Epstein's address book UNREDACTED: page 13~15

in Deep Diveslast year


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Following is from page 13 to page 15. You can see Prince Pierre d'Arenberg(German royal, on page 13) and Minnie Driver(actress, on page 15).


Sophie Crabbe, 223 Cranmer Court, Whitehead Grove, London, SW3 3HD, 01144207-581 8920(h), 07768 208 209 cell

Alaistar Cudro, 00 3315 389 4762(h), 00 3314 252 7234(w)

R. Boykin Curry, Eagle Capital Management, 499 Park Avenue, New York NY 10022, 212 293 4001(w), 212 293 4045(wf), (Hm)106 Central Park South Apt. 27A, New York NY 10019, 001 917 572 4659(p)

Amanda Cutter, and Brooks Christopher, 191 Chrystie Street, Apartment 5R, New York NY 10002, 212 614 2870(h), 917 496 9772(ap), Email:[email protected], 347 865 1847(cp)

Henri & Tatiana d'abo, West Wratting Park, West Wratting, Cambridgeshire, 0223 290341(h), 0207-352 7755

Mrs Jennifer d'abo, 13 Wilton Cresent, London SW1X 8RN, 0207-245 6447(h), 0223 290328(c)

Carman D'Alessie, 001 212 245 9914

Prince Pierre d'Arenberg, 125 est 72nd, 0033609186420(p), 212 752 8888(NY), (Hm)1 Route de la Batiaz, 1008 Jouxtens-Mezery, Switzerland, 0207-225 0404(w), 0207-351 5428(f), 00 33 4864 8016(h), 00 33 248 64 80 16(f), 001 212 734 9400(sylvia), 01152 315 35 10157 Mexico (w)

Jacques de crussol d'Uzes, 00 33 66 221896(w), 00 33 42 888688(h)

Amr A. Dabbagh, 011 966 2669 7220(w), 011 966 2669 6184(f), Email:[email protected], 01144 778 533 3365(p)

Sophie Dahl, 01 212 925 8484(h), 01 646 244 7739(p)

Drake Darrin, 1 West 81st Street, New York, NY 10024, 001 212 580 0555(h), 001 212 644-6001(w), 001 212 273 0643(p)

William Dartmouth, 16 Westbourne Terrace, London W2 3UW, 0207-723 6728, 0207-224 8446(f), Email:william@williamdartmouth.

Jeff Davies, 001 213 280 6686(p), Email:[email protected], 818 9954 7363 Robert Maron(ent magr)

David & Linda Davies, 85 Eaton Place, London SW1, 0207-730 1517(h), 0207-730 2931(f)

Michael Davis, 001 310 503 2233(p), 001 212 9882386(h), Email:[email protected]

Nick and Heather Day, P&D Development Company, PO Box 34, 2 Rumuruli Kenya, 12 Fawcett Street Flat #3, 00 2545899483 day, 00 2549374811 nit, 00 254744008(fax, 0207-352 2553(h)

Marcelo de Andrade, Rua Euclides Figueiredo 76, Jardin Bolanico RJ Brazil, 22261-070, 001 212 717 7109(w), Email:[email protected], (Hm)Av. Presidente Wilson 164, Cobertura Centro RJ Brazil, 20030-020, 001 917699 8496(p), 00 55 21 2532 5184(w), 00 55 21 533 2350(f), 00 55 21 2527 9256(h), 00 55 21 9986 5233(p), 001 917 699 8496(p), 00 33 1 5359 9798(w), 00 33 1 1544 4713(p), 55 21 2524 5682(wf)


Patrick de Baecque, 33 6 87 9260, Email:[email protected]

Milly de Cabrol, 150 East 72nd Street, New York NY 10021, 001 212 988 4912, 001 516 725 7225, (Hm)001 917 533 5580 Jef p

Alen De Cadenet, 0207-5 84 5511, 001 213 554 0384

Hermine de Clermont-Tonnerre, Princess, 19 Rue de Saules, Paris 75018, 00 331 4050 90 11(h, 00 33 6 07243091 p, 0771 886 0683

Anouska De Georgiou, 28 Porten Road, London W14 OLQ, 07775 738784(p), 0207 602 7213 mom's friend

Fernando De Soto, Ninez De Balboa 81, Madrid Spain 28006, 00 341-575-9595

Jean & Paulette Dedieu, Port de Lanne Malson Tartas, 40300 Peyrehorade, France, 00 33 58 891623(h), 00 33 1 4233 0319

Luca Del Bono, Quintessentially, 15-19 Great Titchfield Street, London United Kingdom W1W 8AZ, 0207 908 7270(w), 0207 908 7495(wf), Email:ldelbono@quintessentially, (Hm)80 Broad Street 5th Floor, New York NY 10004, 1 212 837 7740(w), 1 917 320 6405(wf), 0164 632 5689, 0796 629 0008(p)

Adam Dell, 001 917 414 2676(p), 001 212 219 3931(w)

Dina & Fouard Chartuuni Deluca, 1001 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10028, 001 917 592 6424(dp), (Hm)28 E. 63rd St., New York, NY 10021, 001 212 605 6824(o), 001 212 570 0751(h), 001 212 838 1400(w), 001 516 267 3643(c), 001 212 687 3500(fw)

