Caribbean Crime Spree
This subject is vast, bigger even than 3-4 articles can adequately cover -- it’s Pizzagate, the Clinton Foundation (and friends, Frank Giustra and the Radcliffe Foundation, Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and his foundation) Hollywood, Uranium-1, the CIA, DynCorp, the Red Cross and other NGOs, The UN and their myriad agencies, and more all rolled up in a network of conspiracies and criminality that involves child and human trafficking, organ harvesting, drugs, weapons, and uranium smuggling, all done under our noses by people most of us are familiar with. Each of these could easily make for an article in itself and all are in some way related to the others… and it’s been going on for a very long time, for example the Bosnian Conflict where the UN, DynCorp, and the Clinton administration were all involved in sex trafficking and organ harvesting.
“Child Protective Services (CPS), along with the CIA, a part of a larger corrupt U.S. government ring that has been assisting in helping this mass genocide to happen. While I dig deeper to crawl as far as I can down the rabbit hole to see how far this nightmare truly unfolds before I potentially get taken out too, the fact is that I find myself focused now more on billionaire David Geffen, for he holds a much larger stake in this drama.”
Geffen does indeed hold a much larger stake than many realize, but so too do CPS and the CIA. Over 66% of children trafficked in the US come from foster care which means CPS involvement. Some may remember The Finders, the mysterious CIA-linked group caught smuggling children into Mexico. It is also important to understand that children are not only trafficked into the US but from it as well. One of the key figures in Pizzagate that is rarely mentioned is Michael Maccoby, who is a friend and defender of James Alefantis, whose CIA involvement began at Harvard in the Social Psychology Dept. with associates (and other CIA operatives) such as Dr. Henry Murray, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (of MKUltra fame), BF Skinner, and his future colleague and partner in crime, psychologist Erich Fromm. Maccoby and Fromm worked in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America doing studies on trauma-based mind control.
It is said that: “Dr. Michael Maccoby’s rabbit hole in Reinhard Gehlen SS/CIA international intelligence webs runs so deep that you have to begin in HELL shoveling up fire, brimstone and sulfur.” Maccoby is also a friend of James Alefantis.
“In 2008 at an Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting and hearing on Comet Ping Pong’s application to extend its business hours until midnight, Commissioner Frank Winstead accused Comet Ping Pong owner (James Alefantis) of wishing to turn the area into a haven for rape and murder. That is an extremely unusual allegation to make for a predominately white, affluent and exclusively elite and intelligence residential area of Washington DC.”
"Winstead’s opposition was drowned out by an aggressive and vehement crowd of Comet Ping Pong Pizza fans led by Alefantis and Maccoby. In the recording of the rowdy meeting, Dr. Maccoby was recorded shouting violently, “I will personally remove anyone who opposes Comet Ping Pong!”
"Maccoby is the head of the Maccoby Group “in Washington, D.C. offers consulting, cultural audits, coaching, research and leadership workshops. On strategic intelligence, they offer “A workshop based on more than 35 years of applied research, teaching and consulting with leaders in business, government, unions, universities and non-profit organizations in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”[1] They also coach leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, homes for orphaned and abandoned children, an orphanage (A Field of Cabbage) in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Peru.”
It is also the parent group of Laura Silsby’s Friends of the Orphans, an organization that his son Max sits on the board of. Max is also chummy with Alefantis and Soros puppet David Brock and represented them in a lawsuit. To say that Michael Maccoby is involved in the CIA/DynCorp child trafficking aspect of this would be the understatement of the year. For those unfamiliar, DynCorp is a CIA cutout company that deals in military logistics (among other more unsavory pursuits).
"Dr. Maccoby’s son, Max, is also a defender of Alefantis. Max Maccoby is a friend of Alefantis and former boyfriend, David Brock. Max: ‘He is on the board of directors for the nonprofit charity Friends of the Orphans and is an advocate for their cause.’”
Dr. Maccoby and Fromm taught psychology at Mexico’s National Autonomous University from 1949 until 1974 and the Mexico Society of Psychoanalysis (a CIA front).
