Yeah , what happened to the 90th's ?
I realize some kids i grew up with ,.. did probably not make it passed 30 .
And hell , don't even know if my own kids are still alive either ,
or happy , or still the gender they where born ?
For i was deleted and banned from their existence by woke mom .
You now teach your kids and learn them right from wrong .
But one thing ,. you can't use body overweight to joke and bully .
Only when the fat kid is the top bully ,. as then you can ,.. speak the truth .
Hey @small1axe, how are you? I checked out your blog page the other day, as It has been a long time since I connected with you. Are you still In Viking country? I hope you are keeping well xxxxx
Hanging on , as these are hard times to live stateless and free ,. especially up here where winter is freezing cold with a thick layer of snow . Still no regrets , the struggle to survive is what makes me feel alive , always better then living in a Dutch city , jobless , fully under government control .
Way out in rural nature , loving every day of it like Alexander Supertramp .
Just don't pick the wrong berry's . ;-)
But who knows ,. my longing for the sun might change my mind one day .
I moved for blogging to Blurt ,.
only on Hive to watch and read the works of the ones i followed .
Thks for the nice reply ,. stay well , stay free .
That shot is beautiful. Winter wonderland. xxxx
Damn , almost didn't see your comment there .
But no , i ain't the victim ,.. my kids are .
They where 14 and 16 , and the war brought on to me by my now ex was not answered by me .
My defense was strong while i slowly walked away from it ,.. as war is never the answer .
I was always there do , for my kids , to see me or speak to me , still silence is all i got .
I can be a bit sad over it at times ,. but then again , i never owned my kids ,
as they are sentient human beings on there own .
If they choose to live without me , even on false and incorrect info ,
then who am i to force them to do otherwise ?
So , why start a fight for a lost cause ?
In the end time will set the record straight .
As a honest man has the longest breath .
And honest i always was .
Anyways you know nothing about my history ,.
and so there is no way you can be sure like you claim .
But thks for putting down your best guess ,. ;-)