The Consent of the Governed

in Deep Dives4 years ago

We will meet each other where there is no darkness ~George Orwell

The only way for any system of government to survive is to have the tacit support of the governed. In the absence of tacit support comes violent upheaval no matter what the governing structure or paradigm. Just to be clear the consent of the governed is not the same as a mandate to govern. Tacit support does not necessarily translate into enthusiastic support, it merely implies a mutually beneficial relationship most often predicated upon security.

Political scientist Mancur Olson’s theory of “roving bandits vs. stationary bandits”  offers a reasonable theory of how these mutually beneficial relationships evolved. In the days preceding governments of scale people congregated in villages for whatever safety they could provide. These villages were set upon by bands of roving bandits who would sweep in and take anything of value including the food supply. As time went on a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship evolved where the roving bandits found it preferable to stay in one place providing protection in exchange for a portion of production (taxes). The bandits -- now stationary bandits -- no longer had to hunt for villages to sack and the villagers were spared having to start over every time a group of bandits arrived.

“Under anarchy, uncoordinated competitive theft by "roving bandits" destroys the incentive to invest and produce, leaving little for either the population or the bandits. Both can be better off if a bandit sets himself up as a dictator-a "stationary bandit" who monopolizes and rationalizes theft in the form of taxes. A secure autocrat has an encompassing interest in his domain that leads him to provide a peaceful order and other public goods that increase productivity. Whenever an autocrat expects a brief tenure, it pays him to confiscate those assets whose tax yield over his tenure is less than their total value. This incentive plus the inherent uncertainty of succession in dictatorships imply that autocracies will rarely have good economic performance for more than a generation. The conditions necessary for a lasting democracy are the same necessary for the security of property and contract rights that generates economic growth.”

Governments of scale, therefore, were a natural consequence of criminal activity if you take Olson’s theory to its logical conclusion -- explains a lot doesn’t it?

“Thus government for groups larger than tribes normally arises, not because of social contracts or voluntary transactions of any kind, but rather because of rational self-interest among those who can organize the greatest capacity for violence. These violent entrepreneurs naturally do not call themselves bandits but, on the contrary, give themselves and their descendants exalted titles.” [I recommend reading Olson’s treatise in its entirety. I had the good fortune to be at the APSA conference in 1993 presenting a paper on NAFTA and was able to question him -- a remarkable man.]

Even democracies are prone to the same drawbacks as the monarchies that evolved from the domains of the stationary bandits once you factor in human nature. All human beings are naturally self-interested, a manifestation of the will to survive. There is, however, a difference between rational self-interest, the willingness to sacrifice for the good of others -- altruism of a sort --  and irrational self-interest -- myopic selfishness. This goes back to Olson’s theory, rational self-interest, a characteristic of the masses, tells us that it is beneficial to the wellbeing of the community to sacrifice (taxes) to ensure safety. Those driven by irrational self-interest, the ruling class or stationary bandits, exploit rational self-interest for their own interests. These manifestations of human nature are immutable and have existed as long as there have been humans on earth.

Machiavelli’s book The Prince has been incorrectly viewed in history as a how to instructional manual for would be dictators and tyrants. What it is in reality is a treatise on human nature -- a study in the dichotomy that separates the psychopathy of the ruling class and the indolent altruism of the ruled. However, altruism is not natural but tied to self-interest. People must be made to do good.

“One can say this in general of men: they are ungrateful, disloyal, insincere and deceitful, timid of danger and avid of profit...Love is a bond of obligation that these miserable creatures break whenever it suits them to do so; but fear holds them fast by a dread of punishment that never passes.” ~Nicolo Machiavelli

This is where propaganda draws its power from.“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”  “Men are so simple of mind, and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived.” Machiavelli understood that people would rather be ruled by a tyrant than to be bothered ruling themselves. As George Orwell so aptly wrote: “Ignorance is strength.” These attributes of human nature explain how despots such as Hitler and his brutal Nazi regime are able to gain the tacit support of the public.

All human beings being both indolent and self-interested, as Machiavelli points out, will support virtually any system of government from which they will accrue benefits, even if it’s only being left alone or surviving in some semblance of security -- people inevitably tend to adapt. It is also true that all systems of governments work well on paper, their success is always governed by quality of leadership. For example, a monarchy is a perfectly desirable form so long as the monarchs puts the wellbeing of their subjects ahead of their own.

Any system, regardless of whether it's a government institution, private sector business, or any other system be it social, economic, or political is only as good (or bad) as the people running it. And herein lies the rub, as Shakespeare so blithely put it -- factoring in Lord Acton’s caveat that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” we are inevitably left with kleptocracies, government by the least worthy -- in other words by narcissistic psychopaths. Even more dangerous, through the clever use of propaganda, they have the tacit support of the masses. This is why democracies eventually descend into tyrannies.

