Epstein's address book UNREDACTED page 78~79 "JEFFREY(J)"

in Deep Dives2 months ago


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.

The following records are from page 78 to 79, "JEFFREY(J)". You can see David Rockefeller(former chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, on page 78)


"JEFFREY(J)" - continued

Stuart Pivar, 15 West 67th Street(h), New York NY 10023, 212-799-1680, 212-580-0527, 212 875 9664(hf), 212 299 1680(h)

Dara Preece, 3139 Kingston Court, West Palm Beach FL 33409, 561 704 8946(p), 561 686 2598 h, (Hm)2500 Quantum Lakes Drive, #203, Boyton Beach (w), 561 704 8946 cell, 561 742 0171 work, 561 742 0171 work

Thomas H. Quinn, Venable Law firm, 1201 New York Ave NW, Suite 1000, Washington DC 20005, 202-887-1433, 202-466-2198, Email:[email protected], (Hm)1201 New York Avenue NW, Suite 1000, Washington DC 20005, 202-887-1433 Direct line, 401-846-4479 Newport Rhode Island, 202-337-8883 h-Washington, 202 841 5401 cell, 202 962 4800(w), 202 513 4701(direct), 202 962 8300(wf)

Lewis S. Ranieri, Ranieri & Co. Inc., 225 N. Hewlett Avenue, Merrick NY 11566, 50 Charles Lindberg Blvc. #500, Uniondale NY 11553, 516-745-6644(w), 516-745-6787/8 (f), 516-379-7433 Home, 980-8400 Local w, 753-5869/5883 Local f, 904 626 2568, 352 795 3339 FL, 352-628-2568 Lew (h) FL

Ed Razek, 10920 Gorsuch Road(h), Galena OH 43021(h), Columbus OH 43230, 614 415 6240(w), 614 415 6245(fw), Email:[email protected], (Hm)3 Limited Parkway, Columbus OH 43230, 740-965-4382(h), 614-271-8760 Car, 740-965-1339(hf), 614-531-8760 Car, 614-619-7100 Mobile, 41-792-229-470 World Cell, 212 884 3080 NY office, 614 203 7400(p)

David Rockefeller, Rockefeller Financial Service, 30 Rockerfeller Plaza, Room 5600, 146 E 65th St (h), New York NY 10112, 212-649-5622(w), 212-765-6817(f), 212-661-1180 Trilateral Com, 212-472-1474 Home

Dave Rodgers, 7318 Heathley Drive, Lake Worth FL 33467, 561 963 9926(h), 561 969 6631(f), 888-434-9892 Beeper #, 212 517 7779(h), 561 317 5844(p), 917 842 6117(p) only in St. Thomas, 1 614 433 7063 david rigg insurance

Henry Rosovsky, Dean, Harvard University, 37 Beechcroft Road, Newton MA 02458 (h), Loeb House, 17 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA 02138, 617-495-4151(w), 617-495 9381(wf), Email:[email protected], 617-332-8134 Home, 508-349-1794 Cape Home(Wellfleet MA), 617-495-1534 Asst. Maureen McCarthy, 617 964 3369(hf), 617 529 6619(p)

David Ross, San Fran Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street, San Francisco CA 94103-3159, 917 892 5151 p, 917 892 5151 p, Email:[email protected], (Hm)51 Telegraph Place, San Francisco CA 94133, 415-538-2680(wf), 800 609-5744 beeper watch #, 415 249 0665(hf), 415 730 4011 David's (p), 415 357 4015 Daphne (sec), 415 357 4010 Tracy (sec)

Roxton Sporting, Daniel Reynolds, 0488 683222, 0488 682977(fax), Daniel Reynolds, 0488 683222, 0488 682977(fax)

Dr. Oliver Sacks, 2 Horatio Street #3G, New York NY 10014, 212 633 8373(h), 212 633 8928(f), Email:[email protected]

Stan Schaeffer, 2211 Broadway, Apt, Betn. 78th & 79th, 001 212 580 5522 W, 011 212 496 8817 F, 305 531 2727


Jeffrey Schantz, 1257 Veeder Drive, Hewlett Bay Park NY 11557, Email:[email protected], 516 791 0044(h), 212 371 0320(f), 516 791 7214(hf), 516 578 7888(cell p), 212 504 8083 E-fax, 1T5R416 AA Frequent Flyer Number

Douglas A Schoettle, 243 Riverside Dr. Apt. 1005, New York NY 10025, 212 932 0535(h), 514 292 5804(Cottage), 242 333 2774(f) IBahamas, 212 932 1250(hf)

