorist attack by a hostile enemy — as well as controlling the search for a “cure.”

Considering these alarming reports of Gates’ influence on public health policy, it is important to take a moment to examine the current response to COVID-19. When we look at the players and institutions involved, do we see Gates’ influence and money? If so, what does this mean for public health? Will Gates’ mammoth influence and finances allow him to personally direct the course of the COVID-19 recovery?”

“Let’s start by looking at Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and a leader in the fight against COVID-19. Unfortunately, when it comes to Fauci and NIAID we clearly see the influence of Bill Gates. In 2010, NIAID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced their “Decade of Vaccines Collaboration,” calling for coordination across the “international vaccine community” and the creation of a “Global Vaccine Action Plan.” Dr. Fauci was appointed to the Leadership Council of the partnership. Similarly, Bill Gates has been partnering with the NIH for several years.” 6

Through his money and influence Gates and his foundation have come to control many aspects of medicine, especially where vaccines are concerned. This graphic shows his influence:


Almost everyone connected to COVID-19 research and the response has ties to the Gates Foundation, including the Imperial College of London tjat was responsible for the disastrous model used to grossly overestimate the death rate — coincidence? Dr. Deborah Birx sits on the board of the Global Fund which has ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“Birx also sits on the Board of The Global Fund, an organization which was promised a $750 million investment by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2012. The Global Fund also features board member Kieran Daly, the Deputy Director of Global Policy and Advocacy for the Gates Foundation.”

“‘The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a key partner of the Global Fund, providing cash contributions, actively participating on its board and committees, and supporting the Global Fund’s advocacy, communications and fundraising efforts,’ the Global Fund states.”

“Johns Hopkins University has been an equally important member of the global response to COVID-19. The university’s calculations of global infection and death rates are commonly cited in mainstream media. Yet, once again, we find the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been investing in Johns Hopkins for two decades.” 8

Every aspect of the CV-19 phenomenon is directly tied to Gates, including Event 201 that kicked the whole thing off. Gates’ statements and philanthropy in the area of public health reveal the agenda behind his actions — worldwide mandatory vaccinations and “digital IDs,” constant surveillance for the global population.

“A 2015 report titled, Philanthropic Power and Development: Who shapes the agenda? examines the influence of global philanthropy and provides examples of the undue influence Gates and others can wield. The report outlines much of what we describe in Part 1 of this investigation, including how “through the placement of Foundation staff in decision-making bodies of international organizations and global health partnerships” the Gates Foundation influences and guides public health policy. The Gates Foundation is a board member not only of GAVI, but also of the Global Fund, the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, the Medicines for Malaria Venture, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, the TB Alliance, the Stop TB Partnership, and many others.” 9

But behind the “philanthropy” lies a much darker agenda.

Depopulation and Eugenics

As mentioned earlier Bill Gates’s father was director of Planned Parenthood, a thinly-veiled organization dedicated to the same eugenics principles set forth by their founder Margaret Sanger.

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” 10

The Gates want to use vaccines to complete the genocide that Planned Parenthood started. When it gets down to the real nitty-gritty, that’s what the Gates Foundation’s goal really is. It has little or nothing to do with public health, except to pay lip service, and everything to do with eugenics — eliminating the “unfit” so that the “superior races” can flourish. One look at the entire vaccine scenario shows their intent, as does the full title of eugenicist Charles Darwin’s book: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin’s book was written to show the superiority of the white race. Then, like now, blacks are considered inferior to the elitists that pretend to support them. Blacks in America will be led to their vaccine slaughter through Bill and Melinda killing them with kindness and the Judas Goats in Congress.

“Sounding a little more like Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates’ wife, Melinda, spoke to Time Magazine and has openly said that blacks should be vaccinated just after healthcare professionals. While Sanger admitted that she desired the extermination of the Negro population, she wanted it kept quiet. It appears this may be the very thing that Gates is doing. After all, her father-in-law was head of Planned Parenthood and her husband desires population control, ie. a significant loss of life on this planet. One wonders if Sanger was an inspiration. From the pedigree, it appears she was.” 11

Nothing has changed ideologically over the last hundred years for the eugenicists. They still consider themselves superior and have dedicated themselves to eradicating the inferior races. Were Sanger alive today, she’d still be a celebrity with the liberal elites.