Earl/Cntess Cass & Ted Derby, 1 Netherton Grove, London SW10 9TQ, 0207-352 5959(t), 0207-352 4468(f), Email:[email protected], (Hm)Vinowsley, Prescot, Merseyside L34 4AF UK, 0151 489 6147(h) Merseyside, 0151 482 1988(f) Merseyside, 07000 0DERBY personal, 077785 904 624 D-portable, 0774 130 526 CD-portable, 0207 409 5600(w), 0207 409 5710(w-direct), 0151 482 1988(wf)

Ros & Jonathan Derby, 559 Radcliffe Avenue, Pacific Palisades CA 90272, 001 310 230-3041(h, 001 310 230-3051(f, 001 310 280 7855(w)

Charlotte Di Vita, 917 539 0769(p)

Debbie Dickenson, 240 E. 75 St, NY NY 10021, 001 212 734 3455

Janice Dickinson, 001 310-441-0048(w, 001 310-441-0068(f, 001 212-245-6713 Chris Royer

Marc Antoine and Cath Dietrich, 51 Ave Montigne, Paris 75008, 00 331 4256 9672

Paul & Lura Dietrich, President, Meridian Emerging Markets Ltd, 1141 Custis St.(h&w), Alexandria, VA, 22308, 001 703 660 9080(h), 001 703 768 9780(w), Email:[email protected] (L), 703 768 9779(h&wf), 001 703 927 7090(Lp), 001 703 927 7090(Lp)

Johnathan Dimbelby, 0207-221 4545, 0207-792 1068, Email:0171-243 1643(f)


Pedro Diniz, PPD Sports, Rua Amauri 255-1 Andar, San Paulo Brazil, 01448 000-SP, 01133 614 14 84 84, 55 11 3077 5151, 011 5511 9981 7005 Brazil, 0115511 388 601666(Paula), 55 11 3079 9938(wf)

Alexandra Dixon, 17 Seaton Close, Lynden Gate, Putney Heath, London SW15 3TJ UK, +44 20 8785 2518(h), 01144794 768 9936(p), Email:[email protected], (Hm)Kismet, Traviesa 7, Los Monteros, Merbella Malaga Spain, 808 887 7599 office in Hawaii, +34 952 82 5331 Spain h, +44 20 8788 3975 Parents

Dale Djerassi, 001 650 747 0608, 001 415 699 0636(p)

Alex & Suzie Dolbey, Short Hoo, Hasketon, Nr. Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 6JQ UK, 01473 738 130(h), 01473 735 180(w), Email:[email protected]/dolbey@, (Hm)Domaine de Badia, St. Aulin, 09500 Mirepoix, France, 07778 305 335(p), 0207-221 6158(h), 0842 765800(Norfolk), 0207 307 8886(Alex-direct w), 0207 307 8888(Alex-main w), 0207 307 8880(A-wf), 07960 71 88 69(Answering svc)

Alegra Donne, 416 Fulham Road, London SW6, 0207-381 1568(h), 0207-498 2355(w)

Dori, 1 917 476 7742

Dorrit, 0207-235 5957

David & Christy Prunier Doss, 315 Riverside Drive, New York NY 10024

Diandra Douglas, 123 East 69th Street, New York NY 10021, 001 212 246 6411, 01 917 362 8442, Email:[email protected], (Hm)936 Hot Springs Road, Santa Barbara CA 93108, 917 251 4959 other cell, 646 361 2967 Zack Bacon (p), 212 585 1127(w), 212 585 1127(h), 212 585 1149(hf), 805 969 9090(CA home phone)

Dr Eli Wiesel, 001 212 371 7029

Jeremy Drax, 326 Fulham Road, SW6, 0207-352 2090(h), 0207-978 2318(w)

Bernard Dreesmann, 5 Pier House, Cheyne Walk, London SW3, 0207-351 0449(h), 0207-274 6246(w), 0372-272911(c)

Minnie Driver, 001 323 656 8199(w), Email:[email protected]

Anthony V. Dubb, 6 East 79th st, NYC NY 10021, 212 734 6060, Email:[email protected]

Peter Dubbens, 0207 376 8755(h)

Glen Dubin, Dubin & Swieca, 1010 Fifth Ave - Apt 11D(h), NY NY 10028, 9 West 57th Street 27th floor, New York, New York 10019, 212 287 4977(w), 212 287 4936(f), Email:[email protected], (Hm)9 Turkey Hill Road, North Salem NY 10560, 212-288-4844(h), 212-396 1843(hf), 917 887 6349 Car, 212-287-4977 direct, 914-669-4651 North Salem, 914-669-8157(f)

Louis & Tiffany Dubin, The Athena Group, 001 212 327 0883(h), Email:Louis.dubin@theathenagrou, (Hm)29 E.64th St. Apt. 5A, NY 10021, 001 212 459 2602(lwf), 001 212 327 0883(h), 001 212 506 0662(lw), 001 212 506 0673(tw)


Wow that is absolutely crazy. I wonder what happens if you start calling me these phone numbers.

These records are a few years old, so I don't know how many of them are still valid. Anyway I thought it's worth archiving here.

I really wish you could go through and check to see how many of these are valid!

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