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RE: Twitter censorship - part 7 - suppression of Hunter Biden story

in Deep Dives8 months ago

The pictures of Chabad leaders you posted made me think that probably one of the most significant factors which makes those various groups work toward the same direction is theological justification. I haven't looked into it, but Chabad or not, there must be some kind of theological/religious justification behind the NWO.


I agree. However, the public statements and published documents of George Soros, Yuval Harari, and principals and minions of the WEF, clearly a component of the NWO (which appears to be a Corporatist/Fascist Techocratic global cabal of extranational goverments like the EU and UN, national governments, NGOs such as the WHO, GAVI, CFR, Trilateral Commission, the WEF, and many more, and the private corporations owned by interested parties, such as the aforenamed, and folks like Bill Gates, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and officers, directors, and investors in all major corporations of the world, particularly Larry Fink of BlackRock) claim they are Atheists, and Harari especially advocates and details how biological human beings are to be modified with technological means.

To my thinking this is a religious geas to Harari, Musk, and others to transcend the natural state of humanity, and rather than Talmudism, Rabbinism, Zoharism, Judaism, or other Semitic traditional or occult practice, Transhumanism intends to avail it's adherents of new abilities, previously not natural features of human beings, and I can foresee the natural rights of humanity being extended by this means. For example, if people have the right to life, transhumanists may intend to enjoy many more decades of life than natural men. Rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness are both potentially able to be greatly expanded by modified persons, as are almost every other natural capacity with which people are inherently endowed and have the right to undertake. This is alarming, even at first blush, and is likely to become far more so upon careful reflection.

As to Chabad being the 'fixers' and facilitators of extortion and policy promotion above and beyond traditional lobbying mechanisms, such as AIPAC, the ADL, B'nai B'rith, and many more, the historical record of racketeers and other gangsters that practice extortion, and particularly by pimping children to politicians, religious matters are likely to be more observed in the breach by such criminals - unless Satanic and evil rites involving human sacrifice and similar horrific profanities are involved, as seems all too possible from myriad reports of SRA and child sacrifice from credible witnesses, going back millennia to child sacrifices to Moloch in Carthage and the Levant prior to the Roman Empire.

Since 1492 Conversos, the appellation of false converts to Christianity given to Jews that made pretense of conversion in order to avoid being expelled from Spain after the defeat of the Moors and the restoration of Christendom, have long infiltrated the Catholic church and the Jesuits, with credible claims that such infiltration eventually gained power over those institutions they maintain covertly to this day. It is therefore almost impossible similar pretense of Judaism isn't undertaken by Zionists, Transhumanists, and Satanists to lend them the appearance of Messianic Cultists (in the case of Chabad Lubavitch, who claim a man dead now for six years, Rebbe Schneerson, is the Messiah) and avoid suspicion that openly avowing Satanism, or some other religious faith generally considered noxious and associated with horrific and evil crimes, such as Satanic ritual abuse, rape, and murder of children, would invite.

Given the genocidal death toll from the jabs, the continual sabotage and lawfare against agriculture (especially family farms), the Climate Alarmism Scam that advances outrageous taxes, first on carbon, and now on nitrogen use too, also seeking to prevent the increasing carbon fertilization of photosynthetic plants by reducing atmospheric CO2, eliminating the availability of inexpensive and reliable energy sources like oil, gas, and coal, and reduction of people to dependence on unreliable and insuperably expensive wind and solar power, and in every way seeks to reduce and prevent human and social industry, such religious affiliation as may characterize the NWO does not seem congruent with traditional faiths that all generally promote the felicity of society.

These demonstrable foci rather reveal the opposite, Satanic or evil practice intending genocide and horrific harm to society and the good people in it. Whatever the public confessions of Conversos, their covert worship seems likely to be commonly of Moloch or other similar occult practice involving child and human sacrifice, harm of society, and terrible torture and death of individual people, because those are the results of their policies and practices, as well as the increasing philosophical basis of entertainment media being promoted lately.

We have only to observe the starving and shattered children of Gaza to see the fate they have in store for the world.

Atheism often disguises itself as scientific, but as far as I can tell it has nothing to do with science. Science doesn't really care about existence of God because it only focuses on measurable/reproducible physical phenomena. Atheism is a religious dogma.

I think all those groups you listed including atheists are destroying people with some kind of theological conviction. I hope more people will pay attention to what those people are doing because it seems they are brewing another "pandemic".