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RE: Lockdown Consequences Will Be Worse than COVID-19, Reason to Get Off the Corona-Phobia Bandwagon Pt.8

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Well, one issue that I can agree with would be a properly managed restrictions and guidelines on how to run economy in the situation we are in. As you pointed out in the post, Sweden did not follow the mainstream lockdown measures the world is in. That does not mean they never considered the virus to be as normal as flu, armed with a vaccine already developed.

There are always two sides of agreements and everyone is free in voicing what they believe in. Even with the less restrictions imposed in Sweden, the argument cannot be made that Corona virus should be treated like that of flu virus.

Governments should work in reopening businesses and promote health measures that reduce the risk of the disease. With time, things will change and I am sure the hard measures to combat the virus will not continue for always.


How should it be treated? What are you worried about? The elderly are the ones that needed protecting. They are the majority of the dead. 80% of all dead are from nursing home sin Canada. 33% in the US. Rather than lockdown and isolate everyone to protect everyone from everyone, the group that needed to be protected was the elderly, and they weren't. In NY the governor forced nursing homes to not reject COVID-19 patients, spreading the virus to those vulnerable elderly and not providing any treatments that can reduce symptoms severity and duration.

The corona virus should be treated like flu once we have the agreed understanding of its mechanisms and supporting policies for corona virus that is comparable to flu virus. It does not mean that I am supporting the lockdown for ever. It should not be a curfew but it should be a situation where businesses and communities can rely on and believe in our system.

Deaths in long term care homes are also due to the lack of protocol in dealing with the virus, myopic decision-making and rampant mismanagement that was present for decades. Governments in Canada are setting up committees to look into the reasons behind the mismanagement of long term care homes.