There was once a time when the term elite meant something special, a designation for excellent, for example the Navy SEALs are an elite fighting unit. The term is now used to describe what is also known as the “ruling class,” an upper class composed of parasites that produce nothing yet control the vast majority of wealth.
The thing that led to America’s former greatness was that we were a nation of producers, outproducing the rest of the world in almost everything. However, over time America’s producers were supplanted by parasites that produce nothing but control a disproportionate amount of the nation’s wealth, a phenomenon that has spread with the advent of globalism.
It is necessary here to make a distinction among the different classes of parasites. If you don’t produce something of value that can be bought or sold then you are a parasite which is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, we all agree that teachers are a necessary part of any society, but they don’t produce anything making them parasites of a sort. I produce words that have little value except among friends and followers making me a parasite of the unnecessary sort. The point of this is that a dynamic equilibrium must be maintained between producers and parasites for economies and the societies they support to be maintained. When disequilibrium occurs, as is the case today, economies and societies collapse leading to chaos.
When we think about the parasites of society, we most often think about the unemployable, people on the government dole such as “welfare queens,” the disabled, etc. However, these people are not really a drain on an economy such as ours. In fact, this five percent or so are factored into studies such as unemployment statistics. The parasites that are dangerous are nearer the apex of society, the “ruling class,” bankers, lawyers along with the cadre of “experts” that populate television news programs. We can also add to this celebrities and sports personalities such as Lebron James whose knowledge of geopolitics rivals that of a bowling ball.
What America produces in abundance now is debt, debt that supports the parasite class at the top of the proverbial food chain. They use this debt along with fear and uncertainty as tools of control to enslave the population – the most efficient to date have been perpetual wars and the covid “pandemic” and its attendant vaccines. The goal of these so-called elites is the imposition of a totalitarian power structure in which the parasites are in total control.
“The German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt saw totalitarian leaders as agents of chaos who intentionally undermine the stability of society to destroy the foundations of democracy by creating fear and uncertainty. What is notably disturbing is the current administration’s obsession with deceiving themselves as a benevolent force for progress. Yet any sane person can glance at the decline in authentic, sustainable progress made in American culture for at least the past three decades and realize the nation has one foot in hospice.”
The problem that this presents for the producers is that the milieu into which they are now forced is an artifice, an economy based on smoke and mirrors controlled by a government rife with the corruption of the parasite class.
“Not a day passes without Americans witnessing another debacle in the nation’s domestic and foreign policies that further grind down the last remaining threads of a sustainable, coherent and functioning nation. Instead of actual progress, we hear competing incantations of nonsense to “make America great again” and to “build back better.” Both mantras represent opposite sides of the aisle’s affirmation that the nation is in serious disarray and degenerating rapidly. For Democrats it means throwing more money at the problems that too much money already spent has created. “Seize the opportunity,” declares Biden, “meet this moment in history and build the future we need.” Or, “we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity,” according to Elizabeth Warren, “to build back better and create a more equitable, inclusive and prosperous future for all Americans.” And then there are the other voices in the echo chamber to make America great again. There are Mitch McConnell’s sobs to “rebuild our military” and Ted Cruz’s “promoting American exceptionalism” around the globe. This is all lunacy because there are no longer any adults or wise elders in the room to turn this political voodoo into a functioning reality.”
The distinction between Republicans and Democrats is meaningless except insofar as what corporate and/or special interests they represent. Elizabeth Warren’s rhetoric about “a more equitable, inclusive and prosperous future for ALL Americans” is merely a word salad of meaningless words, Americans are more divided than they have ever been in the history of the nation. Divide and conquer is one of the oldest strategies of the “ruling class.” Causing fear of “others” is a very useful tool of control employed by the parasites whether racial, economic, ethnic, or religious it has been successful throughout history.
“Surely paying heed to Tolstoy’s above words are long overdue. We need to wake up and realize that to continue this imbecilic ritual of rubbing counterfeit lamps of feel-good propaganda is only making the public more delusional and stupid. It is high time we realize there are no longer any adults in the Oval Office and boardrooms of Washington, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. The agents of chaos govern us. Our culture of absolutism breeds the very conditions for violence and conflict that air nightly on the news. The detractors of absolutism’s tyrannies are perceived as enemies.”
The Covid “pandemic” has provided another division between the vaccinated and those of us aware enough to eschew the toxins being pushed by the government and medical establishment. “The firm belief in absolutes is a condition leading people to justify egregious actions in the name of a greater good without considering the consequences. Does this not accurately describe today’s cancel culture and the most militant wings of the LBGTQ community, critical theory racists, institutionalized atheist Skepticism and medical determinism?”
All of the above mentioned movements are weapons designed to drive Americans apart, not to unite them. We have become a nation of absolutists from rabid Trump supporters to critical race theorists. The purpose is to cement the control of the parasites of the so-called “ruling class.”
To prop up the failing debt-based fiat system the international bankers have created a new system that will ultimately give them control not only of the economies of nations but total control of the finances of individuals as well – CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies). As nations reject the petro-dollar the banksters need to replace them with an alternative that will, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., provide “the ultimate mechanisms for social surveillance and control.”
“114 countries, which represent more than 95% of the world’s global domestic product (GDP), are exploring a CBDC. The Biden administration has said CBDCs “have the potential to offer significant benefits.” And the heads of major central banks have confirmed that CBDCs will be identity-verified, lack the privacy of cash, and be programmable. This programmability means that central bankers or governments can make your CBDCs expire, impose spending limits, or control what you’re allowed to spend your CBDCs on. Kennedy has recognized that these powers ‘grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny.’”
While the mainstream media keeps the public focused on issues such as gay rights and critical race theory, behind the scenes the international bankers are poised to impose a system that does away with the anonymity of cash transactions.
