Epstein's address book UNREDACTED page 76~77 "JEFFREY(J)"

in Deep Dives2 months ago (edited)


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.

The following records are from page 76 to 77, "JEFFREY(J)". You can see Marvin Minsky(professor at MIT, co-founder of MIT AI laboratory, on page 76), George Mitchell(former US senator, former chairman of the Walt Disney Company, on page 76), Martin Nowak(professor at Harvard University, on page 77), and Itzhak Perlman(violinist, on page 77)


"JEFFREY(J)" - continued

Robert Meister, Vice Chairman, Aon-Rollins Hudig Hall, 781 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10022 (h), Two World Trade Center 105th, New York NY 10048-0090, 212-441-1660 Work, 212-441-1924 Fax, (Hm)Aon(w), 222 Lakeview Ave. Suite 510, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, 212-847-5281 Car, 212-573-5650 Kelly, 212-355-2800 Home - NY, 212-831-7166 Fax - NY, 561-694 7635 Work Fax - Palm Beach, 561-655 0114 Home - Palm Beach, 561 253 2520 PB w, 561-655 3411 PB hf, 917 885 8819(p)

Jerry Merrit, 001 614 479 7210, 001 614 479 7214, 001 614 939 7800(h)

Mark Middleton, 7 Lacelle Court (h), Little Rock AR 72223, 501 847 0371(w), Email:[email protected], (Hm)22039 I 30, Bryant AR 72022, 501 821 8877(h), 202 456 6798, 800 719 7535 Other, 501 821 6800(w), 501 529 3355(p), 501 821 8877(h), 501 821 1881(priv), 501 821 1991(hf), 202 737 9305 Washington office, 202 456 2464 Washington fax, 501 847 8379(wf), 501 847 0371(w)

Marvin Minsky, MIT, 20 Ames Street, 4th Floor, 617 734 3363 h, 617 277 0583(f), Email:[email protected], (Hm)111 Ivy Street(h), Brookline MA 02446, 781 896 5142 Gloria Rudish - Emergency only, 617 730 2335 Gloria Minsky private, 617 253 5864 Marvin - office

David Mitchell, 24 East 22nd Street(h), Apt 7, New York NY 10010, 212-486-4444(w), 212 358 0911(wf), Email:[email protected], (Hm)18 E. 50th Street 10th fl(w), New York NY 10022, 212-358 0911 home, 917-362 8787(p), 917 941 9155 Car phone, 212 758 8844(wf), 1 917 362 87877 (p), 212 758 6622(w)

Senator George Mitchell, Piper Rudnick, 901 15th street NW (w), Suite 700, Washington DC 20005, 202 371 6155(w), 202 371 6109(wf), Email:[email protected]:mkr, (Hm)1965 Broadway (h), Apt 19B, New York NY 10023, 305 365 2832 Florida, 646 505 1352(hf), 202 329 9466(p), 646 505 1351(h), 305 361 7187 Sister Barbara, 202 371 6155(asst Brenda), 202 371 6000(state), 202 547 9314 DC Home, 202 736 4535 DC Fax, 646 505 1350 NY (h), 212 857 4292 Heather (f)

Larry Morrison, 1114B Cobblefield Road, Wellington FL 33467, 001 561 798 6544(h), Email:[email protected], (Hm)1514 Penmiter Rd, Suite 105A, (office address), West Palm Beach FL 33406, 561 317 3082 cell, 800 759 8888 PIN# 1158004

Nathan Myhrvold, Intellectual Ventures, 1422 130th Avenue N.E. (w), Bellevue Washington 98005, 425 467 2307(w), 425 467 2308(w), Email:[email protected], (Hm)3441 134th Ave. N.E., Bellevue WA 98005, (425) 503 5160(p), 425 936 7333 Sharleen PT Assistant, 425 936 2170 Serena FT Assistant, 425 881 7828(h), 425 936 1222 Direct Fax - Use Instead of Corp, 425 936 7329 Corporate Fax Line, (425) 922 4408 Car, 800 400 2417 pager, 888 493 2791 Pilot Gerry Heinan, 866 501 9014 Plane, 425-869-5599 Joan Waters (personal asst), 425 467 2309 Claudia Leschuck, (425) 785 7788 p, 425 467 2350(wf), 011 871 331 945111 Boat(sat), 011 881631 425 172 Boat, 866 501 9015 Plane, 425 260 7319 Claudia - emergency

N.A. Property Inc., N.A. Property, P.O.Box 688(Mailing address), 6525 West Campus Oval, Suite 105, New Albany OH 43054, 614 939 6000, 614 939 6025(f), 5906 Dublin E. Gran Fed Ex Address, Ohio 43054, 614 579 9316 Peg portable, 614 668 5091 Marc Lundberg portable, 614 927 0878 Paul Burkhardt, 614 855 8861 Kathy Kahn, 614 794 3607 Carol Snyder, 614 764 9847 Peggy Ugland, 614 891 5974 Jim Weitthoff, 614 939 6005 Marc direct(w)


New Albany Country Club, 1 Club Lane, New Albany Columbus OH 43054, 614-939-8500, 614-939-8525(f)

Thimothy W. (Tim) Newcombe, Newcombe Electronic Systems, 2328 Arlington Ave., Columbus OH 43221 (h), 9005 Antares Avenue, Columbus OH 43240, 001 614 848 5688, 001 614 848 9921, 001 614 481 7628(h), 001 614 361 8625(c), 001 614 523 6154 Voice Mail, 001 614 481 7629(hf)

