Coronavirus: The Road To Totalitarianism

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

By now most people have probably seen the movie Plandemic. For those who haven’t it can be found at this link.

The movie points out, among other things, the perfidy of the NIH, CDC, WHO, along with people such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is one of a family of similar viruses in the Coronavirus family that includes the common cold. There is no test for SARS-CoV-2, it is impossible to test for because a virus cannot be isolated from a host making both Koch’s Postulates and the Rivers Criteria useless. They can be used to isolate bacterial infections because bacteria can live in a pure culture, unlike a virus that depends on host cells to stay alive.

The current test being used, the PCR test, only detects genetic material, be it mRNA, DNA, or antigens of any sort that could include material from a flu shot. Recent studies show that what this test most often detects is a genome in everyone’s own genetic structure -- the human chromosome 8.

“Everyone who understands the RT-PCR test knows it is not meant for diagnostic purposes, but for manufacturing the genetic sequence of the genome of an isolated microbe/microorganism. As Ms. Vollmer indicated, the genetic sequence the World Health Organization (WHO) is claiming is COVID-19 is the same genetic sequence found in the human chromosome 8, primary assembly. Here is additional confirmation.”

“Basically, what the WHO is calling a “virus” is actually a human genetic sequence, according to Ms. Vollmer, and verified by WHO and the website. So, why is a vaccine needed? It isn’t. But, the narrative has been set and Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and others stand to profit a great deal from the peddling of a poisonous vaccine containing the potential to alter human DNA. In short, some of the human race is considered a virus by the son of a eugenicist who reveled in the murder of the unborn and a medical quack who hasn’t treated a patient since residency, along with the merry band of men supporters.”

The narrative still being pushed by the “scientists” at the CDC, NIH, WHO and the MSM is that SARS-CoV-2 is a natural occurring pathogen found in bats. However, as the movie discloses the CDC has a patent on it. It is illegal to patent a natural substance of any kind. This is why the giant agri-businesses such as Monsanto are so anxious to get rid of organic and natural farms. They hold patents on GMO genetically modified foods that will eventually give them control over the food supply.

Control over the food supply is a key factor in the mandatory vaccine agenda. If the choice comes down to starvation or being vaccinated the choice is clear. Very few people have stockpiled enough food to be able to hold out against what is coming. Unsurprisingly, Bill Gates and the UN are both involved, not only in pushing the vaccine, but in controlling the food supply as well.

Bill Gates has built a global empire around his technologies and “philanthropic” endeavors, the magnitude of which is now becoming increasingly clear. His sheer wealth has allowed him to become a veritable superpower in his own right. He’s not only risen to become the largest funder of the World Health Organization and the unelected global COVID-19 health czar but he’s also a secret powerbroker of the global food system.”

“As revealed in the AGRA Watch report,1 “The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit,” published August 2020, Gates wields powerful influence over global food and agriculture policy through his funding of a large number of organizations involved in agricultural development and policy making.”

There is also Gates’ relationship with Monsanto, both he and his foundation own numerous shares in the agri-giant. This is about money and control, rather than solving problems in providing food to developing countries. Wherever the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) goes, Monsanto follows.

“In its 2014 report,8 “Three Examples of Problems with Gates Foundation Grants,” AGRA Watch highlights why Gates’ massive investments in global food production have failed to solve any of the very real problems we face. First and foremost, many of the solutions that he backs are “Band-Aid solutions” that in fact worsen the root problems.”

“Examples include the funding of the development of genetically engineered (GE) foods designed to be higher in certain nutrients. The problem is that these crops then end up replacing local diversity with just a few GE varieties that don’t even take local conditions into account. So, by pushing for “fortified” crop varieties, malnutrition actually deepens, as biodiversity is reduced.”

For decades the Gates Foundation, in concert with Monsanto and the UN, has used control over the food supply to force vaccines throughout Africa and other developing countries. Now they will use the same tactics to force their vaccines and digital ID in America. They will use contact tracing to weed out dissenters to be sent to “quarantine centers” (FEMA camps) for isolation.

