I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.
It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.
This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.
Following is from page 16 to page 18. You can see Prince Andrew(Duke of York, on page 16), Sarah Ferguson(Duchess of York, on page 16), Stephen Dunbar Johnson(president of the New York Times Company, on page16), and Christina Estrada(model, on page 17).
Peter Dubin, 0207 376 8755
Duchess of York, Sunninghill Park(h), Ascot Berkshire SL5 7TH, 011447768 151215(p), 01344 845688, Email:[email protected], (Hm)2nd floor(w), 33 Ridinghouse Street, London W1W7DZ UK, 212 938 4800 NYO - John O'Sullivan, 01144020-79786 Kate Weddington, 917 930 7805(p), +44 207 307 1750(w), 20-7725 9956(f), 0207-585 3515 Arabella (h), 242-357-5568 Bahamas, 917-743-3377 John O'Sullivan port, 917 743 3377 Janine - assitant as of 1-10-03, +44 1344 8731 87(h), +44 1344 8456 88(hf), +44 207 307 1753 direct, +44 207 307 1751(wf), 212 419 7493 Jenean, 212 419 7493 Jenean f
Francesco Ducrey-Giordano, Str Antica Di San Vito 36, Torino Italy, 00 39 11 6505432(h), 00 39 11 8221015(w)
Paul Duesing, Leisure & Lifestyle Ventures, 2600 Fairmount, Bernward House, Dallas TX 75201, 214 720 0212, 214 704 1691 cell, 214 720 0082(wf)
Duke of York, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1 1AA, 011 44 7768 630630, 0207 024 5955(wd), Email:[email protected], (Hm)Sunninghill Park, Ascot Berkshire SL5 7TH, 0207-350 1920 Lance (h) %, 01344-873 070 Sunning Hill, 0207-930 1224(wf), 01344-873 080 Sunninghill (f), 01465-540 502 Wood Farm Sand.x, 0207-930 2134(Palace ex direc), 0776-863 0630(p), 0207-218 5246 Modem x, 0207-024 58888 Sophie x, 0207-930 2007(w) x, 07930-382 959 Sophie (p) x, 0207-589 8626 Sophie (h) x, 01553-772 675 Balmoral x, 0207 7024 4275 Equerry - Robert Olney
Miranda & Steph Dunbar Johnson, 27A Leamington Rd Villas, London W11 1HT, 0207-229 1894(h), 0207-873 3606(w)
Griffin Dunne, 145 6th Avenue, New York NY 10013, 001 212 343 8830(w), 001 212 614 0921(h), 001 212 603 4337(cynth)
Philip & Dominice Dunne, 3 Sterne Street, London W12, 0208-743 4985(h)
Anh Duong, 353 W. 12th 10014, 01 212 627 0955(h), 01 917 213 7515(p)
Luigi Durso, Ines de la Fressange, 18 rue Montaliver, 75008 Paris, 00 33 1 42652237(h), 00 33 3 2379282(c)
John & Charlotte Duthie, 34 Queens Gale Terrace, London SW7, 0207-589 7993(h)
Umar Dzhabrailou, 00 7 095 233 7000(p), 00 7 095 745 5228(w), Email:[email protected], 00709 5920 5000(p)
Bernie Ecclestone, 28 Chelsea Square, London SW3 6LX UK, 44 207 584 66 68(w), 44 207 589 03 11(f), (Hm)6 Princes Gate, Knightsbridge, London SW7 IQJ UK
Paul Eckon, 0378 77 8888(p), 00 27 82 9901111
Lucinda Edsel, 53 The Chase, London SW3, 0207-622 8738(h)
Andrew & Tracy Edwards, 9 Eaton Mews South, London SW1W 9HP, 0207-235 4121(h)
Johnathan Elian, 7 Hill Road, Greenwich CT 06830, 001 203 422 7711(w), 001 203 203 496 6251(p), Email:[email protected], 1 203 249 8645 cell
Brian Elias, 001 305 798 3831(p), 001 305 789 9242(w), Email:001 305 538 0010 home
Johan & Amanda Eliasch, 31 Chester Square, London SW1W 9HT UK, +44 207 730 6459(h), +44 207 629 4399(f), Email:[email protected], (Hm)71 South Audley Street WIK 15A, +44 77 67 87 2059 Amanda (p), 917 330 6039, 001 347 672 7268(p), 00 43 66 4381 4724 Johan (p)
Charlie & Amanda Elingworth, The Basement, 80 Oxford Gardens, London W10, 0208-968 679, 0208-743 5129(h), 0747 870754(car), 0208-994 3782(w)
Elizabeth, 0033 660 596 267
Eric Ellenbogen, 22 Gramercy Park, NY NY 10003, 001 212 659 1970(w), 001 212 353 1275(h)
Mr & Mrs Ellingworth, The Old House, Laughton Lutterworth Leics, 0208-994 3782(w), 0208-734 5129(h), 0747 870754(c)
Ben Elliot, Quintessentially, 80 Broad Street, 5th Floor, New York NY 10004, 001 212 837 7740(w), 001 917 320 6405(wf), Email:[email protected], (Hm)15-19 Great Titchfield Street, London United Kingdom W1W 8AZ, 0207 908 7270(w), 0207 436 6980(wf), 001 917 553 6784(p)
