Things To Come: China, Sociopathy, and Convert or Die

in Deep Dives5 years ago

What do Islam and Chinese communism have in common? Convert or die -- whether the faux-theocracy of Islam or the godless communist belief that the state is god, both demand complete obescience and obedience. Whether it’s the state is god, or god is the state, the result is the same, a totalitarian/authoritarian regime in which the individual has no rights and is but a “cell” in a larger organism.

These similarities between Islam and Chinese communism give us a perspective through which we can understand the alliance between states such as Iran and China, given that their ideologies seem to be at odds with each other… it’s all about control of their populations. The ideologies may differ but the methods are the same. In America, the Democrats and their RINO colleagues (The Party) not only support both of these enemies, but have adopted many of their characteristics as well.

The Chinese infiltration of America and their ties to The Party began in earnest when the Clinton administration gave China Most Favored Nation (MFN) status in the 1990s. This gave them access to our top secret labs, and enabled them to infiltrate academia, Hollywood, and corporate America where billions of dollars were spent to give them additional access. This article published by CNBC lists 10 major companies now owned by China.

But their most profound influence has been in Washington DC where they have become the model for Democratic Communism -- Bernie Sanders, AOC and her “Squad,” who now control the Democrat Party. Gone is the Democrat Party of JFK, it has been replaced with the New Democrats, malignant psychopaths such as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff who are behind the sociopathic Antifa and BLM movements. A cache of assault weapons from China were intercepted recently, something that should be cause for alarm. Who do you think these arms were going to? Logically it’s the Democrat army that’s causing all of the mayhem -- Antifa and BLM.

Before going into a discussion of Convert or Die, The Party’s plan for America that mirrors China’s regime, a brief discussion of sociopathy is in order.

Programmed Sociopathy

Sociopathy occurs very infrequently in nature, certainly not in the numbers of people we see devastating America. In other words this sort of sociopathy is a developed personality disorder, a sort of political insanity that is the result of years of brainwashing. The purveyor of this disorder is the public education system, that from the very onset was intended to indoctrinate rather than educate. Horace Mann, the “father” of public education wrote in 1837:

 “What the church has been for medieval man the public school must become for democratic and rational man. God will be replaced by the concept of the public good...The common schools... shall create a more far-seeing intelligence and a pure morality than has ever existed among communities of men.”

John Dewey, the father of modern education, was a secular humanist who believed that God must be replaced by the state, a belief picked up by the National Education Assn., the teacher’s union, who since the advent of the Dept. of Education in 1979, has controlled educational policy.

“The Humanist Manifesto affirms the theory of evolution which teaches that man has no soul, and reduces them to simply an animal. Since values are determined by the individual, any type of sexual perversion between consenting adults, euthanasia, and suicide are all proper. In fact, the Humanist Manifesto II, 6th and 7th thesis, advocates exactly this. [Moreover], Dewey believed that man is not a reflection of God, but that society and education must be 'socially planned' by the state. Dewey stated '...all aims and values which are desirable in education are themselves moral.' In other words, humanism is a religion, and its tenets are the only [emphasis added] acceptable source of moral principles. He believed that these principles of humanism, as outlined in the Humanist Manifesto, must be infused in all public education.”

Sam Lambert, NEA Exec. Secretary wrote in 1967: “The National Education Association will become a political power second to no other special interest group... we will organize this profession from top to bottom into logical operational units [cells?] that can move swiftly and effectively and with power unmatched by any other organized group in the nation.” 

John Dunphy, in 1983, wrote for the Humanist: "The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new- the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism."

Dr. John Goodland, writing for the National Education Agency later in the 1980's argued: "Our goal is behavioral change. The majority of our youth still hold to the values of their parents and if we do not resocialize them to accept change, our society may decay."

Dr. Chester Pierce, a Harvard psychologist that specializes in education wrote in 1973:

“Every child in America entering school at age five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you teachers to make all of these sick children well by creating the international children of the future.”

They’ve had 50 years, two generations or so to work their magic and have produced a generation of sociopaths with no moral compass (the “rotting corpse of Christianity”) to guide them, only the voices of their teachers and the direction of malignant psychopaths to guide them. They have been programmed to believe that the state is god and that anyone that disagrees is “the enemy.” In contrast to Dr. Pierce’s observation; what the educational establishment has accomplished, is having made well children sick.

Convert or Die

One thing should be abundantly clear now from the violent riots is that the ultimate target is Christianity, the rioters are attempting to erase any part of American history that has anything at all to do with conciliation, whether it’s statues of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or any others that have nothing to do with slavery. This is ultimately an attack on the Christian values that made America the great country that it has become.

China has become the template for a new American totalitarian society. The tech sector in Silicon Valley has used China as a test balloon for their surveillance technology, facial recognition, and social credit score applications. I’ve warned for several years now that what happens in China today will happen in America and around the world tomorrow. Now China is going after Christians in earnest. Not surprisingly the “Pope,” a UN globalist shill is silent on the subject after rubber stamping the CCP’s demands on the Church.

“Anyone remotely familiar with the Chinese Communist Party knows that its leaders and members shun theocracy and religion because the only ‘higher power’ they want ordinary citizens to believe in, adhere to, and follow is CCP doctrine.”

“But they do more than simply ‘shun’ it: The CCP has a vile history of punishing citizens who believe in other deities and express faith in other entities. No one knows this better than members of the Falun Gong, a spiritual faith that is abhorrent to Communist leaders who cling to a policy of state atheism.”

