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RE: 3 reasons why Putin's invasion of Ukraine destroyed Russian economy

in Deep Dives2 years ago

You cannot prove that the wheels of the Russian economy are running smoothly just by posting a news source link and an inflation chart published by the Russian state authority. Any individual who has taken Economics 101 or has basic economic literacy can tell you that these data are insufficient.

Moreover, Russia is a raw material exporter. This is the reason why inflation in Russia can still remain at low levels despite the sanctions, and I did not argue the opposite. The Russian people may find potatoes, vodka and bread, but they cannot find many products such as spare parts, phone, tablet computer components or they have to buy them at very high prices.

As for the European Union's lng purchase, the data I have shows that the eu has made the lowest lng imports in the last month since october 2021 1.100 million cubic meters (august)

It also represents a very small amount of LNG for the transport of Russian gas to the European Union. eu receives gas through the main pipelines, of which the vast majority supply gas far below their capacity. The only line that works at almost full capacity is the bluestream and turkstream lines passing through Turkey, and their capacity is very low compared to nordstream 1 and 2.


According to my source the EU imported about 30% more Russian LNG compared to last year

"Het is niet geheim maar niemand praat er over: terwijl de levering van Russisch aardgas via pijpleidingen dramatisch is gedaald, is de invoer van vloeibaar aardgas LNG uit Rusland in de EU gestegen. Dat blijkt uit cijfers van de Europese Commissie die Politico heeft ingezien. EU-landen hebben tussen januari en september 2022 16,5 miljard kubieke meter (bcm) Russisch LNG ingevoerd, tegenover 11,3 bcm in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Een flink deel daarvan was bestemd voor Nederland."

btw i upvoted you on accident lolz