Gail & Joe Coffey Elliot, 72 Reade Street #5, New York NY 10007, 001 212 571 6153(h), 001 917 692 2299(p), 01 212 571 6178 fax
Mandy & Ralph Ellison, 218 Mediterranean Road, Palm Beach FL 33480, 561-881-5748, 561 881 5749(f), 561-881-9093(h), 561 863 4791 Voice Mail, 561 881-5748(h)
Anabel Elwes, 41A Limerston Street, London SW10, 0207-629 5955
Ed Epstein, 430 East 86th St., New York NY 10028, 001 212 249 4003
Noona Erba, (tall blonde armanai), 00 39 02 481 7343(h), 0039 02 550 0510(w)
Manuel and Ros Espirito Santo, 00 35 113974740(w), 00 35 936 445877(p), 0207-730 7768(h)
Jean-Marc Estlin, 7 Rue des Saits-Peres, 75006 Paris, 00 331 5375 0333(w), 00 331 5375 0376(f), 00 55 11 852 2466 Home, 00 331 4020 0763, 001 212 769 9760(frnd h), 001 212 751 9600(w), 00 55 11 9935 3391 Brazil p
Christina Estrada Juffali, Juffali Walid, 50 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 5DH, 0207-823 8822(h), 07789 678776(p), Email:christinaestrada@hotmail., (Hm)P.O.Box 1049, Jeddah 21431, Saudi Arabia, 00 9662 8600005 Home and fax - Saudi Arabia, 07759 678 776(p)
Chris Evans, 0207-663 3601, 0441 077441
Angie Evehart, 001 310 560 5150(h), Email:[email protected]
David Faber, 0207-598 4300
Sally & Brook Johnson Faber, Charlton Down Estate, Charlton Down Telbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8TZ, 01666 880 011(h), 07770 988 908(p), Email:[email protected], 01666 880022(hf), 0798 611 4004(car)
Charlotte Faibairn, & Hamish Fraser, 109 Elsley Road, London SW11, 0207-223 1801(h)
The Hon Rupert Fairfax, The Coach House, Logner Hall, Uffington Shrewsbury, Sy4 4TG, 441 922 714009, Email:rupertfairfax@thorowgood., 01922 711676(w), 07801248146(port), 01743 709353(h), 0468 857769(p)
Natasha Fairweather, Moscow, 00 795 2436722(h), 00 795 2439762(f)
Ms Catherine Fairweather, 162 lancaster rd, London W11, 0958 726887, 0207-4395000(w)5560, 0207-792 8247(h), 0207-792 8247
Ambassador & Lady Fairweather, Patric & Maria, flat 1, 18 Wetherby Gdns, London SW5 OJP, 0207-244 9602(h)
Armado & Jasmine Fakhre, 19 The Boltons, London SW10, 0207-823 3990(h), 0207-352 2707(w)
Danny & Christine Fakhre, 97 Eaton Place, London SW1, 97 Eaton Place
Meredith Fall, 114 Rue du Bach, Paris France, 00 331 4222 0741
Mrs Fallah, 4 Bolney Gate, Ennismore Gardens, London SW7, 0207-584 7307(h), 0207-584 8238(w), 0207-371 5877
Ms Christina & Jon Robe Fallah, 41 Fitzjames Ave, London, W14 ORR, 0207-610 4449(h), 0207-371 5877(f), Email:0850 398979
Olivier de Falletans, 18a Alexandra Ave, London SW11, 0207-622 9550(h), 0207-489 2017(h)
Pepe Fanjul, 561 655 6303(w), 561 655 1814(w), 212 472 6696(N
Terence & Cornelia Faulkner, 0207-580 0381(h), 0207-937 1992(w)
Fiona Feeley, 19 Chester Row, London, SW1X 9JF, U.K., 0207-352 7033(w), Email:(NY)[email protected], (Hm)Ashe House, Hampshire, 01256 771 411, 07778 000 170(p), 077 130 526
Frederic Fekkai, Frederic Fekkai Beauty Center, 15 East 57th Street, NY NY 10022, (btwn 5th & Madison), 212-753-9500, 917 748 8989(p), Email:[email protected] ffek, (Hm)525 E. 72nd St #10E 10021, 212 396 9517(h), 212 583 3275(f), 212 583 3220 Salon Dir., 212 753-9500 Brandon (appt.s), 310-385-4555 LA Salon, 310-385-1638 LA Dir. line, 212 583 3225 Assistant-Paige, 212 622 9894 Phillipe (h), 917 816 3376 Phillipe (p), 01133621887196 french cell, 583 3688 Sebastian - makes appts., 646 226 8989(p), 917 826 8817(AJ p)
Wow. Awesome work posting this!
Keep it up and I can't wait to see the entire thing published here!
Epstein didn't kill himself!
This address book kind of shows me why Epstein's clients list was never published. When he got caught, imagine what kind of people wanted him dead.
You can only imagine how many Clinton's were involved in that...