I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.
It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.
This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.
Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.
The following records are from page 85 to 86, "PB". It seems that "PB" stands for Palm Beach, Florida. You can see Jeffrey Epstein(the trafficker, on page 85) and Ghislaine Maxwell(Epstein's accomplice, on page 86).
Babor, 561 832 9385
Dr. Perry Bard, 4275 Okeechobee Blvd (w), Suite H, WPB FL 33409, 561 640 9999(w) WPB, Email:[email protected], (Hm)3636 S. Ocean Blvd, Highland Beach FL 33487, 561 266 5785(h), 561 302 1844(p)
The Breakers, 561-655-6611, Account #17313
Chiropractor, Dr Bard, 001 407 640 9999
Cleaners, Francis Peadon, 561 833 4486, 1 561 820 4642(w) Bill - husband
Creative Custom Swimwear, Jupiter Town Center Plaza, 711 W. Indiantown Rd., Jupiter, FL 33458, 561-747 6424
Dawn Devito, 267 Atlantic Ave., Palm Beach Florida 33480, 212-750-9198, (Hm)144 Pleasant St., Watertown, MA 02172, 561 832 4616 Palm Beach Home, 617-926 7877 Boston, 401-423-9886 Rhode Island, 561-248 3445(p)
Driver - PB, 305 491 1998 Ray
Jeffrey Epstein, 358 El Brillo Way, Palm Beach FL 33480, Email:[email protected], 561 309 6415 NY Merc, 561 655 7626 JE Line 1, 561 655 7629 JE Line2, 561 655 2779 JE Line 3, 561 655 3704 JE Line 4, 561 655 4870 GM, 561 820 8790(f), 561 655 0995 Main house kitchen, 561 804 9849 Main house kitchen(w), 561 379 9390 Armored Merc S500 (front), 561 309 6415 Armored Merc S500 (back), 561 818 8867 Guest Merc S600 (front), 561 758 1672 Guest Merc S600 (back), 561 346 7141 GM Merc SL55, 561 762 6380 New Suburban, 561 371 1686 Staff Suburban, 561 832 0232 Staff House Line 1, 561 832 0319 Staff House Line 2, 561 832 0414 Staff House Line 3, 561 832 4533 Staff House Line 4, 561 818 8361 Mike (p), 561 818 8398 Sally (p), 561 369 4354 Jerome Pierre - gardener, 561 641 0728 Jerome Pierre - gardener (h), 561 350 1700 Christophe, 561 686 3707 Paula (h), 561 308 8624 Paula (p), 561 762 2741 Paula (car), 718 449 5440 Fay Goodman, 310 306 1362 Ronnie Carey (h), 310 215 0303 Ronnie Carey (w), 4710157 # Call forwarding
Christophe Gaie, 6102 Weatley Ct, Boynton Beach, FL 33436, 561 350 1700(p), 561 233 7242(o), 561 233 7240(f)
Francis Goldman, 122 Lake Rebecca Drive, Golden Lakes FL 33411, 561 656 4409
Gerald Goldsmith, 220 Wells Road, Palm Beach FL 33480, 561-659-0441(h), 561-659-7433(hf), (Hm)Palm Beach National Bank, 125 Worth Ave., Palm Beach, FL 33480, 772 971 1000(p), 561 653 5586(w), 561 650 0866(wf), 212 319 9404(w), 212 659 1433(w), 212308 0519 emerg-
Bill Maronet, ETC, 561-881-8118
