Merchants of Evil: The World Bank & IMF

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Evil is not a thing or a condition but a choice made by individuals, predicated upon irrational self-interest and the absence of any moral foundation.

Since their inception at the Bretton Woods Conference the World Bank and IMF have been used by the international banking cabal to force their will upon impoverished developing nations. Their noble motto, “a world free of poverty” is a facade to mask their real intention, a world free of sovereign nations, a globalist paradise in which they are the masters of the global economy. No matter how noble the original intentions may have been at the outset, like any institution they inevitably succumbed to their worst element, the machinations of the international banking cabal.

The World Bank and IMF have become the “hitmen” of the international bankers and multinational corporations who offer “low interest” loans to developing nations in exchange for adopting a central bank controlled by the banksters. This in concert with austerity programs designed to keep these nations dependent upon both resulting in enduring poverty. Most often the magnanimity of the WB and IMF come on the heels of an economic crisis manufactured by the banksters themselves, then the WB and IMF come to the rescue.

Once a nation is under the thumb of these institutions there is no getting out. Both the World Bank and IMF are both part of the Rothschild banking empire. “There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first one is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, while the second one is privately owned by the Rothschilds alone. These two Megabanks offer loans to “developing countries” and use their almost impossible-to-pay-back interests to get their hands on the real wealth: land and precious metals. But that’s not all! An important part of their plan is to also exploit a country’s natural resources (like petrol or gas) via their covertly-owned companies, refine them, and sell them back to the same country, making a huge profit.”

The above link will take you to a partial list of the Rothschild owned central banks with another link at the bottom that exposed the entire central banking cabal’s holdings. The control over developing nations is enforced for the international bankers by the WB and IMF. In effect debtor nations sign over the deeds to their land and infrastructure in order to receive loans forcing their populations into conditions of virtual slavery. This works, of course, due to the corruption of officials in these nations, individuals whose loyalties are to the UN and the international bankers. Any country that doesn’t follow the strict rules imposed by the WB and IMF are severely punished.

Former economic hitman John Perkins explains how the World Bank/IMF system works in concert with government agencies such as the CIA and NSA along with major corporations like Haliburton, Brown & Root and others in this video:

These financial institutions along with other Rothschild controlled banks such as the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) work to rob nations of their sovereignty by controlling their economies preventing developing nations from actually developing by effectively stealing their natural resources for multinational corporations thus relegating their populations to poverty and enslavement. Perhaps no continent has felt the effects of the banking cabal’s machinations more than Africa, where after “conquering” Latin America on behalf of the US, they have turned their attention.

“As a result many moves are being undertaken in Latin America to remove the handcuffs of the IMF and World Bank which are now spreading to Africa and which the Muslim rulers should take lessons from and adopt. Poverty in Latin America has not been addressed; a report by the Centre for Economic and Policy Research found that poverty and inequality in Latin America increased between 1980 and 2005, when compared with the prior 20-year period.”

Africa is also following suit, Nigeria recently reached the end of a huge debt elimination programme, which has nearly put an end to its national debt. The program involved the auctioning of 1.76m oil warrants, with about 21% bought back. Buying back these warrants will save the country about $11m a year in interest payments. Nigeria will still pay just under $42m annually at current oil prices, but this is a drop in the ocean compared with its oil-related earnings and its debt being over nearly $30 billion only a few years ago. Angola in April cancelled all negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, on the grounds that it is quite able to maintain economic stability on its own. Angola successfully implemented its own economic programme while relying exclusively on its own resources. During the past few years, the Angolan economy has gone through massive growth and inflation has been brought under control by closing its economy to foreign companies, by being centrally driven and by not operating free markets. Similar policies are also coming from Tanzania.”

Libyan President Mummar Gaddafi was brutally murdered and deposed not for presenting a threat to stability in the region or for crimes against his own people, but for refusing a central bank and creating a gold-backed currency in opposition to the USD in payment for oil. Gaddafi’s plan would not only have saved his own economy but those of much of Africa as well. The Clinton State Department and CIA sent Al Qaeda backed mercenaries into Libya under the guise of rebelling Libyans, supplying them with weapons and money to topple the government. “We came, we saw, he died,” ~Hillary Clinton.

This is the neo-colonialist policies backed by the military might of the US and NATO and the economic policies of the World Bank and IMF -- the same system that has been raping Africa of its natural resources for centuries. Where are the cries of outrage from human rights advocates and environmental activists? Their cell phones and electric cars depend on cobalt from the Republic of the Congo. Cobalt, by the way, is mined in deep shafts barely big enough in diameter for a child, and devoid of fresh air. If a child minor refuses he will either lose a hand or foot -- or a family member. Naturally none of that matters when looking environmental is so much more important than human rights -- after all,  they’re just Africans, right?

