A couple of months ago I wrote an article about Dr. Ramon DePena who along with Dr. Robert Einstein developed a UV-light protocol that destroys viruses in the bloodstream by “teaching” the immune system to recognize and fight them on their own. Their protocol acts to kickstart the immune system. For anyone that missed it this is the article:
Dr. DePena contacted me again with a new study that shows that chloroquine is effective in treating SARS-CoV-2 but not as effective as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) even without Azithromycin and Zinc which have been recommended in the treatment of the virus. This study was conducted in China, financed by the CCP and Gates Foundation back in early March. In addition, this study cites other studies going back as far as 2018 that found HCQ efficacious in treating SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. In other words, they knew.
“Financial support. This work was supported by the “13th Five-Year” National Major New Drug Projects of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (grant number 2017ZX09101001–002–001) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (grant number OPP1204780).”
A big part of the criticism of the HCQ protocol is that it is dangerous. “Before a nation of non-cardiologists, the media agonized over, of all things, the prolongation of the now infamous “QT interval,” and the risk of sudden cardiac death. The FDA and NIH piled on, piously demanding randomized, controlled, double-blind studies before physicians prescribed HCQ. We swim in an ocean of manufactured disinformation created by a radical COVID media, our fifth column. They inflame the nation one way or another based on political whims.”
The studies cited in the study sent by Dr. DePena cites studies going back into the mid 1980s that show both Chloroquine and HCQ both to be safe as well as effective. “Hydroxychloroquine (EC50 = 0.72 μM) was found to be more potent than chloroquine (EC50 = 5.47 μM) in vitro. Based on PBPK models results, a loading dose of 400 mg twice daily of hydroxychloroquine sulfate given orally, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg given twice daily for 4 days is recommended for SARS-CoV-2 infection, as it reached 3 times the potency of chloroquine phosphate when given 500 mg twice daily 5 days in advance.”
The early studies cited in the article have to do with tests for safety while using both chloroquine and HCL in treating a wide range of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, hepatitis-2, and others. Many have to do with the half-life (how long it stays in the body) and any negative interactions with other drugs. There were none found.
HCQ and SARS-CoV-2
“Hydroxychloroquine is an analog of chloroquine that has fewer concerns about drug–drug interactions. In the previous SARS outbreak, hydroxychloroquine was reported to have anti–SARS-CoV activity in vitro [9]. This suggests that hydroxychloroquine may be a potential pharmacological agent for the treatment of COVID-19 infection. However, to date, there is no clinical evidence to support the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
In other words there have been no double or triple blind tests, the most popular criticism of the HCQ protocol by Fauci, Birx and other Big Pharma representatives and vaccine advocates. They naturally discount the “anecdotal” evidence from physicians that have used the treatment successfully. You have to remember that this study was funded by the CCP and Gates Foundation, and the authors are trying to tell the truth while not biting the hand that feeds them.
“The molecular mechanism of action of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine has not been fully elucidated. Findings from previous studies have suggested that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may inhibit the coronavirus through a series of steps. First, the drugs can change the pH at the surface of the cell membrane and, thus, inhibit the fusion of the virus to the cell membrane. It can also inhibit nucleic acid replication, glycosylation of viral proteins, virus assembly, new virus particle transport, virus release, and other processes to achieve its antiviral effects [10].”
HCQ works in much the same way as Dr. DePena’s UV-light does by attacking the protective coating that surrounds the virus, only not as effectively. “The same thing happens with ANY virus, it does not matter what virus it is when it passes through this powerful electromagnetic spectrum of UV-C it dies. Viruses do not have a “cell wall” like bacteria, instead, they have a protein-based protective coating ( amino-acid chains ) that contains the nucleic acid (RNA< DNA).”
The negative studies done on behalf of the corrupt WHO came from one questionable source. “The World Health Organization (WHO) sheepishly resumed testing the off-patent malaria drug hydroxychloroquine on coronavirus patients on Wednesday after pausing that arm of its ‘Solidarity’ clinical trial based on data that appeared to show the drug contributed to higher death rates among test subjects. That data, it turned out, came from a tiny US healthcare analytics firm called Surgisphere, and calling it faulty would be excessively charitable.”
“Not only is Surgisphere a company lacking in medical expertise – its employees included an “adult” entertainer and a science-fiction writer – but its CEO Sapan Desai co-authored two of the damning studies that used the firm’s data to smear hydroxychloroquine, already thoroughly demonized in the media thanks to its promotion by US President Donald Trump, as a killer. All data is sourced to a proprietary database supposedly containing a veritable ocean of real-time, detailed patient information yet curiously absent from existing medical literature.”
Yet, unsurprisingly, this was the narrative that the mainstream media chose to run with. The higher death rates among test subjects was also found to be due to the fact that these patients were given up to four times the recommended doses.
