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RE: BigTech Censoring ProudBoys Official Link DisAvowing Alt Right to Push Post Debate False Narrative

in Deep Dives4 years ago

It’s very simple. We are a men’s club that meets about once a month to drink beer. We
have attended rallies where we felt our friends were in danger but that’s not what we’re
about. We’re not political activists. FOAK (which isn’t Alt-Right either) is very active and
political and they are affiliated with us in the sense that they have our backs in a riot. If you
want to attend every single patriot rally, join FOAK. We don’t want to go to riots. We want
to drink beer. We wish the Alt-Right AND the Alt-Left would go fight it out amongst
themselves and leave us alone. As Henry Kissinger said when he was asked who would
win the Iran / Iraq war, “Ugh, can’t they both lose?”
I’ve said this 1,000 times and I’ll say it 1,000 more: We are a fraternal organization like the
Elk’s Lodge. 100% of us are Western chauvinists which simply means we all believe the
West is the Best. 2nd Degrees and up have to quit porn. 3rd degrees have a tattoo. There
are NO racial requirements to be in the Proud Boys. There are no special rules for black
Proud Boys (this overrides anything previously published about black PBs) or any other
non-white PBs. We don’t care what your sexual preference is and that includes guys dating
trans. Politically, a good 98% of us love Trump but that is not a requirement. Our Pope,
Dante Nero was a Hillary guy.
Women are not allowed at our meetings. If it’s at a bar, they can be there for the warm up
and they come back after the meeting but the actual rituals have to be in an environment
that is men only. There is no exception to this rule. If a woman is present when the
readings are happening, that club is no longer affiliated with the Proud Boys.
Also, a final note about the violence: We are not a violent group. We don’t start fights but
we will finish them. The violence you see in the media is us defending ourselves from
lunatics who want us dead for no discernible reason. We do not advocate going to their
rallies such as the May Day celebrations and messing with their free speech. We’ve
already clarified the 4th degree. You don’t get rewarded for getting into a fight. You get a
consolation prize. Don’t start no shit. Won’t be no shit.
Avoiding infiltrators isn’t easy. When people lie about who they are and what they believe,
you can only guess if they’re telling the truth. All we can do is make it very clear what our
organization is about and boot anyone out when they don’t belong. The Alt-Right and the
Alt-Left need to focus on their own organizations and curb their obsession with ours. We


just want to be left alone so we can drink our beer in peace. If you want a problem, disturb
a man who just wants to be left alone so he can drink his beer in peace.
Gavin McInnes
The Prophet (peace be upon me)
Written by Gavin McInnes