Gain of Function

The SARS-CoV-2 pathogen contains gain of function capabilities, something that does not occur in nature. It was first done in the lab at the University of North Carolina under Dr. Baldi and transferred to the Wuhan lab when the project was shut down in the US. As I wrote back in May:

“Gain of function is the deliberate weaponization of pathogens, making them more virulent and/or transmissible, according to the NIH’s own definition. The only reasonable conclusion is that COVID-19 was manipulated in a lab to be released on an unsuspecting world by the Chinese government, the globalists, and the Democrats — all three of which have suffered by President Trump’s America First program. This was an act of war, the draconian measures taken by state governors is proof of that. There is no other explanation for the destruction of the US economy, shutdowns, lockdowns, etc.”

“But just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.”

The powers that be are “testing” people for a virus that can’t be isolated, much less be tested for and isolating and quarantining individuals that test positive -- not for the disease, but for having antigens and genetic material in their bloodstreams. This is not about public health, it’s about imposing a totalitarian regime, a medical tyranny and an economic and political takeover.

The presence of gain of function is incontrovertible proof that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory and does not occur in nature. The “scientists” such as Dr. Fauci depends upon the ignorance of the public to push their narrative and medical tyranny agenda. They’ve already used it to destroy a vibrant economy and lock down the country. The upcoming lockdown will be far more draconian. Fauci and Gates have been behind this for decades -- ever since the SARS virus was discovered.

“The medical tyrants such as Anthony Fauci and the leaders of the CDC discovered a “gold strike” in 2003 with the first SARS Coronavirus outbreak in Asia. Led by Anthony Fauci, they patented the SARS coronavirus and proceeded to develop an “empire.” As Dr. David Martin reports:”

“They saw that a virus that they knew could be easily manipulated, was something that was very valuable.”

“In 2003 they sought to patent it, and they made sure that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus, and to its detection and all the measurement of it.”

“From 2003 to 2018, they controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.”

Not only could they manipulate the virus, they found that they could also use it to manipulate the population using the MSM to create an environment of fear and hysteria. “From the Rockefeller takeover of the media and the pharmaceutical industry years ago, to the modern day rise of Technocracy led by Bill Gates, to the current Plandemic being used to install fear in the masses, this film unmasks it all.”

Sham Science: The Medical Police State

As I said before, because the tests used to detect Coronavirus are non-specific and test for genetic material found in everyone, the government medical establishment will be able to use the tests to pick and choose who they will remove from society, and isolate them in their “quarantine centers.” This will include anyone that questions or fights back against the prevailing narrative. This would also, of course, include anyone that refuses the vaccine -- there will no longer be any religious exemptions, this will be a totalitarian vaccine police state.

“Dov Fox, a Soros fellow who currently works as director of the Center for Health Law Policy and Bioethics at the, has come out to claim that people who refuse vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) could lose their jobs or even be sent to jail. According to Fox, who is said to be a bioethics “expert,” it is completely legal and constitutional for state governments to fine, imprison, or deny employment to people who say no to the jabs, no matter the reason.”

“States can compel vaccinations in more or less intrusive ways,” Fox is quoted as saying. “They can limit access to schools or services or jobs if people don’t get vaccinated. They could force them to pay a fine or even lock them up in jail.”

Fox cites Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the 1905 case also cited by Alan Dershowitz, Epstein pal and constitutional authority. Fox is also backed by George Soros, so you can make what you will of that. This medical tyranny did not start with the COVID-19 outbreak at the beginning of this year, it began when the Rockefellers became involved in the medical industry. What we are witnessing now is just the beginning of the end -- the end of liberty and self-determination. The rugged individualism that built this country is being replaced by groupthink, hysteria-prone sheep who would gladly trade liberty for security.

“Every person who has signed up to be tested for covid-19 — or who runs a contact tracing app on their mobile device — is being funneled into a government database that will soon be used to hunt people down for forced vaccinations. What the Democrats want is armed vaccination teams going from private home to private home, forcing people to be vaccinated at gunpoint, or kidnapping them and taking them to FEMA-like “quarantine camps” for processing. (In reality, they are being taken to death camps for executions, see below…)”

“And so the ignorant, clueless masses will be systematically culled if the Democrats and globalists get their way. They will be lined up and forcibly injected with “vaccines” that are little more than kill shots, engineered with mRNA strands to turn your body into its own suicide bomb (autoimmune disorders). They will obediently line up at food banks where vaccinations are required to receive free food, and they will take the shot (mark of the beast) in exchange for a bag of toxic, processed food that’s laced with deadly pesticides and herbicides (because the food supply has long been a primary vector of killing humanity).”

