Epstein's address book UNREDACTED page 90~91 "TRAVEL(T)"

in Deep Diveslast month


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

Contacts are categorized into several sections such as "65TH STREET", "AMERICA(A)", and so on. Majority of them could be business contacts because there are hotels, restaurants, and such.

The following records are from page 90 to 91, "TRAVEL(T)". You can see Jeffrey Epstein(the trafficker, on page 91), Bill Richardson(former governor of New Mexico, on page 91), John Kelly(former attorney general of New Mexico, on page 91), and Bruce King(former governor of New Mexico, on page 91)


"TRAVEL(T)" - continued

TWA, 001 800 221 2000, #188925144 frequent flier numbers (GM), 34663436 frequent flier number (JE)

United Airlines, 001 800 241 6522, #00385250614 frequent flier # G.M., 00316924999 frequent flyer # J.E.

US Air, Frequent Traveler Center, P.O. Box 5, Winston Salem NC 27102-0005, 001 800 872 4378, 001 800 428 4322, 001 800 428 4322, #138515311 frequent flier number (GM)

USA International, 218 West 47th Street (B'Way), New York NY

Virgin Atlantic Airways, 029-356-200, 001 800 862 8621, #00 900 043 506 frequent flier number (GM), 00 779 044 628 frequent flier number (JE)


Jeffrey Epstein, Fedex Sat delivery only, c/o Dan and Nancy Sowle, Highway 41, Landon Store, Stanley NM 87056, 505 832 4339

Jeffrey Epstein, Zorro Ranch, 49 Zorro Ranch Road, Stanley NM 87056, Email:[email protected], 505 832 2675 Line 1 (office), 505 832 2696 Line 2 (office), 505 832 2676 (office f), 505 832 2697 Hotline Security, 505 832 2698 Office modem, 505 832 2240 BunkHouse LR, 505 832 2505 Bunk 1, 505 832 2282 Bunk 2, 505 832 2245 Bunk 3, 505 832 2504 Bunk 4, 505 832 2247 Bunk 5, 505 832 1708 Shop Wood Shop & Greenhouse, 505 832 2352 Log cabin, 505 832 1348 Guest lodge cabin, 505 832 1364 Guest lodge (f) & modem, 505 832 0690 JE - 1, 505 832 0691 JE - 2, 505 832 0595 JE - 3, 505 832 1394 JE - 4, 505 832 5411 JE(f), 505 832 1392 JE modem, 505 832 1746 GM line, 505 832 1389 GM(f), 505 832 9781 GM modem, 505 832 1748 Guest line, 505 832 1390 Staff - 1, 505 832 1391 Staff - 2, 505 832 6784 Brice & Karen (h), 505 832 1393 Kate & Mike (h), 505 832 0897 Deidre & Floyd (h), 505 832 2699 Larry (h), 505 832 1427 HVAC-MH, 505 991 0026 Mike (Nextel), 505 991 0027 Deidre (Nextel), 505 991 0028 Floyd (Nextel), 505 991 0029 Manolito (Nextel), 505 991 0025 Kate (Nextel), 505 780 0004 Extra 1 (p), 505 780 0002 Extra 2 (p), 505 660 9585 Mercedes - front seat, 505 660 3976 Mercedes - back seat, 505 660 6240 Mercedes G500 (jeep), 505 690 5480 JE Suburban, 505 690 1821 99 Suburban, 505 699 8055 Tahoe, 505 670 9754 Hummer, 505 765 1200 Bradbury Stamm (w), 505 842 5419 Bradbury Stamm (f), 505 466 2668 Tom Pascuzzi (doctor) (p), 505 832 2238 Stables, 505 699 7301 Karen (Cell), 505 832 2676 Office Fax

Shannon Healy, Zorro Ranch, 107 Camino Cabo, Santa Fe NM 87508, 505 466 2668(h), 505 660 1683(p), 570 454 8081 Mom (Cheryl), 516 331 6339 Dad

John Kelly, Attorney General, 3510 Wolters Place N.E., Albuquerque New Mexico 87106, 505 848 1867(w), 505-768-1529, (Hm)500 Fourth Street NW, Suite 1000, Albuquerque NM 87103-2168, 505-268-4508(h), 505 235 5084(p), 505 848 1889(wf)

Gary Kerney, Landmark National, 2817 Crain Highway, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774, 301-574-3330(w), 240 463 3237(p), Email:gkerney@landmarknational., (Hm)292 Cape St. John, Annapolis Maryland 21401, 805 581 4173(gson), 410 533 2485 Gary home, 301-574-3301(wf), home 410-349-1778, 240 463 3237 cellular, 240 463 3236 Emergency

Bruce King, Governor - New Mex, Suite 400, 1120 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe NM 87503, 505-827-3020, 505-827-3026, 505-827-7300 Home, 505-832-4239

Rhonda King, Rhonda King Realty, Hwy 472, 2.5 mi west of Stanley, P.O. Box 606, Stanley New Mexico 87056, 505-832-4603 Work, 505-982-4289 Fax, 505-832-4229 Home, 505-250-0730 Portable

Massage - New Mexico, 505-269-1755 Diana (p), 505-271-9532 Diana, 505-989-3902 Laura Christianson, 505-982-1176 Daniella Urbassek(German), 505 982 2283 Sabrina, 505 660 6192 Sabrina, 505 984 8356 Rachel, 505 424 7416 Rachel, 505 669 1269 Rachel, 505 989 9846 Linda Spankman - Yoga, 505 471 1244 Melinda Walker - Reflexologist, 505 984 8142 Sabrina (German), 505 983 6742 Maureen (GM really likes), 505 989 4264 Stina - GM still to try, 505 228 4505 Heidi (p), 505 438 3467 Nicki (Bill Siegel recommended).

Bill Richardson, 505 476-2200 o, 505 944 7410 f, 505 699 8222(p), 505 476 2245 office direct, 505 469 6881 Sec agent w/Gov (Tony)

Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe NM 87501, 505-984-8800, 505-982-0565

Dr. & Mrs. Singleton, San Cristobal Ranch, Lamy NM 87540, 505-988-9720(H)