Once in power the WB and IMF institute “austerity measures” to stabilize the debtor nation’s economy. What these measures are in reality are draconian edicts that prevent any but the nations’ most elite families to benefit from the loans. The working families are relegated to lives of abject poverty, a two-tier system designed to only benefit the ruling political class.

 “Anything from natural disasters, hurricanes, and famine, even pandemics, They will come in to help ease the burden, they will decide the fate of your future. They will help reorganize your government, they have picked out their perfect puppets, this is what they do best... Sovereignty is lost with the IMF pages, of rules for your government this is covert enslavement, and the IMF will help out at all costs, nothing more than banksters and robbers who will balance the loss.”

Not only do these loans result in loss of sovereignty and enduring poverty, the money allocated for infrastructure rarely finds its intended goal, much is reallocated or stolen outright. While debtor nations struggle to pay the interest on the loans the principle remains unpaid driving these nations further into debt concomitantly resulting in more poverty and loss of sovereignty -- these loans are debt traps impossible to escape.

“Third World countries including the whole of Africa have incurred trillions of dollars in debts through loans contracted from the Bank, IMF and Western governments which the people who now wallow in utter poverty, never benefited. Most of these conditional loans were either stolen or used to service debts already owned by these poor countries. Part of the loans were also used to pay foreign expatriates supplied to the poor countries by IMF, World Bank as ´technical experts´ but whose contribution is the result of poverty seen in the third world. Again the loans were used to prop up corrupt regimes who diverted the funds to their private bank accounts in Switzerland, France, Britain, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg and Austria among others.”

This is how the Rothschild international banking cabal has come to control most of the global economy, and the political policies of the debtor nations. One nod from the banksters and these loans can be called in, except that the cabal realizes that it’s far easier to control these countries than to govern them, for that they have the UN. The ultimate result of the WB and IMF intervention into African affairs is that: “Today [the] majority of the 945 million Africans (70%) live on less than two dollars a day, meanwhile hundreds of billions of dollars have been loaned to their corrupt leaders and there is nothing to show for it.” Nothing that is but enduring poverty and loss of self-determination.


Had African nations been allowed self-determination and economic freedom their wealth of natural resources would have guaranteed them a prominent place in the global economy -- a huge threat to the international banking cabal and multinational corporations. Africa, therefore, must be kept in a condition of virtual and permanent colonialism. African nations may have thrown off the yoke of colonial rule but that was an illusion. The WB and IMF, backed by the military might of the UN, have imposed a new form of colonial rule.

Remember the quote by Nathan Rothschild: “Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes their laws.” The bankers and multinationals have taken this one step further. You can add a nation’s natural resources to Rothschild’s adage. The source of any nation’s wealth is their natural resources. Whoever controls a nation’s natural resources controls their future. For a nation to truly control their destiny, it must not only control its natural resources but the means to process them as well -- value added in economic terms. The debt and draconian edicts imposed by the international bankers and multinationals prevents this. Coincidence?

This is all part of a plan hatched back in the 1940s after WWII to ensure the dominance of the UN (globalists) using the WB and IMF as economic weapons. To call them “tools” would be to grossly undervalue their role in the game of global dominance.

“The front of these institutions is brilliant. What meets the eye are investments in social infrastructure, in schools, health systems, basic needs like drinking water, sanitation – even environmental protection – over all “Poverty Alleviation”, i.e. A World Free of Poverty. But how fake this is today and was already in the 1970’s and 1980’s is astounding. Gradually people are opening their eyes to an abject reality, of exploitation and coercion and outright blackmail. And that, under the auspices of the United Nations. What does it tell you about the UN system? In what hands are the UN? – The world organization was created in San Francisco, California, on 24 October 1945, just after WWII, by 51 nations, committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.”

Social Progress, better living conditions and human rights were and are still absent in the WB and IMF’s client nations. The fact is living conditions and human rights have declined precipitously in any country tied to these institutions. “Instead of being agents of growth, development and helping to fight poverty, what the two institutions and their western political masters have done so far is to entrench poverty, diseases, hunger, starvation and malnutrition in these poor voiceless countries.”

These financial institutions, under the auspices of the UN and WHO, are using the Covid scamdemic to further their own interests and those of the global elites. The scamdemic has forced more debt and more draconian edicts on countries already crippled by debt and poverty. This is little more than economic blackmail, a crime. But who will enforce internationally recognized laws? Certainly not the UN, the WHO, or the developed nations -- the US and Europe especially. They’re too busy enslaving their own populations and reaping the profits from the WB and IMF’s malfeasances. Countries such as Brazil, Tanzania, and a few other nations declared independence from the Covid scare campaign and have paid the price. Tanzania’s president died suddenly from a heart attack and Brazil’s Bolisario came down with Covid.