All of the “science” promoting the official narrative is completely and utterly bogus. Thousands of doctors across the world have spoken out, but have been silenced by the MSM and complicit social media platforms. The fraudulent “fact checkers,” Snopes, are all paid either by government grants or individuals such as Soros who controls Snopes.

I’ve tried to be as thorough as possible about the ineffectiveness of the tests used to detect “the disease.” Having the SARS-CoV-2 or any other Coronavirus in your system is no guarantee of getting sick or even showing symptoms… the vast number of cases are asymptomatic. The recovery rate is 99.7%. So why all the to do? This has nothing at all to do with public health. This is a conspiracy by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the agri-giants, and members of the government to impose a vaccine police state, a technocratic medical tyranny where the entire population of the world will be under constant surveillance and control. Anyone that objects will be eliminated. In other words, they want to turn the world into China.

“The viral strains that people carry without symptoms don’t matter much, it turns out. Most carriers aren’t contagious, and most pathogens are harmless or latent unless the carrier suddenly experiences immune suppression (from something like the extreme stress of losing their job, for example, or being locked in their own homes).”

“Running around the country with covid-19 tests and finding more and more people who carry the virus without symptoms is not legitimate medicine. It’s a scam. Or a “scamdemic” to be more precise. It does nothing for public health and is primarily used by the corrupt Big Pharma industrial complex to scam billions of dollars out of taxpayers by pretending everybody needs to be injected with high-profit vaccines.”

Power, money, and control is the name of the game. People like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the NIH, CDC, and others who own the patents on SARS-CoV-2 and control the vaccine research stand to make billions, perhaps trillions from the scamdemic. The rest of us will lose our liberty -- the freedom to travel around the country at will, to have meaningful jobs, to own our own homes. This will all be taken away from us. Small businesses, the backbone of the American economy, have been destroyed purposely so they can’t compete with mega-corporations. The stock market is breaking records while Americans suffer. Unemployment is skyrocketing. The stock market is not a reflection of the American economy, it only measures the mega-corporations. Wall St. is being propped up by the Federal Reserve… it’s just another bubble, not reality.

The elites know that when the dollar collapses, and it will, they will be holding all of the viable assets. There will be no more crumbs for the rest of us to fight over. If you don’t own solid assets, silver, gold, or other precious metals, you will be dependent on the government for subsistence. Your land will be confiscated, “for the greater good,” as part of the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 “sustainability initiatives.” Then the depopulation agenda will kick in and exterminations will become commonplace, because if you’re not necessary to the government, you will be labeled a “useless eater” like in Nazi Germany. That was just a warm-up for what is to come, a trial balloon for the elites. But first they have to gain complete control and they’re almost there, that’s where the scamdemic comes in. They will use it to control the sheep who sincerely believe that they will have a place in the New World Order. Like Antifa/BLM they are just useful idiots. The government fiddles while America burns. When they come for you, you can comfort yourselves with having really given them hell on Twitter.


I hope you learn more about exosomes.

Viruses are simply exosomes that are released as a result of stress. Even cancer cells emmit them. Please help find new research about how radio tech vibrates carbon cell structures to cause cellular leaking.

Worthy of watching

And of course Kennedy shredding Dershowitz

Thanks, this should keep me busy for a while!

I've seen this before. Tavistock Institute plays a much bigger role, as do several other entities.

Really good article yo! It's good to see you are still around and posting. I hope life has been good. And I must say, you are much better at composing and authoring than you were a year ago.

Thank you very much, I appreciate the compliment. I too have been able to see some growth in my writing. Maybe by the time I'm 80 I'll be a real writer.

This is just the end of the World if all these panned out well, then they will target Africa once The Whole of US have been Vaccinated.

They will force their vaccines on Africa first if the Gates plan continues.

Probably true, this is when the advantage of inaccurate data will set in, like my country, they can't get it right cos the actual population is not even known.

Gates' wife said they're going to start with black people here. The UK is using the black population for testing their vaccines. Stay safe old friend!

Thanks old friend, I'll be on my guard

W000sh!! ...for anticensorship crash test dummies. };)