“The promoter of MSP was Erich Fromm, the founder of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society. Fromm began teaching at the NAU of Mexico in 1949 and continued to work there until he retired in 1965. Dr. Guillermo Davila was also an official of a governmental organization of Mexico, the Mexican Social Security Institute. During the early 1950s, Davila had worked in the circle of Dr. Werner Wolff of the Tavistock Institute’s World Congress (Federation) of Mental Health (WFMH).”
Tavistock Institute again, a subject I’ve covered in some depth and a social engineering organization based on the efficacy of trauma in population control. They are involved -- perhaps a part of -- MI-5 and MI-6, British Intelligence as well as the CIA. This was at the same time that The CIA group The Finders was kidnapping and smuggling children into Mexico.
Tavistock’s Agenda “ … is used to create and topple governments. Tavistock’s objective is to eventually control entire populations between the use of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics. Its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.”
As I’ve covered before many times, it was Tavistock that created the Beatles (their popularity at least), and along with the CIA, the 1960s LSD craze and drug culture (the counterculture). Also involved were Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm and other Cultural Marxists from the Frankfurt School. They in turn influenced people like Bill Ayers at Columbia, leader of the Weather Underground, re-emerged as Antifa and BLM… but that’s a subject for another day.
“The Finders: a CIA front established in the sixties with top clearance and protection in its assigned task of kidnapping and torture-programming young children throughout the United States of America.”
“Members of this secret group are specially trained government kidnappers known to be sexual degenerates who involve the kidnapped children in satanic sex orgies and bloody death rituals as well as the brutal murders of other kids and slaughter of animals. They purportedly use a fleet of unmarked vans to steal unsuspecting children from parks and schoolyards.”
“After working my own worldwide acclaimed independent death investigation for late SOUNDGARDEN frontman, Chris Cornell, over 7 months now, I have begun to employ a much broader range of detective skills and online technology as I continue to move forward to fight to learn the truth about what really happened to the fallen rock star and how it relates also to deceased LINKIN PARK vocalist, Chester Bennington, PEDOGATE and now the connected #Pizzagate network of pedophile rock bands and a massive international child snatching ring.”
This is all related, Pizzagate, the Finders, Maccoby and the CIA, Tavistock, Haiti and the Clinton Foundation, David Geffen and the music industry, Hollywood, CPS, and more NGOs and government agencies such as USAID, who are tied to DynCorp. The Caribbean is not only the playground of the rich and famous and home to offshore banking, it is the epicenter of child sex-trafficking, the third-largest illegal activity on earth… and the elites are up to their eyeballs in it. Why else do you think Pizzagate disappeared from the news in such a hurry? This will give you a small hint at how big this is.
These only represent the social engineering/banking part of it, the so-called “legitimate” enterprises behind these operations. If you notice the Star Group in the bottom right. It’s a difficult entity to research because it’s broken up into individual industries such as Real Estate, or Entertainment with no centralized locale.
Clintons, Branson, and the Ten Islands Project
“Bill Clinton was recently in Saint Lucia celebrating the new solar farm that the Clintons were instrumental in erecting. Who knew that the Clintons and Richard Branson were spearheading a renewable energy project across the entire Caribbean known as the ‘Ten Island Challenge’, locking in every island, forming a perimeter around all their favorite places, such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Aruba, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania? If one didn’t know better, isn’t that the route drug traffickers and child traffickers utilize? It could just be a coincidence, but it sure is an interesting pattern. And they are just getting started, adding more islands to the list as they go. Sure, importing fossil fuels for power is likely costly and not terribly “green”, but solar panels don’t stand a chance in a hurricane, yet the majority of these islands are in the hurricane beltway. So what’s this REALLY all about? What’s in it for them?”
The fact is that the Clintons and their “foundation,” an ingenious money-laundering scheme, along with their philanthropist friends, Bill Gates, Frank Giustra, Carlos Slim, Richard Branson, Denis O’Brien (Digicel), Lars Ericsson (Ericsson Telecom) have been invested heavily in the Caribbean and Latin America for some time.
