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RE: Why is Christianity the number one religion when Buddhism is so much more powerful?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Christianity had several cycles where they modified the bible. Naicia, King James...

I learned about this when I studied the gospels at the age of 13 and concluded at that point Christianity was not for me. Thank goodness! My mother wanted me to become a priest ;)

Why one and not the other? Mostly I suppose because I feel as if I just discovered Buddhism and like any new relationship, it is hard to see the cracks at the beginning.

In the future, all the religions will crumble.

All part of the same agenda to bring us back to a more controlled version of how things were in the past, with one world religion. Only it won't be like the single religion of our past. It will be a perversion of it. Just as modern electric cars are a perversion of the electric cars we had over 100 years ago.

Hopefully the great texts will survive the coming chaos!