Soon this will come to America… It's the reason that Democrat governors are refusing to reopen houses of worship while advocating for the rioters. It’s also why the rioters are targeting churches with their destruction. To erase American history is to destroy the values that made it great. An autocratic state must necessarily destroy any threats, something the communists in the USSR understood well. However it was the people’s holding on to these values that ultimately led to the destruction of communism in Russia. In China “... it’s closer to the Spanish Inquisition — a convert-to-the-Communist-Party-or-die scheme that has spanned two decades and picked up four victim groups on the way: the Uyghurs in 1997, Falun Gong in 2001, Tibetans and House Christians in 2003.”

The CCP is now withholding government assistance from Christians who will not renounce their faith. We can expect something similar should the Democrats prevail in November -- anyone not going along with the draconian CV-19 edicts will be denied basic services. Whether it’s because of Christianity or non-compliance is immaterial, it’s the method of control that’s important… it’s also Christian patriots that are likely to be non-compliant.

"Bitter Winter, an online magazine that covers religion and human rights in China has reported that the CCP is now threatening ‘to take away the last means of survival from elderly believers,’ which are the government benefits of ‘housing, food, clothing, medical care, and funeral expenses.’ So in other words, the CCP is telling elderly Christians (in this case) they must renounce Jesus and his teachings or starve to death, die of the elements, or perish from a preexisting condition.”

In a totalitarian convert or die society the state dictates what to believe and who will live or die. Now imagine this on a global scale… if the US falls to The Party and the rioters there’s nothing to stop the globalist takeover plan. The fate of the world hinges upon the success or failure of American patriots. This is why the global elites are pushing more fear over the “2nd wave” of the virus and more violence can be expected. China is behind much of this, they have a stockpile of nasty pathogens yet to be released. In the meantime they are working with The Party to cause as much disruption as possible. That’s why they’re sending assault weapons and drugs.

A shipment of GLB from China was seized in Louisville, the same place as the assault weapon parts. For some reason they’ve selected Louisville as their preferred place of distribution. “Last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Louisville, Kentucky seized 46 pounds of what are commonly referred to as “date rape drugs” in a package originating from China.”

“The illicit package was destined for Los Angeles, California before CBP intercepted it, and it included two jugs containing 23.5 pounds of Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL) and 22.9 pounds of 1,4-Butanediol, according to a CBP press release.”

Controlling the Narrative

The Party has been successful in controlling education but must control the flow of information to complete the transition into communist-style totalitarianism. The MSM are clearly on their side. Many of the old coalition of 60s activists have taken over academia and make up the “experts” we see on television. Others are in politics having their worldview shaped in college… they are the ones responsible for the sociopathic groupthink we are now witnessing.

“The rest are a monolith, professors are all tenured radicals who were schooled by the Weather Underground, SDS, the Black Panthers, and all the equally intolerant fascist groups that followed in their footsteps. Today they are Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, and Black Lives Matter. They are all driven by the same mindless but carefully inculcated hatred for America. What has changed is the government’s and society’s capitulation to these current incarnations. The Founders are likely turning over in their graves at what is effectively the shredding of our Constitution.”

“The left has used COVID-19 to halt freedom of speech and freedom of religion; to assemble is permitted if it is to protest, but not to go to church. Social distancing was mandatory until protesting the appalling death of George Floyd made social gathering something to encourage. The cluelessness of our so-called “experts” is as frustrating as the blatant hypocrisy of the left and the media. It is very likely that the lockdown was just the next to the last ploy to prevent Trump’s re-election.”

The next ploy will likely be an invasion by China, they’ve worked long and hard to infiltrate our institutions and invested far too much money to let it go to waste. Trump’s America First programs have decimated the Chinese economy and threatened their standing in the world… remember, “she wasn’t supposed to lose.” Had Hillary won in 2016, China would have gained far more influence both here and abroad. Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein, and other members of The Party have ties to China. The Trump presidency threatens them as well.

China has also invested heavily in the MSM as well as Hollywood, not only for profit but to influence public opinion. Remember the quote from George Clinton: “Whoever controls the flow of information dictates our perceptions and perspectives; whoever controls the news shapes our destiny,” or Jim Morrison, “whoever controls the media controls our minds.”

There’s a reason that China is shipping weapons and drugs to the sociopaths… it is they who benefit from the chaos. “Out of chaos comes order,” and the Chinese communists, along with The Party envision a future in which they are in control... a communist totalitarianism modeled after the CCP regime in China. The sociopaths destroying America are merely useful idiots -- puppets with malignant psychopaths pulling their strings.

“But given the millions and millions of dollars of destruction done to cities across the nation last week, many, many more of us, especially the oh-so-silent Republicans had better find a voice and begin speaking up and put an end to this absurd attempt to remake America into a third-world failed state because that is where this bunch of hoodlums are taking us. This crazed radical left cannot be allowed to censor us, to abrogate the First Amendment, let alone all the others they hope to render irrelevant. The consequences of riots reverberate for years and years.”

“...the left embraces a fantasy, what they want to be true, while the right has a grasp on reality. It is a must-read. The left simply cannot accept any truth that is in opposition to what they’ve committed their persona to; they are defined by their ideology, by their leftism and so certain of the moral supremacy of their ideology they feel absolutely justified in demanding we submit to their ‘looking-glass world.’ We find ourselves at a crossroads, a predicament. Ronald Reagan said it best with his oft-repeated quote: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.’”

But there’s a method to this madness. These are not random acts of violence, but a planned destruction with a specific end in mind -- communist totalitarianism modeled more on the teachings of Mao than Marx. Mao said that “politics comes from the barrel of a gun,” that the existing regime must be violently overthrown. This is the attempted overthrow of America and China along with The Party are behind it.