Massage - Florida (a), 561 457 2588 Dawn W-R(b), 561 776 5679 Dawn W-R(h), 561 832 4616 Dawn James(Devito)(h), 561 554 4272 Cheri Lynch(b), 561 743 3784 Cheri Lynch(h), 561 627 5816 Dawn W-R(w), 561 373 1412 Cheri Lynch(p), 561 758 1011 Alison Chambers, 561 799 9176 Jodie, 561 222 0864 Jodie(p), 561 589 8116 Alexandria (h), 561 714 0546 Johanna's cell, 561 704 0676 Tammy (p), 561 775 9324 Amy Birse(mom p), 561 622 0062 Amy Birse h, 561 333 7493 Melissa Hanes' dad, 561 670 8562 Vicky (p), 561 745 9574 Vicky (w), 561 967 1496 Lisa Sturgil(h)Mass/Fac.(Tammy, 561 789 3371 Lisa Sturgil(p), 01133 680 240 365 Alexandra (paris p), 561 655 1849 Amber (mom), 561 586 4625 Geri Kay (h)Mass/Fac(Tammy), 561 758 5846 Geri(p), 561 309 0079 Dawn WR(p), 561 385 5444 p Janine (red head), 561 624 5679 Melanie (h), 561 212 4702 Melanie (p), 561 351 0944 Melissa Hanes(p), 561 575 9814 Jennifer, 561 301 8687 Amber (p), 561 655 5169 Amber (mom), 561 333 7121 Katie Brihingham, 561 471 3984 boyfriend hse, 561 707 1789 Dominique & Kelly, 561 714 9719 Mary Southwell, 561 379 3177 Amber (mom-p), 561 533 7599 Diane Cahill(h), 561 312 1408 Diane Cahill(p), 561 798 6103 Andrea (Tony's friend), 561 358 9837 Heidi, 440 289 6551 Coleen p, 561 514 1158 Cristale, 561 358 8259 Cristale, 352 281 7032 Michelle Bell, 954 525 2084 Hawthornes, 954 232 0635 Hawthornes, 561 635 6359 Andrea 2nd number, 561 373 9042 Amy Birse p, 561 309 7877 Beth (p), 561 554 3858 Bech, 561 889 5900 Carolyn (p), 561 832 6958 Carolyn Casey(h), 813 299 4573 Charlotte (18 Worth Ave) p, 561 832 5006 Charlotte (w), 561 818 0296 Chelsea (b), 561 748 9105 Chelsea Facials (brunette-h), 561 373 1412 Cheri Lynch(p), 561 514 2862 Coleen, 561 358 8259 Cristale, 561 686 2598 Dara Preece(h), 561 742 0171 Dara (w), 561 704 8946 Dara (p), 561 625 0378 Debra (big bond)(h), 561 339 1988 Debra (p), 561 218 8687 Dina Lombardi(facialist), 561 212 8152 Dina (h), 917 922 4359 Gwendolyn (p), 581 822 4932 Gwendolyn Beck(w), 954 525 2084 Hawthornes, 954 452 8582 Heidi Kublick, 561 493 8676 Jessie (h), 561 626 5664 Jessie (mom), 561 689 0848 Jill Spina, 561 222 0864 Jodie (p), 305 673 6060 Karen Mesa, 954 467 0412 Katja (h) gypsy's girl, 954 442 3309 Kiery (Lisa P's friend), 561 707 3565 Kristen (Carolyn's friend), 561 329 0213 Kyle, 561 791 0535 Laura Kline, 561 615 8223 Lina (cosmo & co), 561 352 0709 Lina (p), 561 346 2802 Lina (p), 561 627 9966 Maura (h), 561 762 7126 Maura Koons(p), 561 502 8809 Melissa (Carolyn's friend) p, 561 333 7493 Melissa (h), 561 383 7738 Melissa Hanes(h), 561 351 7248 Nela Estonia (p), 561 301 3101 Nicole, 561 848 3073 Sheridon (h), 917 601 2111 Sheridon (p), 561 227 2435 Sheridon (w), 561 881 6998 Symar (b), 561 588 5444 Tammy (facialist), 561 798 6216 Stephanie, 561 685 0544 Jennifer - gymnast, 561 253 4832 Ashley (Tony), 561 588 5444 Tammy (Facialist)
Ghislaine Maxwell, 358 El Brillo Way, Palm Beach Florida 33480, 001 561 655 4870, 001 561 832 3816 com, 001 407 346 7141 Mercedes, 001 407 655 3704
Michael & Sally, PB house managers, 1 561 818 8361(Pp), 1 561 818 8398(Ep), Email:[email protected]
Mike Pezulo, El Brillo neighbor, 561 655 6210(w), 800 854 9192(pgr)
Larry Mogens, 561 655 5510
Police PB, Jennifer Bruno (cop hire)/Pat, 561 227 6358, 561 838 5478, (Hm)Capt Gudger, 561 227 6365, 561 838 5470 Joe Recarey, 561 308 1546 Tom Melinchok, 561 838 5470 Srgt Trilych
Pompano Helicopter, 1 800 957 4374, 954 931 7186 (Steve)
Alan Stopek, Xyle'phloem, 14362 Horseshoe Trace, Wellington FL 33414, 561 793 7303(w), 561 793 9674(wf)
Vet, Jack Liggert, 561 659 2208