Epstein's address book UNREDACTED page 88~89 "TRAVEL(T)"

in Deep Diveslast month


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.

The following records are from page 88 to 89, "TRAVEL(T)".

[page 88]


Aero Leasing, (1)814 3700 (Zurich, (22)984510 (Geneva)

Air France, 1-800-237-2747, 0820 820 820, 1023994284 frequent flier (GM), 1023994343 frequent flier number (JE)

Air Hansen, (Helicopter), 0252-290-089, 0252-860-287

American Airlines, Kay Leonard, Special Services:, Val Cushing - Gatweick, 293 567783, 75261 9047, 800 433 7300, 1-800-882-8880 AA Frequent Flyer Dept., 340 774 6464 St T Brenda Boone(special sev, 305 526 7710 Susan Michado Miami special se

American Express, American Express, 1-800-297-6453, 1-800-297-3276 Membership Rewards, 877 877 0987x57323 Amad Abdullah (Cent. Travel), 877 877 0987x6775 Ian Roche (Cent. Cards)

AT&T, 1-800-225-5288

British Airways, 001 800 247 9297, 0845 779 9977 uk, 91088094 Pin 9919 club number (GM), 91859156 club number (JE), 0208-759 5511 Claire McArdle, 0208-564 1680 Jilly Rutherford, 718 425 5585 Roz Ollivier / Special Services, 718 425 5654 Alan Jacobson / special services, 212 452 5353 Roz home (emergencies), 718 553 5585 Penelope Foy (special services, 718 425 5585 Bernette Berry - Spec. Rep.

Citicar, 3515 37th Avenue, Long Island City NY 10021, 718-707-9090, 800-456-3548, 718-361-9800 Ellen/Tackie, 800-456-3548 Toll-Free Number, 718-361-8834 when ph system is down

Concord Tickets, David Gladwin, 19 Main Street, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5AA UK, 0115 9372455(t), 0115 9376930(f), 612 931-0490 (Fisher) Susie Simon (h), 212 268-9088 (Wilpon) Michael Holtz

Continental Airlines, 001 800 525 0280, #SM147662 frequent flier number (GM)

Delta Airlines, 001 800 323 2323, 2102103435 frequent flier number (GM), 1-800-325-1999 Flight information number, 2001009253 frequent flier number (JE)

Delta Dash, 1-800-638-7333

DHL Courier, 800-225-5345

Flight Options, 26180 Curtiss-Wright Parkway, Cuyahoga County Airport, Cleveland OH 44143, 877 357 1263(w), 216 797 3325(wf)

Flyaway, 081-759 1567/2020

Frequent Flyer Clubs, Delta One Pass, 001 713 952 1630, 001 800 221 1212, #2102103435 frequent flier number

Mario B. Garnero Jr., 001 55 11 9970 1020, Email:[email protected], 646 251 2211(p) Europe, 011 331 4720 1884 1884 Paris

Helicopters, Jean-Jacques Moinet, Nice Helicopteres, Aeroport Nice Cote d'Azur, Terminal 1, 06281, Nice Cedex 3, 04 93 21 34 32, 04 93 21 35 64(f), Email:nicehelicopteres@wanadoo., 06 14 356 353(p)


Eileen Hickery, Special Services NY, 101-69585 BA

Immunisation, 071-439 9584

Geoffrey Kent, Abercrombie & Kent, 9301 North A1A, Suite 1, Vero Beach FL 32963, 561 388 0145(w), 800 588 0145(w), 561 388 2756 fax, 01144 207 559 8797 London Number

London Airways, 0207-403 2228

Lonsdale, Karen, 0207-636 1313

Net Jets, Richard Santulli asst. Carol 732 326 3728, 914 536 5254 Peggy Culver Feign, 212 879 7577 Peggy (h), 732 326 3833 Peggy (w) asst Erin, 00 35 121 446 8484 Portugal

Nite & Day, 570 MNoonacha Road, WoodBridge NJ 07075, 201-933-7556

Northwest Airlines, 001 800 225 2525

Omar, Travel Agent, Atto Travel, 827 Ridgewood Ave., N. Brunswick NJ 08902, 001 908 435 0555, 001 908 435 0660(f)

Phone, 1800 414 9898(ny), 212 338 8300 (9366), (Hm) UK 0181-288 3310 (1211) ring n answ picks 2512212512 h.no. tel no. &# 71 enter 1 no. se deact * 710 send wait tone end, 01 610 317 7726 Voicestream, 00 800 99 0011 ATT access for France, 72# enter number activate call forward on site, 73# enter number deactivate forward from site

Pisa Brothers, Rockefeller Center, 630 Fifth Avenue, New York New York 10111, 212 265-8420, 212 265-8753(f)

Plane Charter, Chauffair, 01252 377 880, 01252 377 872(f)

Platinum Travel, 1800 525 3355, 371385847234008 Pla (GM), 3713 8182 5931 004 Pla (JE), 37184636884 AMX (GM), 3718 463688 41000 AMX (JE), 5263 2710 0944 295 Mast (GM)

Raytheon Travel Air, George Kocher, One Pomperaug Office Park, Suite 305, Southbury, CT 06488, 203 267 5200(w), 917 863 8755(p), Email:[email protected], 203 267 5202(f), 1 888 835 9782 Book flight, 1 888 u fly ita, 316 676 1793 Karen Jenkins, 316 676 3820 Karen Jenkins Fax, 877 357 1263 Flight Options

Red Carpet Limousine Company, 310-552 0099

Saphire Travel, 01170 522 2226

Shopper's Travel, 303 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1007, New York NY 10016, 212-779-8800

Sprint, 212-750-9895-3742, 800 366 2663 conference call scheduling

SR Reservations, 081-439 4144

Steppes East, Marc Bullough, Mick Lany, 285 810267

Travel Consolidator Europe, Kevins Travel Contac, 0207 373 6465, 0207 637 8485 cheap concorde tickets, 011 33 156213000 Success Voyage - Pascaline

Travel Consolidators, See other numbers, 800 243 2784 CHEAP, 44 12 93 78 9000 Laker Airlines, 212 779 8800 Ragoo, 1 800 377 1000 Very Cheap Tickets (coach), 1 800 755 4333 Very Cheap Tickets, 800 451 7200 Cheap Seats, 212 570 1179 Cheap Seats, 44-1332-331-132 Peter Koukoulanrides (Lonsdale), 340 774 1040 Connie, 011 3902 8645 5203 Paris Concorde Mr. Capellini, 01 705 22 22 26 Saphire/charters Gatewick-st.T, 800 538 2583 Jet Blue, 310 973 7938 Traveling Traveler/Sabalian, 888 973 7938 Sabatian, 800 799 8888 Ticket Planet ext. 230 Sal, 212 753 1100 Homeric Tours, 800 468 7477 Go Trips - Stacy PB, 877 409 5838 24 hr. hotline code #E5516, 732 690 4625 Raghu cell, 0870 444 7224 cheapflights.co.uk, 212 243 3500 Lucy, FranceTravel - airfrancediscount, 0207 637 8485 cheap concorde tickets, 212 760 3737 FlyTime Travel - Tashi, 800 223 5866 Navigant, 877 877 0987 Amex. Centurian Travel, 1 800 443 7672 Amex. Plat. Travel, 800 443-7672 Platinum/Heather ext. 63793, 800 715-4440(22339 Global Travel, 310 276 2741 1st & Busi/Charlie, 212 983 0779 UN Travels and Tours, 323 933-8763 Domestic only mi. broker/John, 800 239 8269 Virgin specialist