
In the USA we do not need a permit to travel in America. We don't need a permit to give someone water, or food, or clothes. It is not within the authority of FEMA to require permits to help people, and I am confident the SCOTUS will so rule in the event anyone challenges this bureaucratic tyranny. But people just want to get in and get help to folks that need it urgently. They don't want to spend the time to challenge this crap.

I am sure we can all relate.

Alexa! I didn't know you had it in you!

The USG dragging it's feet is ethnic cleansing of N. Carolina. It's killing people through bureaucracy.

Well, the hurricane isn't climate. It's weather. Alexa says it's human caused LOL. But that doesn't make it climate change. It's just bad weather.

You're right about corruption, but N. Carolina wouldn't be able to handle this hurricane 'in house' and any supplies stored locally would not be likely to be accessible. However, we don't need the federal government to handle these things. As we can see government is the exact wrong way to handle these problems. Rapid response by private parties has massively outcompeted FEMA and government - which is actively impeding rescue and emergency supply distribution - and that's a lesson we need to take to heart.

Eliminate FEMA and government involvement in such matters, and especially in pandemic reponse. Something like ~20M people are dead because of governments handling Covid. Society, private people doing what is necessary when it needs doing, are not only compmetent to the task, they are orders of magnitude better at it than government. Institutions breed corruption. Folks helping their neighbors often don't have any interest in swiping some of the money or goods they're taking to folks that need it.

MH 370 Forbes sounds like a spook. Your point about this kind of misdirection covering for other, more important stories, is likely the reason.

The DMT guy isn't reckoning on a wide variety of other explanations for the common hallucination, such as that DMT affects a specific part of the brain that handles interpretation of vision and affects perception in a way that causes that visual effect. Druggies. Correlation isn't causation. There have been many people that discuss seeing specific entities when taking DMT. This already suggest such shared visual affect. Adding the laser causes the affect to be perceived in the way described when the effect of DMT alters perception.


About Aston Forbes, it seems the more time that goes by after the MH370 video - the more people have him on. Its like if what yous aid, these days, is proved a hoax, then more people want to believe in the hoax.

About DMT - you are right about that. I don't know much about drugs, to be honest, however what you say makes sense. It could be an effect of acting on the same region of the brain, and just has the same phenomena, because when that part of the brain is acted on, the brain interprets it the same - the same way that the brains of people find themselves falling prey tot he same optical phenomena in the same way - I must admit, I am a sucker for those types of docos though lol. plus, you don't want to look at even the reflections of a laser lol - have that reflecting in your eyes for extended periods.