As I’ve written numerous times before every institution, no matter how noble its original intent, is eventually usurped by it’s worst element, self-interested individuals who use the institutions for personal gain and self-gratification -- in other words narcissistic psychopaths who employ propaganda to mask their intent from the public. This paints a dire picture I know. The Framers understood these aspects of human nature and warned that the only antidote to kleptocracy was a public that was educated and engaged. As people have become less engaged, our republic is now in danger of becoming a totalitarian nightmare. Behind the Covid scamdemic the psychopaths are taking advantage of a public that has become willfully uninformed and unengaged.

The Great Rejection

“While imagining breakneck progress, we’ve been backing off a cliff.  This is no surprise to those whose historic knowledge is not limited to the stifling propaganda dispensaries called American History class, mainstream news and Hollywood blockbusters that animate the anodyne story lines of comic books.  The loudly heralded “Great Reset” to a “New Normal” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” embracing artificial intelligence is not new at all, just a reification of every tyrant’s dream.  It’s a vision of global technocratic feudalism. About a century ago as John D. Rockefeller envisioned agriculture and medicine wrenched away from nature and replaced with oil derivatives, artists and writers saw the prospective horror ahead.”

What happens when the consent of the governed -- the tacit support -- begins to erode and break down? The Covid scamdemic and Great Reset were intended to be the fait accompli, the final gambit to ensure the success of the totalitarian takeover. The psychopaths behind the government -- Wall St. and the international bankers that own it, the multinational corporations, Big Pharma, and the foundations and NGOs made their push to takeover by destroying small businesses and forcing the public to accept the lockdowns and mandates thus destroying the American economy and making people dependant upon the government for survival -- and they almost pulled it off.

The ubiquitous “they” have underestimated the American public and overplayed their hand. Little by little their “official narrative” is breaking down. One of their biggest mistakes was the theft of the 2020 election, a ploy so transparent that a child could see through it. Even the mainstream media “experts” were unable to explain it away. They seem to have lost sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority no longer trust the mainstream media and despite the best efforts of the social media giants in censoring the truth, word is getting out and the public is sensing that the emperor indeed has no clothes. The only option left to salvage the coup is to push the vaccines harder and to unleash the militarized police and perhaps the military itself. Anyone disputing the official narrative is being painted as a “domestic terrorist” in an effort to build public support -- an effort doomed to failure as virtually everyone knows that the election was a farce and no longer trusts the government.

A government that governs through fear of retribution is no government at all. As long as the cabal of bankers, industrialists, and technocrats are controlling the government the tacit support of the public will continue to erode until it reaches the tipping point.


“We must examine, deconstruct and dismember the “Great Reset,” “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “New Normal” toward which this is leading, ominously preached and pronounced inevitable by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Joe Biden, and their automaton acolytes. They follow a long line of ideological predecessors from John D. Rockefeller through Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations before which, confident of his patrician impunity, Biden proudly described his shakedown of Ukrainian President Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor investigating an energy company where his son enjoyed an obscenely generous sinecure. Such is their unbridled arrogance and contempt for laws and rules of conduct that govern commoners. We commoners increasingly face suffocating surveillance, censorship and police state control – key characteristics of fascism – including informal deputizing of citizens to police each other to enforce senseless, degrading, identity-obliterating rules of mask wearing, touch avoidance and “social distancing” within an arbitrary 6-foot spacing – for none of which is there remotely persuasive scientific evidence for pathogen protection even were covid-19 the dreaded plague it has been cast to occupy in the public imagination.”


Many Americans are old enough to remember being free and even the younger generations are sick and tired of the mandates. Just as the “Baby Boomers” became immune to the threat of nuclear annihilation, younger Americans are becoming immune to the threat of a virus that may in fact be nonexistent.


The MSM: The Illusion of Truth-The Illusion of Consent

The propagandists of the mainstream media play a key role in maintaining the tacit approval by reporting selectively and distorting what they report. “One measure of living in a totalitarian society is the way that narratives that remained in the background suddenly spring to life and dominate the discourse virtually overnight. These narratives are based on facts that weren’t secret, yet were deliberately buried. In a free society with a free press, stories emerge organically. In an unfree society, these are these tell-tale signs of the wizards behind the curtain.”

The news media deliberately withholds stories for when they will make the most political impact. For example many alternative news sources have been reporting on the depredations of Bill Gates, his relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in particular. Now that his divorce has become of interest to the MSM, his relation to Epstein is suddenly and mysteriously of interest. This did not happen by accident.

“Take the media’s sudden renewed interest in Jeffrey Epstein’s notoriously horrifying crimes, after ignoring them for so long, because resurrecting them allowed for a takedown of a Trump associate. Once that was done, the story has lingered awkwardly (like Epstein’s implausible suicide) having outlived its actual purpose, and being functionally inconvenient to the elites that loved to party with Epstein. But occasionally a good narrative has its uses.”