“While cash transactions are anonymous, a #CBDC will allow the government to surveil all our private financial affairs. The central bank will have the power to enforce dollar limits on our transactions restricting where you can send money, where you can spend it, and when money expires.”
Over the past fifty or so years, while America slept, our rights have been systematically stripped away. Whether the fluoride in the water has made us docile or it’s an underlying belief that a savior would spring up to save us all, our sovereignty as owners of this nation has been usurped by parasites. The producers, the rugged individualists that built the country, have become a laughingstock to people who have never produced anything. As we sink further and further into debt we become more enslaved.
Whether or not Donald Trump is elected in 2024 is irrelevant. Trump is the ultimate prostitute, a man that will do anything for money. Presidents are selected not elected; selected by the ruling parasite class from the ruling political class. The only difference is what interests these “leaders” represent. One thing is for certain… they don’t represent ours.
I have very much missed the rigor of your analysis, the vigor of your prose, and the benefit I derive from sanity, found so little in such abundance elsewhere.
Indeed. Since the global political conquest of nations is complete, long attained by the WEF, people have been subject to the caprice of banksters, and the plandemic has rubbed our noses in it. It is for this reason that I have strongly commended to them with ears to hear the adoption of independent means of production. It is obvious from a cursory glance at history and the ever growing onramp to utter subjugation that sooner or later penury will be employed as a stick to drive people to the carrot of UBI CBDC bugpods and secure supplies of goyslop. Any intent on surviving without such welfare will need to secure means of production of the blessings of civilization themselves, as we will be deprived of them otherwise.
It is good to hear from you again.
I noticed Richq11 doesn't have enough RCs to reply to all of us.
Should i convert some HBD to HIVE and send to him? Without checking with him... since he can't really reply back?
Will probably wait till Richq11 makes another post.... well, in 7 days, he will have enough HP to post lots.
@builderofcastles, @valued-customer: A quick check of his wallet indicates he has chosen to power down and transfer his HP / RCs elsewhere ...
yep, over a year ago. When he stopped posting.
I hope he is back to post lots more.
And i was saying, he has enough RCs to make two posts/replies.
Hopefully! 👍
I dunno even how to check RCs. I reckon if he needs some to comment, having some would avail him of the opportunity to let you know if he wanted them or not.
There's really only a couple ways to find out, and the other is to wait until he has some.
After i wrote this i realized / remembered that i could delegate HP.
I don't know what i was thinking, i thought it had to be HIVE, but no, it is HP, so i can give RC and take it back later once he gets enough of his own.
So, i delegated enough HP to let him comment and post.
Here is the best site for seeing Resource Credits and what they can do
Like me, you are in the middle where you can never spend all your RC... but you do not have enough to get a free account token.
It actually seems like it doesn't matter how many RC's I have.
I am being blocked all across the internet, starting today. Every post here may be my last. I just posted about what's going on. I doubt I am the only one affected. You may want to reach out to friends and folks and let them know that Tor and I2P seem to still be working, so far, at least for me.
Thanks for the link, and telling me what you think while I could listen, ever since we first interacted.
I hope we can continue to communicate freely.
You seem to not be responding to what I said, which was that there is a choice between the idiocy you refer to and handling our business, which is what I do and recommend.
That's what I say above. Clean your ears.
Further, you are also pulling words out of your ass instead of anything I did say, since I never once mentioned creditors, debts, or retards.
You seem to bring all the necessary retardation by yourself. I'm glad to see you're at 45 rep, so you can continue to disappoint me for some time.
Your derangement is pretty entertaining. However, after parsing a few lines of your rant, I tired of spotting how you completely misunderstand and misstate every single thing you say, so I quit reading.
Try to be more entertaining, please. I mean, at least make some semblance of understanding, try to string me along. I paid good RC's for your rants. Make them worth my time and treasure.
I can't suspend disbelief enough to pretend to see how you can say independent means are exactly the trap overlords want us to fall into. And come up with better insults. You repeat 'retarded defeatist' over and over. Hit a thesaurus. 'stupid loser' isn't beyond your abilities.
C'mon man. Cut the malarkey.
You should see my garden.
Very well put! I'm so sick of all these surface level conflicts, popular only through their immense simplicity. Take this analysis, for instance. It's difficult, it engages the brain, and that's harder to latch on to. Most of the crap keeping the masses brainwashed (like Trump or the rights of whatever letter of the alphabet) are easy, simple concepts, therefore easy to latch on to and champion.
I'd argue only that your words bring more than a little value, my friend. Can't tell you what a pleasure it is to hear from you. I've missed your words :) I hope you're well.
It's been a weird couple of years. For some reason Chrome locked me out of Hive, my Protonmail account, etc. When I tried to download Brave it kept giving me the same security warning. Then about 8 months ago it stopped.
Last June my best friend died. He was my former boss and I spent the last 8 years taking care of him. This is really the first thing I've written since.
Thank you for the kind words, it's good to be back.
I'm so sorry to hear that! My condolences. I hope writing provides some sort of catharsis for you.
Do you use Linux, or some similar operating system? I use Brave on Ubuntu, and it works alright. :)
I use Chrome which had me frozen from downloading anything else. Then one day, like magic, everything went back to normal.
Something pulling you back here. Glad it did.
Thank you so much
Welcome back fellow parasite! Long time no vote.
In the future, i believe we will all be part time manufacturers, part time farmers, and part time parasites (doing what we think will make this world a better place for us). Distributed manufacturing, and everyone growing their own food.
The "elite" can't even be bothered to fix the roads anymore. And this is what will actually destroy their perch. This is why they are pushing for ultimate lock down control through CBDCs and further constriction of the food supply.
Nice to see you back.
They couldn't have pulled off the covid scam without him in the White House
You obviously don't understand political theater