Larry Esq. Newman, & Adelman, 211 E. 70th street, Apt 20F, New York NY 10021, 212-833-1185(w), 212-833 1250(f), Email:[email protected], (Hm)55 West Creek Farms Road, P.O.Box 830, Sand Point NY 11050, 407 622 8828 Florida, 212 453 0096, 516 883 5697(h), 212 861 5149(h), 407 659 9800 Florida, 516 883 8823(hf), 212 833 1100(w)

Martin Nowak, 781 259 4297 home, Email:[email protected], (Hm)33 Conant Road(h), Loncoln MA 01773, 781 259 4297(h), 617 496 3999(w), 617 496 4629 work fax, 617 496 4737 Dorean(assistant)

Bob Oatman, Protective Operation, R.L. Oatman & Associates Inc., 600 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 101, Towson MD 21286, 410 494 1126(w), 410 494 1163(f), (Hm)Three Limited Parkway, Columbus OH 43230, 614-221-3281 Hotel-Col, 800-759-7243 Beeper-Skypage, 271-0645 # Pin Number, 410-879-6940 h&f-MD, 614-479-7194 Bill Archer, 410-440-2226 Mobile Phone - MD, 614-329-0251 Mobile Phone - Col, 614-899-2742 Home Westerville, 614-479-7080 Ohio fax, 614-478-9023 Home-Col, 614-939-3070 24hr number, 614-479-7185 Sherry Castle's Direct Phone, 410 494 1126 Office MD, 410 494 1163 Fax MD, 443 831 2818(p), 410 440 9872 Janice Oatman emergency

Selma Ouertani, 16 Villa Di Loureni, Paris France 75014, 331-5380-1971 h, 0616248178p, Email:[email protected]

Michael Ovitz, Artist Management Group, 9465 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor, Beverly Hills CA 90212, 310 300 2444(w), 310 300 2455(wf), Email:[email protected], (Hm)457 N. Rockingham Ave(h), Los Angeles CA 90049, 310 300 2444 Hassina/Ovitz' assist, 310-251-9900 Portable in NY, 212-262-9341 NY Apt., 800-411-3112 Ovitz's pager, 310-476-6436 home, 310-251-9971 LA cell, 310-457-1592 beach, 970-923-5750 Aspen, 011-954-536-0455 boat ph, 011-33609-062-975 boat ph, 011-874761-589-147 boat ph, 212 262 9340 NY answer., 310 476 5876(hf), 310 713 3009 Cell as of 1-13-03

Mark Packer, Canastel's, c/o Motorcycle Equities Inc, 888 7th Ave. 34th Floor, New York, NY 10106, 212-399-6000(w), 212-399-3160(wf), (Hm)945 5th Avenue #14E, New York NY 10021, 305-932-2400 Canastel's Miami, 917 324 2020(p), 212 535 9358(h)

Joe Pagano, 434 East Cooper(w), Suite 201, Aspen, CO 81611, 970-920-9339(w), 970 274 0323(p), 970-925-4770 Aspen Home amy, 303-925-9081 Aspen Fax, 970 920 9339 Office, 970 544 0863 JP, 970 948 3222 Jeanie p, 970 920 6737 Joe temporary # @ Sam's, 805-564-4082 Santa Monica, 970-920-7931 Office Fax

Itzhak Perlman, 21 West 70th Street, New York New York 10023, 516-324-1941, 212-799-5925 NY Apartment/Karin Palmer, 212-595-2483 Private Line

Pete, Pilot, 561 350 6766

Lisa Phillips, Monica's friend, 1702 Second Ave #1C, New York NY 10128, 917-771-5015(p), 212 348 5868(h), 917 207 3601 Anne (Lisa's friend), 212 620 4244 Anne Fisher (Lisa's friend), 732 804 2603 Meredith, 917 597 7132 Anna (Lisa's friend), 917 579 4050 Genaveve (Lisa's friend), 505 867 8298 Lisa in New Mexico

PILOT INFORMATION, Hyperion Air or JEGE, 1514 Perimeter Road, Suite 105A, West Palm Beach FL 33406, 561 478 6553(w), 561 478 6553(f), 703 419 8440 Washington - Signature Fl. Supp., 703 661 8450 Washington - Signature Fl. Supp., 201 288 1880 International Aviation, 970 920 2016 Aspen Base Operations, 310 568 3700 LA Garrett Aviation, 561 233 7242 PB Jet Aviation, 561 686 7553 PB Jet Aviation, 617 569 5260 Boston Signature Flight, 617 569 1606 Boston Signature Flight, 505 471 2525 Santa Fe Capital Aviation, 614 239 8828 Columbus Pilot Off. Fax, 614 237 3747 FBO Lane Aviation, 201 624 1660 Newark, 340-777-9177 Bohike International Airways, 201-288-1740 Atlantic Aviation - Teterboro, 201 288 5040 Million air, 561 683 4121 Galaxy, 800-942-7738 LAX Garrett Aviation, 310-396-6770 Santa Monica - Super Marine, 800-447-4452 Van Nuys - Million Air, 800-538-9378 Jet West(Van Nves), 877-759-8724 Sky Trails, 718 476 5200 LGA Signature Flight Support, 914 428 3730 White Plains Westchester Airpo, 718 244 4111 JFK General Aviation