“[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children… [Women must have the right] to live … to love… to be lazy … to be an unmarried mother … to create… to destroy… The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order… The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.“ [From a publication called The Woman Rebel] 12

The goals of the vaccine depopulation method that the Gates’ have both been working toward in Africa and India, using vaccines that cause sterility and other negative side effects, can best be summed up by this quote by Sanger:

“Before eugenists and others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit. Both are seeking a single end but they lay emphasis upon different methods.” 13

The methods may be different but the goal has remained unchanged for over 100 years — eliminating the unfit. The Gates’ are at the vanguard of this brave new world of medical tyranny. Laws are already being crafted to make the CV-19 vaccine mandatory. Given that most of the vaccines now available carry dangerous nanoparticles, there is no reason to believe that the CV-19 vaccine won’t carry these and even more dangerous nanoparticles.

“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non-biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…” [This article is particularly informative as it lists the toxins found in commonly used vaccines] 14

The CV-19 vaccine will likely carry a digital ID in addition to the “killswitch” for 5-G.

Genetic Modification

Although the vaccine agenda bodes poorly for the “unfit” there is a more nefarious plan afoot for that leftover… genetic manipulation. The Gates Foundation is working hand in glove with DARPA on such a plan.

“In an interview with James Corbett of the Corbett Report, Johnathan Latham discusses The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s disturbing ties to the United States government. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) an agency of the Department of Defense is working closely with Gates’ Foundation to introduce genetic modifications into various species.” 15

As mentioned earlier Gates used his money and influence to control the outcome of a UN study on “gene drives,” or genetic manipulations.

“Oh, and the United Nations is also involved. What could possibly go wrong? All wrapped up, it looks like everyone who wants power now has it and nothing is being done to stop the destruction upon humanity. The few are dominating the many and most won’t look past their own biases to see what’s really going on.” 16

If this sort of experimentation is allowed on “lesser species” such as mosquitoes, how long do you think it will be until it’s used on humans? Remember the title of Darwin’s book and the goal of eugenics. To put it a bit differently, think transhumanism. Like the fictional character Dr. Frankenstein, these people are intelligent, but they’re also crazy — add to that Gates’ megalomania and you have a very dangerous mix, particularly in light of the money and power he wields.

“Other than the Gates Foundation, the funding for the destructive gene editing comes from the United States government. DARPA is neck-deep in horrific experiments, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that they have a hand in splicing genetics.”

“While we are supposed to be focused solely on the riots, which we should all know by now that that’s what the NWO elitists want you to focus on (choose sides, divide, look over here) the gene drive editing agenda moves forward unbeknownst to those blinded by the mainstream media. As Corbett said:”

“We now have documents that show there is considerable amounts of money and attention that is being devoted to this issue to make sure these types of decisions (to use genetic modifications on humans) happen and as you (Latham) point out, the absurdity of the non-signatory to the CBD (The Convention on Biological Diversity) is an “observer” is essentially directing this process. And making sure that things go well for that country’s business interests, is on its face, absurd. But it has to be known, in order for the public to even think to be outraged by this. And that is one of the tragedies of this story, that even myself, who actually tries to keep up with issues like this, I had completely missed this story when it occurred.” 17

There is undoubtedly something in the mandatory vaccines linked to the genetic manipulation — they are, after all, DNA and mRNA based. Gates appears to be a modern-day Dr. Frankenstein with enough money and influence to gain access to the entire human race to carry out his experiments on. Whether or not he’s “the antichrist” is a matter of conjecture — however, he and his agenda dwarf anything Hitler, Stalin, or Mao ever dreamed of.


The image, which has been modified to fit within the space allotted and to provide sourcing is provided pursuant to Creative Commons license per Mr. Jurvetson.


Rich, again you tie things together and shine a light on Evil people, bent on our destruction! I heard about the modified mosquitoes, but I didn't know how it tied into covid 19; and the push to forced inoculations.

Thanks again my friend, I love your posts!


Thank you old friend, it's good to hear from you.

Good to hear from you too! Pushing to get into the country, becoming critical these days....


Ft. Smith feels like a haven from the world's troubles to me. We had 3 protesters sitting near an intersection about 2 miles outside of downtown. If the SHTF I'll stay and fight, it's a place worth fighting for.

We have the same infection here, decent protesters. They tried to get them to riot on Peoria, but they stayed peaceful. The next morning they showed up to help clean up the mess the 'out of towners' made the night before!

I don't agree with their position, But they presented it professionally! I am Very proud of them.

I just want to get Debbie 100% safe first. Any problem we face will come from the outside. Local problems, will be resolved by debate and discussion!


Did Weku finally tank? I've tried to login a couple of times to transfer my weku to you and it won't let me login.

Locals are seldom the problem, it's the outside agitators that are causing all the violence. This is not going to end well.

Weku is limping, still needs witnesses to grow up. Seems to be running today, but it is down more than up for the last week.

Still trying to get where I am out of suburbia, but even here I will be a tough nut to crack! Since I'm nuts, seems appropriate....

My new normal, Keystone Lake by the homestead (400,000+ acres of water):



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