Epstein's address book UNREDACTED page 68 "ISRAEL" and "ITALY(I)"

in Deep Dives2 months ago


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.

Following records are from page 68, "ISRAEL" and "ITALY(I)". You can see Avi Gil(former director general of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Also, you can see a couple of Israeli govenment officials with gov.il email addresses.

[page 68]


Elisa Eshed, 00-972-53-830-540(p), 00-972-25-666-156(h), Email:[email protected]

Efrat Evani Duud, 00 972 51 522022(p), 00 9723 695569, Email:[email protected]

Avi Gil, 00 972 66 311240, Email:[email protected]

Arik Gutman, 972 5 (0) 335786(p), 011 972 3 641 7830 f

Arik Gutman, 00-972-50-335-786(p), 00-972-3-642-1649(o)

Jerusalem Hyatt, 00-972-2-533-1234

Yakhof Neima, Hovevei Zion #8, Jerusalem Israel, 00-972-50-997-755(p), 00-972-23692-2020(o), 00-972-23692-2032 f, 0097 23 691 6271(w), 0097 23 691 6630 (f), 0097 22 283 697(h), 001 212 977 4000, 001 917 817 6832(p)

Ehud Olmert, 00 97 2 62960 14(f), 00 97 2 2 6297997, 00972 (2) 229 6014


Torne di Pisa, Via Mercato 26, 87 48 77

Train info, 010 39 2 80231