
I've been thinking about these pardons. The pardoned can't plead the 5th. They have immunity, so nothing they say can incriminate them, so they don't have a 5th Amendment right to remain silent. They should be subpoenaed to testify as to who else was involved in the crimes they were pardoned for. They have to tell the truth, and they will be the perfect traitors against the other conspirators.

If they lie and it can be proven, they will have committed a crime for which they were not pardoned, and that crime will be committing perjury to aid and abet in the conspiracy to commit the crime for which they were pardoned, rendering the pardon null and void, because aiding and abetting is just as bad as committing the crime itself. So, it's a big risk for them to lie to conceal their fellow conspirators for those crimes. Same thing if they refuse to testify. That will be misprision of a felony, again, unpardoned, and that misprision will have been committed to aid and abet in the crimes they have refused to testify to that they have been pardoned for, so are a priori guilty of committing. There's no benefit to them for doing so, and all the potential to be punished for that crime they have already been pardoned for.

This will also make those pardons millstones around their necks. Because they can be subpoenaed and forced to reveal the truth about the crimes against America, against humanity, these vile scumbags that have been pardoned have committed. They will be a threat to everyone else that conspired with them to commit those crimes. Every Biden that remained unpardoned would be at risk of exposure from Hunter's testimony, every spook that participated in the Covid plandemic would be at risk of exposure from Fauci testimony. Given the malevolence, wealth, power, and specific skill sets of those conspirators, I doubt anyone that has been pardoned would live very long to testify very much.

Given these facts, the more pardons the Democrats demand Sleepy Joe throw, the more forthright testimony that Kash Patel and the Republican majority in Congress could demand of witnesses that cannot plead the 5th and remain silent, or lie and throw their pardon away. Because their crimes are so vile, treason, genocide, and etc., their co-conspirators are some of the most dangerous and pathological people in the world, whom we very much want to arrest, charge, convict, and execute for these crimes so they can't keep committing them. If the scum pardoned don't live to testify because they're removed from life by their fellow co-conspirators before they can testify, then the pardon killed them as much as the murderers did, which is fitting, isn't it? Also, this creates a new crime that can be charged and prosecuted against the murderers, which a smart FBI would be watching closely for. Forewarned is forearmed, after all. This is another way to kill a murder of crows with one mighty subpoena, IMHO.

The world would heal itself.


Where the humour is for me - is in the idea of a "preemptive pardon" that is before anyone has been changed with a crime - I think all of us should get one of those when we are born, so we are immune to everything. This world is such a clown world.

I wonder how they will stop Kash Patel from being confirmed - if he is not compromised. That will be interesting. But time will tell on that one. If he is real, and gets in - then there is a wide net he can cast - the pardons, as you pointed out could be a problem - but they have a million ways from sunday to take down a network if they really want to -the question is, do they really want to take them down? Only time will tell on that one.

"I think all of us should get one of those when we are born, so we are immune to everything."

Agreed. Either we are all born with such preemption, or it cannot be any man's pardon. It makes of them a thing above the law, where no law whatsoever can pertain to them. There's no rationale I can conceive of in a just jurisdiction for such preemptive pardon. I reckon pardons can only apply to actual things, not theoretical things, or can have no basis in law, no justification in a nation of laws. Such simply negate the law completely.