Monty Shadow, Abbatia Castello, 28060, San Nazzaro Sesia (NO), Italy, 01139 0321 834030(w), 01139 348 3380400(p), Email:[email protected], 011390321834090 work fax, 011390262912196 private fax, 011390321827000 private line at home

David Shaeffer, 001 212 543 5945(w), 001 212 414 0966(h), 001 917 846 3365(p)

Richard & Laura Yorke Snyder, Golden Books Family Entertainm, 1020 Fifth Ave. Apt 1A (h), NY 10028, 888 Seventh Avenue (w), New York NY 101064100, 212-547-6720(w), 212-452-7878(h), Email:[email protected], (Hm)Linden Farm (Country home), 34 Boutonville Rd S., Cross River, NY 10518, 914-763-9167 Country, 212 547 6720 Gail - Assistant, 914 763 9168 Country(f), 212 452 7880(hf), 212 547 6767(wf), 917 797 8514(p) Laura, 917 860 9588(car)

Melissa Solomon, 3520 Kingsbridge Drive, Plano TX 75075, 972 599 7682(h), Email:[email protected], (Hm)60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Stu Box 621, New York NY 10023, 516 818 6188 Dad's cell(Alan), 631 642 3010 Alan home, 631 523 3317 Melissa's cell, 646 459 1287 Julliard dorm room phone

Dottie Sowell, 737 Park Avenue, Apt 8D, New York NY 10021, 212-628-6672, 212-628-3930, 212-688-2133 Mom, 212-847-7681 Car, 305 932 4004, 917 446 4469 portable

Warren Spector, President, Bear Stearns & Co, 383 Madison Avenue (w), New York NY 10179, 212 272 5719(w), 212 272 7847(wf), Email:[email protected], (Hm)40 Fifth Avenue (h), Penthouse A, New York NY 10011, 917 817 8499(p), 212 529 2823(h), 508 645 9655(h) Massachusetts, 561 514 0202(h) Palm Beach

Jes Staley, JP Morgan, 522 5th Ave. 3rd floor (corner of 44th), New York NY 10036, 212 837 2375(w), 212-744-0770(h & f), Email:[email protected], (Hm)930 Park Avenue, #6N, NY NY 10028, 917 912 4364 portable, 212 837 5003(wf), 212 744 0770(hf), 631 283 0188 Hamptons (h&f)

Caroline Stark, Krista's friend, 1100 West Avenue (h), #326, The Mirador Building, Miami Beach FL 33139, 305 961 6124 w, 305 321 4022 p, (Hm)Attn: Personal (w), 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite 110, Miami FL 33131

Kim Steel, 001 212-517-3063, 914 833 5050, 415 221 3275 CA, 208 727 1835 cell, 208 726 1452 Fax number

Andrew Stein, 212 369 3252(h), 212 572 5060, 212-339-2708 Work

Ann Stock, Social Secretary, US Government, The White House, Washington DC 20500, 202-456-2399, 202-456-1414

Linda Stone, P.O. Box 7477, (This is a stable address), Bellevue WA 98008, 425 882 8080, Email:[email protected], (Hm)3226 Cascaida Ave South, (not living here until 6/03), Seattle WA 98144, 206 760 3226 home, 206 760 3227 home & office, 425 936 1826 direct line, 425 705 8888 Linda Toscano(asst.), [email protected] another e-mail, 425 703 7094 fax, 206 465 3020 p, 425 705 6954 Tamara (w), 206 335 6594 Tamara (p), 206 760 3228 (hf), 310 722 9948 Emergency contact Kelly Bovino

Laurence S. Stroll, Chairman, AIHL Investment Group, 550 7th Avenue, 7th Floor, New York NY 10018, 212 894 9984(w), 514 487 8173(hf, Email:claireanne@strollfamily., (Hm)7077 Avenue du Park, Suite 502, Montreal Quebec, Canada H3N 1X7, 514 487 8173 Canada, 1 718 288 2171 (cell), 1 514 577 2888 (p), 1 514 487 8173(h, 1 514 278 6000(w) Montreal, 1 514 278 6184(wf) Montreal, 1 212 548 1350(wf) NY, 011 44 207 8810906(h) London, 1 784 456 3439(h) Moustique, 1 784 493 4010(p) Moustique, 1 514 487 8173(h) Claire Ann, 514 953 6009 wife p, 011447860923694 John - Stroll's chauffer, 212 548 1909 Silas's fax #, 212 548 1350 Stroll's fax, 819 425 8825 new country house