“One expert interviewed by the outlet said it would be difficult for even a national statistics agency to do in years what Surgisphere had supposedly done in weeks, calling the database “almost certainly a scam.” Yet no one at the Lancet or WHO thought to look a gift horse in the mouth – not when that gift drove a stake through the heart of hydroxychloroquine as Covid-19 treatment.”
What we can take from the study that Dr. DePena sent me, is that HCQ is more effective in treating SARS-CoV-2 than chloroquine alone, although both are safe.. It works faster and requires less doses. Although unstated, given its efficacy in treating malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, lupus, and other diseases, it is effective in treating a wide range of viral infections.
The Nature of Viruses
One of the many things I learned from my first encounter with Dr. DePena is that viruses do not “mutate,” they must be mutated. “Once you are immune to a foreign body, you are protected your WHOLE life, why then is this flu so bad? I don’t believe in “random mutations,” just like I don’t believe in the “evolution” of species absurdity. “
“This is all new and invented in the last 100 years, how to manipulate bacteria and viruses, similar to how you can create a new breed of dog. A new “breed” can be created, but a dog is still a dog, not a snake or bird. The same thing with viruses and bacteria, you can create a new “breed” ( STRAIN ) but a virus is a virus. Look at the similarity between the Hepatitis C virus and Coronavirus, they basically look the same.”
Mutated viruses, or virus mutations, don’t exist in nature as Dr. DePena points out. Every living organism has viruses present in their body, each virus type being peculiar to their species. They are not transmissible in nature, they must be extracted and transmitted through a host. Does it seem the least bit odd that the first recorded case of influenza in the world was in 1918?
The 1918 “Spanish Flu” outbreak was the first case of influenza in history. It did not come about naturally but from a typhus vaccine developed by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1917 that took a virus from swine and injected it into chicken albumin (the host). Ironically most influenza outbreaks are either swine or avian in nature. All of these nasty pathogens -- H1N1, MERS, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 -- were all manufactured, none occurred naturally. SARS-CoV-2, the “bat flu” was manufactured using a virus peculiar to bats and injected into a host, most likely Vero cells (monkey kidney cells) or perhaps pangolin cells as claimed by the “wet market” theorists.
Bats and pangolins do not interact in nature and even if they did, how would it be transmitted -- coughs, sneezes? If it occurred in the wet market, as the prevailing narrative would have us believe, how would it be transmitted? Did viruses “jump” from bats to pangolin meat? Did someone rub bat meat with pangolin meat? There’s just no satisfactory explanation to support this theory.
All of these pathogens, influenza included, are manufactured… purposely. These are bioweapons made for two purposes, control and to make money for Big Pharma. As you can well imagine Dr. DePena’s work with the UV-light protocol didn’t go over well with the “experts” in the scientific establishment who depend on the vaccine industry and Big Pharma because curing disease isn’t where the money is. Like he said, “why do they come out with a new flu vaccine every year?” The polio vaccine only needed one dose.
Flu vaccines, like all other vaccines, are full of nanoparticles that destroy the natural immune system. That’s one reason so many are given to infants, to destroy their immune system before it gets a chance to mature. This makes them dependent on Big Pharma as adults. It’s all about money and control, and now we have the “2nd wave” of SARS-CoV-2, one that affects healthy young adults.
The fear from the first wave has worn off and people are once again demanding their rights. Statists on both sides of the aisle are ramping up their efforts to maintain an atmosphere of fear over a virus that can be cured easily and inexpensively. Mandatory masks, mandatory vaccines, contact tracing, pre-infected tests. This is all about total control, a totalitarian police state where you will need a “Vaccine ID” to participate in society. We’re still in the opening stages. This was what Doc left me with after our first encounter:
“Anyways, Rich, this is the way these things work, and simply the majority of people just don’t care, as long as it does not happen to them; and when it does, they are the ones that cry the loudest. I can tell you many things my friend, that I know, and they are true, but again, people have been desensitized to the point of no return because of disinformation, you know, mixed content. So no matter how much we try to put this out there so “they” understand what is going on, it is futile. “You can take a horse to where there is water, but you cannot make the horse drink it”, and “a man convinced against his will, is a man of the same mind still”.
“Remember this always:”
“GOD EXISTS, IT IS REALITY, and we ALL are part of GOD.”
Wow, a lot of great info packed into this article which all ring true to me. Bill Gate's funded study confirms HCQ is effective in treating SARS-CoV-2, mutated viruses like SARS-CoV-2 don’t exist in nature and are manufactured, vaccines are full of nanoparticles that destroy the natural immune system, etc. None of these will be reported on by the propaganda media since they contradict the Big Pharma agenda.
Thank you. I'm working on a follow up that takes a political tack instead of scientific. Dr. DePena is a remarkably brilliant scientist without whose guidance I could never have written this. He's also become a valued friend.