“But the satanic deep dark state didn’t want anything to do with “independent” countries. They all had to follow the dictate from way above, from the Gates, Rockefellers, Soroses, et al elite, soon to be reinforced by Klaus Schwab, serving as the chief henchman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Suddenly, you see in Brazil, a drastic surge in new “cases”, no questions asked, massive testing, no matter that the infamous PCR tests are worthless, according to most serious scientists – see “The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society” (by Pascal Sacré – 5 November 2020) (only sold and corrupted scientists, those paid by the national authorities, would still insist on the RT-PCR tests). Brazil’s Bolsonaro gets sick with the virus and the death count increases exponentially – as the Brazilian economy falls apart.”

It’s the Covid scamdemic that is the “tool,” along with all of its peripheral issues, mask mandates, lockdowns (which have been reinstituted in many places, with more coming), vaccines, and vaccine passports. The globalist elites have all ganged up and are throwing everything they’ve got against mankind as a whole. This is about global control and the WB and IMF are a part of the globalist power structure with the UN, international bankers, multinational corporations, elites and their foundations and NGOs on one side and humanity on the other. This game is for all the marbles. The globalists will throw wave after wave and variant after variant at us until one side wine. It’s a rigged game, with militarized police forces, the National Guard and the military on the side of the globalists.

In order to maximize the concentration of the riches on top, maybe one or two or even three new covid waves may be necessary. That’s all planned, The WEF has already foreseen the coming scenarios, by its tyrannical book “Covid-19 – The Great Reset”. It’s all laid out. And our western intellectuals read it, analyze it, criticize it, but we do not shred it apart – we let it stand, and watch how the word moves in the Reset direction. And the plan is dutifully executed by the World Bank and the IMF – all under the guise of doing good for the world.

There will be no respite from the WB and IMF’s Covid response. They have either coerced or blackmailed the UN member nations into accepting loans, many of these countries already deeply in debt to these predatory lending institutions. Being part of the Rothschild banking system, along with the Gates-run World Economic Forum, the WB and IMF will continue to force loans on countries with no means of paying them back. The goal is complete and total control of the global economic system -- The “Great Reset.” This will involve one global currency emanating from a single central bank modeled after the Euro in Europe. Distribution of this world [digital] currency will require Covid passports.

It is likely that accepting the Covid vaccine enslavement will be a condition for loan forgiveness for debtor nations, enforced by the UN of course. It’s all about enslaving mankind and stripping debtor nations of their natural resources just like before. The only difference is that they now have Covid as a weapon to force nations to accept the magnanimity of the WB and IMF whether they want it or not. “What’s different from the World Bank and IMF’s role before the covid plandemic? – Nothing. Just the cause for exploitation, indebtment, enslavement. When covid came along it became easy. Before then and up to the end of 2019, developing countries, mostly rich in natural resources of the kind the west covets, oil, gold, copper and other minerals, such as rare earths, would be approached by the WB, the IMF or both.”

These loans can come in many guises, debt relief, infrastructure projects, medicines, etc. But this generosity comes with strings attached such as “restructuring their economies,” a polite euphemism for giving up control of their economies to the WB and IMF, along with “austerity programs” like rationing food, medicine, water and other necessities. In exchange the debtor nations will no longer have control of their natural resources, their only means of creating income.

Since the Covid outbreak the division of wealth has become even more lopsided with the billionaire ruling class getting richer and the middle class disappearing. The poor are getting much poorer and this is particularly true of nations where the WB and IMF have a foothold. This disparity will lead to a two-tiered system -- the super-rich and the working poor. The middle class will disappear forever, but that’s the plan.

The globalist cabal has been poised to mount a takeover for decades, they just needed the right crisis. The Trump administration, as ineffectual as it was, caused problems for the cabal, uncovering the corruption in Washington DC and in exposing the cabal. It also gave the American public two things, a modicum of courage and hope, the antithesis of the cabal’s agenda.

Whether Trump was a patriot or a cabal member is immaterial, he forced the cabal into action. The Covid scamdemic was manufactured to put an end to hope once and for all, and to impose the globalist New World Order that the World Bank and IMF have been working toward since the end of WWII.


...tag this in @proofofbrain , matey !

At long last!

I have one of the nutters following me around down voting me. So I am going to comment a million times so the fruitcake runs out of vote power lol. Fecking hell they are stupid.

that has nothing to do with POB as far as I know - re :you're stalker

I have a couple myself!

I have a couple myself!

i thought you didn't like POB? or you didn't like that they gave you delegation without you asking?

What's POB? And delegation for what?

Proof Of Brain. I was directing this @lucylin

Well, that explains it then

Stop thinking! lolol
