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RE: Supporter Video | University: biological men can give birth through penis

in Deep Dives3 years ago

sorry for the late reply mate, I was in the hospital for a little while. On the mend now hopefully - ill update in the next video, but taking a week off. Yeah I agree the world has gone sick -the line has moved so far, that what would have outraged in the past, is now just normal - haha, yeah no doubt about Madonna!


ED, happy to hear that you're alright, I was getting worried about you. May you have a speedy and relaxing recovery.

I did and thank you :)

I'm glad you're on the mend. I'll try to check in more often, but I'm working 7 days a week, so it gets tough.

Thanks mate and take care of yourself :)

Thanks for the update. I was starting to get worried not seeing you post so I had to go looking for you to see if I missed you announcing you'd be off for a few days. Hope you feel better soon.

I do feel much better thank you! :)