Russia is a giant country with a population of 144 million, dozens of autonomous republics, and immense geography. Vladimir Putin is a former KGB agent and the current Russian president. He is a man who frequently threatens the world and makes bold moves. But he actually has a lot of deeper and darker aspects, so he has as many opponents as he supports himself, so why? What makes this man so dark and strong?
First of all, I want to give you some mysterious information, if you go to Russia today, you will not be able to reach any childhood friends or schoolmates of Putin. We only know what has been told about him. Putin, who entered the KGB while studying law at the university in 1985, climbed to the top of the state in the process, and today, thousands of anti-Putin names suddenly disappear, many of them are executed or no news is heard.
Paul Klebnikov
For example, Ahmet Nabi Ahmet Nabiyev, a Turk from Dagestan, died as a result of an armed attacker after he covered the corruption in the Caucasus and the injustices of the Putin administration in his newspaper. Paul Klebnikov, on the other hand, died as a result of an armed attack in Moscow, when he revealed the dirty relations between the companies that prospered in Russia and the state administrators and wrote it in his journal.
Boris Nemtsov, an opponent of Putin, was killed as a result of an armed attack the day before the march he was going to organize. I can list thousands more here, this is actually a method leftover from Soviet Russia. In certain periods of the Soviet Union, no one had the right to criticize the administration, and even the critics were found wherever they were in the world, and they were executed by using various poisons as a disease.
Boris Nemtsov's death body
Putin clearly showed in Chechnya how ruthless he would be once he came to power. In 1999, Russia attacked Chechnya, which declared its independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, with such brutality that they took the country's most notorious criminals out of prison and recruited them into the army sent to Chechnya. In these attacks, which lasted for years and killed nearly 100,000 people, Putin said: "If I were to sacrifice even my own children, I would root out all of you." He also stated clearly that the harsh attacks would not end. In fact, opposition writer Anna Politkovskaya, who wrote about Putin's dark relations and human rights crimes in Chechnya in her book "Dirty War", was found dead in an elevator shortly after her book was published.
russia's border disputes/occupations in Europe (exc. kaliningrad)
Today, Russia is in trouble with almost all the countries it borders, and it does not hesitate to engage in violent conflicts with almost all of them. While they have a problem with the islands with Japan on the other side of the world, they do not hesitate to invade Ukraine at the other end. In short, whoever is around Putin's Russia is not getting out of trouble, but who really is this guy? We have no information about him other than a few childhood photos and his turbulent love life. According to a consistent claim made in recent years, it is an interesting theory that Putin is presented to us as an exaggerated image, apart from being a strong leader. The claim that the Russian Secret Service, in which Putin grew up, was the structure that reassembled the Russian state, whose economy had collapsed in 1991 and held it together with the image of a strong leader, and that they only portrayed Putin as a symbol of the power of the rising New Russia, is quite logical. As a matter of fact, it is impossible for a country with the largest borders in the world and making subtle moves in complex geographies to be governed by the mentality and direction of a single man.
kuril island disputes with japan
Thanks to Putin, Assad maintained his power and was not destroyed. However, just understanding the Middle East and making a policy there is a field that requires a lifetime of expertise, and at the same time, invading Ukraine, coming to the brink of war with Japan, solving these problems skillfully, and even controlling market wars with America can be carried out under one's authority. it does not work. (Past years) However, when we look at Putin's speeches and rhetoric, we see that an image is created as if he has the control and solution to every problem, even his expertise. Especially today, no state leader actually uses his own words on camera or on social media, all presidents say the words prepared by their advisors, read and share the articles. Again, it exhibits the stances and gestures determined by its advisors, because rational countries do not take such risks, since a leader's wrong attitude can suddenly affect the economy deeply. Trump is obliged to play the roles determined by his advisers, including Erdogan and even Arab Kings. But when it comes to Vladimir Putin, things get even more complicated.
10 years ago, it was almost impossible for you to walk at night even on the streets of Moscow, gangs had taken over every corner, and Russia could not create an atmosphere of security even inside. Putin collapsed on all these gangs like an iron sledgehammer. Today, Moscow is a much safer and more colorful city than before, and the crime rate across the country has dropped by 85%. All these ingenious moves cannot be accomplished only without the precise control and direction of a higher agency, the Russian Secret Service. In other words, it is clear that Putin is not the ruler of the state, but the Russian Secret Service is the main decision-maker, whose powerful image is used only as a figure, but all this is supported by inhumane crimes and assassinations.
For example, while many dissident writers or journalists in Russia are being eliminated in some way, no one outside the European Union can take a stand against this aggressive attitude of Russia. In fact, many Chechen murders were committed in the past years, and these murders were almost never clarified. Chechen commanders, who had fought and survived for years in the Caucasus Mountains, were professionally executed during the daytime in Istanbul. According to eyewitnesses, all that is known is that a car was passing by Chechens at speed and Chechen commanders were shot in the head at that time. In research published in newspapers such as The Guardian, it was clearly revealed that these assassinations, which took place in places such as Istanbul and Dubai, were carried out by Putin's secret services. Assassination is another country that has huge international penalties and sanctions, but since none of them has been clarified, Putin has again eluded this use of dark force.
We should not forget that all journalists and thinkers killed in Russia were people who defended human rights and talked about the Russian oppression in Chechnya and other Russian autonomous republics. Apart from the mighty, charismatic Putin, who appears briefly, a dark and ruthless hand is carrying out bloody executions all over the world. If you are a Russian citizen and you are of a different nationality, you can say that I am Turkish, I am Tatar, I am British, but even if you say I am not Russian, it can cause you big trouble because Putin: "Everyone living in Russia is Russian." He has already dropped the subject.
I'm not sure that Putin even has a bright side.
lol, at least he gets along well with dogs
Last night I was watching on Apple TV+ a 9/11 documentary. Condoleezza Rice tells how on the very first hours of the attack the US goverment tried desperately to contact the Russians and assure them that the air traffic chaos that ensued from closing the US air space wasn´t a move to launch an ICBM or other kind of attack over Russia.
Sure enough, when they got to Putin, he said "Yes, we know this wasn´t you. Don´t worry about us."
Condoleezza thought "Now I know the Cold War is over..."