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RE: How Gary Webb Changed the Web with Dark Alliance

in Deep Dives5 years ago

There's another American bank controlled by the CIA, the name of which escapes me. I wrote about it on Steemit a couple of years ago, but the search option no longer functions. It was run by the father of one of the Kavanaugh accusers who died.

The Phoenix Program I believe set the paradigm for irregular warfare, still being used in the middle east. Now they've refined it adding in companies like DynCorp (who you introduced me to) and Blackwater. They've also changed the role of JSOC to integrate military and ex-military in black ops. Before the CIA would contact guys like me for in-country ops (the CIA isn't allowed to operate within the US) when they needed something done. Now it's "official" effectively circumventing the no ops in America rule by using JSOC. I think Craig Sawyer is one of the JSOC lackeys.

They always profit from the weapons trade. By using WWII surplus they evade suspicion... it would have looked very suspicious if the Contras and other "freedom fighters" were equipped with brand new M-16s.