Supporter Video | Most doctors are unvacinated according to the AAPS | CovidVaccined psyop

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

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So none of the video links worked - bitshute video vanished, or did not encode - even though it was working when I left - dailymotion would not play - even though the password was right - maybe the problem is on my end, like format or recording - not sure - anyway here is the mirror if you have probs- so uploaded to rumble - hopefully this works:

Supporter Video | Most doctors are unvacinated according to the AAPS | CovidVaccined psyop

Video mirror:

DailyMotion password is 12345 - thank you all for your support!

Video link 1:

Video link 2:

In this supporter video I go into a bunch of news from mirror world - back with a special topic in the next video - thanks for your support!

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I'm not surprised, they have probably read the ingredients list

44:18 reverse image of "WAP" from :"PAW N" Shop on van window. It looks like the word "WAR"