"Now that Mrs. Gates decided to part ways with Mr. Gates, she showed that she had learned a few things from the master, by making the Epstein story front and center, and then linking it to some reported bad behavior around women by the noted philanthropist and OS malefactor. Gates’ relationship with Epstein was well known, but discussed awkwardly. Now it’s a major story, not so much because we’re learning anything new, but because it serves a major financial purpose.”

This is how the media controls the narrative, by choosing what information is released to the public and when. As the show business saying goes, timing is everything. The same method is used to maintain the illusion of tacit support, as support for the regime diminishes it is simply ignored by the mainstream media, and if it isn’t reported, it may as well never have happened. “The fourth estate is a powerful part of the unseen governing class. And it governs through propaganda and terror.”

When the elites fall out of favor with their peers they’re almost immediately cannibalized by the mainstream media, in a sort of cancel culture for grownups. It’s happening to Gates now proving that even the elites eat their own. And it’s not going to stop there, the globalist coup is beginning to unravel and the Great Reset along with it. The global elites are unable to maintain tacit support even amongst themselves.


“Under the Atlas Shrugged scenario, deglobalization is just one of numerous motivating factors, but it’s mainly an outcome of a larger dynamic where all non-ruling factions in society lose faith in the prevailing structure of Neoliberal Globalism (a.k.a “Mr. Global”). With Mr. Global’s viability in question, people begin to look for the exits. This begins to occur on two fronts. What Vilfredo Pareto called “the non-governing elites” begin to realize that the system which used to accommodate them, even rely on their tacit support, is now becoming hostile toward them. At the very least, the ruling elites are undermining their interests. This is part of the dynamic of Peter Turchin’s “elite overpopulation” that we looked at recently.”

The Covid scamdemic along with all of the mandates, vaccine passports, etc. were the tool that was to ensure a transition to the Great Reset and the success of the totalitarian police state. Now that it’s all beginning to unravel the elites are weaving the tried and true climate change narrative into the mix. After all, unlike Covid-19, the climate change science is already “settled.” The problem is, it simply isn’t going to work.

The American people are already aware that the 2020 election was a fraud. Many more are questioning the Covid narrative and the efficacy of the vaccines -- and those numbers are growing every day. Faith in the mainstream media is at an all-time low. Corporations such as Coca Cola, which went “woke,” are losing their proverbial shirts. The whole takeover is beginning to unravel, the only thing left is the military option -- and the military is purging anti-marxists. Where do you suppose they’ll go?

“So it goes in our Atlas Shrugged scenario. Various interests of many forms and myriad factions, from dissident states (like Florida), to decentralized and virtual companies, emergent DAO’s, all the way to individuals and cultural tribes all begin to experience these moments of clarity in their own way. From there they will act in their own rational self-interests and cooperate with others doing the same in order to navigate the breakdown of Mr. Global.”

And with the breakdown of Mr. Global will come the breakdown of corporate fascism and totalitarian rule. The American people know they’ve been cheated and lied to and soon they will begin to push back. It won’t happen overnight, but incrementally. The globalists will never give up but little by little the people will prevail.

No tyrannical regime in modern times has lasted long if viewed from within an historical context. Hitler’s regime lasted about 15 years or so and the USSR just over 60. The biggest mistake the globalists made was stealing the 2020 election, it demolished the already fragile trust that Americans had in their government. Gone, perhaps forever, is the tacit support necessary for maintaining legitimacy. The mask mandates were a test that is now failing miserably. Even in stores that demand face coverings I’m seeing scores of people ignoring the rules.

They may resort to the military option to impose their will upon the people, but in the long run that will fail as well. The American people are used to being free and the incremental theft of our rights -- the Patriot Act & NDAA -- have reached the tipping point. We are no longer afraid.


Yes, the election was their big mistake. I only hope we can preserve our freedom here in America and that the elites agenda will fail. Thanks for being a truth teller.

It will fail... after all, we're Americans old friend.

The liars/elite need to be afraid now that the normal people are no longer afraid (I never was--I fear God and nothing else...except spiders.) !BEER

I'm 75 and dying. I've made my peace with God and am no longer in fear -- spiders, not so much.

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Thanks, I'll do that

Do this. The proof of brain tokens are actually often more valuable than the hive ones. I'm learning. I've been staking some PoB now but once I discovered them I noticed in some instances you make almost double the payout.

In only a month my own rewards in pob are already a lot more than in Hive, and my upvote is worth a lot more too

I've been staking a lot of my PoB now. Not all of it. I've been using some of it to buy the dip in some other cryptos. When things stabilize a bit I'll likely stake most of it.

Frot told me the same thing so I'm going to start using the tag.