South America, Columbia in particular, is the world’s largest supplier of cocaine, something Bill Clinton is personally experienced in, both as a user and supplier. “South America produces nearly all the world’s cocaine. The United States and Europe are responsible for 88 percent of global retail sales of cocaine, a market worth some US$70 billion in 2003(UNODC, 2005). The gross domestic product of the entire Caribbean was US$31.5 billion in 2004. (ECLAC, 2006). In other words, the value of the drug flowing through the region may exceed the value of the entire licit economy.”
As Peter Schweitzer uncovered in Clinton Cash, Bill and his pal Frank Giustra met up with Hillary when she was Sec. of State in Columbia and Giustra wound up with some lucrative exotic hardwood contracts, but what did the Clintons wind up with, in addition to Giustra’s generous donation to the CF? Wherever there is a dirty dollar to be made, whether it’s from drugs, child trafficking, organ harvesting, etc., the Clintons are there. Using Haiti as an example, why would Columbia, or anywhere else be any different? Rather than rewrite what I’ve been over numerous times, I suggest reading this article about the Clintons and organ harvesting throughout the world from about 2 years ago.
Through subsidiaries such as their CHAI (Clinton Health Alliance Initiative) the Clintons have impacted health care, the sale of organs in particular, around the world. Now they’re focusing their efforts on the Caribbean, along with pals such as Richard Branson. Branson and his mother are involved with ICMEC (International Center for Missing and Exploited Children) whose purpose according to their Google page is: “Purposes: Child pornography, Child abduction”
“The ICMEC was officially launched in April 1999 by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, Lynn de Rothschild and Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.”
“Richard Branson was a founding sponsor and his mother, Eve Branson, was a founding member of ICMEC’s Board of Directors.”
All one big happy family… one that includes David Geffen, Barack and Michelle Obama, Richard Branson, Oprah, Tom Hanks, and more: “To make it even better, this all reportedly took place while in the company of other guests aboard Geffen’s yacht, including Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Bruce Springsteen, as well as Oprah. Yes, this all happened in the presence of Oprah. The only thing that could make this better is a group photo, and we’re still holding out hope that it could happen.”
“It appears his wife joined him towards the end of his stay, when she also decided to try her hand at paddle boarding. We wonder if this was a response to Barack Obama’s own kite surfing photos with Richard Branson from their stay at Necker Island.”
Branson is also friends with Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons and their pal Frank Giustra of the Radcliffe Foundation. “The Guardian reported that Epstein had Branson’s phone number in his contacts book when the Prince Andrew scandal broke. Virgin Unite also works with the Radcliffe Foundation, owned by Frank Giustra, who is also on the board of directors for the Clinton Foundation and is a major Clinton Foundation donor.”
“The Radcliffe Foundation funds the Elpida Project, and the Elpida Home for Boys houses child refugees. The Elpida logo contains a secret paedophile symbol.”
But Branson’s closest ties are of course to the Clintons. The link below this next quote provides a great timeline of Hillary (and ostensibly Bill’s) involvement with children including her Harvard Education Review article I’ve quoted numerous times where she bemoans parental involvement in the raising of children. [From a book I was writing 25 years ago] “In November of 1973 a young and ambitious attorney named Hillary Rodham (now Rodham-Clinton) wrote an article for the prestigious Harvard Education Review. In her article, Ms. Rodham bemoans " absence of fair, workable and realistic standards for limiting parental discretion and guiding state intervention." [emphasis added] In her criticism of families, she also criticized the government's policy of embracing "...alien values, usually middle class, [that] are used to judge a family's child- rearing practices."
Hillary’s article came when she was also working for the Children’s Defense Fund who was instrumental in the founding of CPS (the Mondale Act of 1973). They and their allies in the MSM created an air of hysteria over a non-existent “epidemic of rampant child abuse,” that led to CPS that has become the number one provider of children for the child sex pipeline as exposed by Nancy Schaefer and Linda Collins-Smith, both of whom were killed for their revelations. But I digress.
“Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson, was a founding board member of ICMEC in 1999 and served on the Board of Directors until 2005. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor. ICMEC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity supported entirely by private funds and resources, and is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. It is a non- government agency. It also has an Asia-Pacific office and Latin America & The Caribbean office. Since their inception, they have helped to create four national or regional missing and exploited children’s centers around the world. One of those is the Global Missing Children’s Network (GMCN), which happened to launch in 1998, the same year ICMEC launched. There are 29 member countries on 5 continents allegedly working to help recover missing and abducted children.”
To date I’m unaware of any children “rescued” by ICMEC. It has, however, cemented the relationship between Branson, the Clintons, and others in their circle.
“Bill and Hillary Clinton’s ties with Richard Branson go way back, as well as forward. They are all currently working together on The Ten Island Challenge pilot program, which launched in 2012 and began with ten islands, and quickly evolved to over twenty islands, all throughout the drug and child trafficking transits in the Caribbean. Since their inception, they have now branched out to form alarming new partnerships and focus on the tourism and hotel industry. This Ten Island Challenge program, funded by GEF, an arm of the World Bank, OPIC, the Dutch postal code lottery, and the Norwegian government, has allegedly set out to set up islands with solar farms and renewable energy.”
“Most of these Caribbean islands have been deemed tier 2 & 3 and are subject to U.S. aid restrictions due to their level of human trafficking and subjecting large populations to modern slavery – as the documentation reveals in this report. Based on Hillary’s portrayed background in fighting for children’s rights, why then would she wish to focus her energy on setting up a small solar farm to feed a block of homes on each of these islands – all of which include free solar systems to the government buildings – rather than fighting for the suffering children that reside on these islands?”
Ironically, Planned Parenthood is also setting up shop on many of these islands, ten to date. As reported before, these solar farms and the “green energy” companies involved are likely fronts for child trafficking, solar farms being impractical as well as unnecessary. It looks as though Laura Sislby,’s child trafficking network has grown to encompass the entire Caribbean.
I recommend reading’s entire article, they’ve put together one of the most comprehensive reports on Pizzagate/Pedogate I’ve found. Part 4 will take this further and look at former vice-president Joe Biden, Epstein, Maxwell and submarines.
I read the post as quickly and thoroughly as I could. With so much information and so many names, this should be a small searchable database. Maybe there is a way to search a post for specific names and words.
It isn't over yet... there's still one or two parts left/
All the elite crime going on for years and one gets prosecuted..tells me no one will...This will only get worse because there is no one to stop it...It's like a kid getting away with something so he takes more and more chances..
Or like a society with no police except those that work for the criminals!
This is difficult but necessary content. To effectively communicate these horrors to the public, this process exacts a heavy toll on the writer. Yet, the people need to see the truth to feel the evil. Your work is appreciated, @richq11.
Thank you my friend... it's been almost 4 years now. I came across an article I wrote 3 years ago on steemit and it said almost the same as this.
This is a well written deepdive, and i have to say that it does not surprise me at all.
About a year ago, i dove into Bitcoin SV’s Calvin Ayre when he tweeted some pictures of his Havana dance team (a dance team with girls way to underage for an old men like that). Then i found that a lot of Calvins companies are located in what are called pedophelia hotspots.
I wrote a small article, but it never gained much traction, but this is the kind of behavior that will also hurt the crypto industry once the word really gets out.
Thank you... your article was very well done as well. One of those girls doesn't look to be more than 10.
Also there's Brock Pierce who has a predilection for young boys who's part of the BTC team.
Cuba has been a hotspot for illicit sex since the mob ran it back in the 40s.
Thanks, i remember seeing that post of CA and even though i am quite an open minded person, i was thinking like wtf ... this is going a little to far. And even though i am very aware that this abuse of children has been going on for thousands of years, and in some cultures its also just (or should i say still) commonplace, i still believe that we should try to end it.
That’s crazy. I could have never imagined all that has been happening out there.
Thank you for an informative article.
Thank you for @rich11 a lot of information in your post. Lots that I was not aware off.
Thank you for noticing
That’s crazy. I could have never imagined all that has been happening out there.
Thank you for an informative article.
Thank you!
Thanks for posting this, it is a subject I have just learned about this year. I was familiar with the scandal at the boys home in the Midwest covered in the documentary Conspiracy of Silence
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