
No one studies under Roy Cohn to learn how to buy and sell real estate. None of the child rapists disclosed in the Weiner laptop, the NXIVM files, or the Epstein files have been arrested, prosecuted, or their crimes made public. All those files came into the possession of the US Government when President Trump was in power, and Trump studied under Roy Cohn for decades.

I couldn't make a better witch than that one ain't likin' liars with all the AI in the world. The demonic speaking in tongues is classic. Seems a gal would be fun at parties.

I really want an electric car - but all the electric cars being made are basically cuck cages that can track your every inch of travel, record your every heart beat, and drive you to the police station after they turn you in for cursing George Soros, or smth. I don't want on of those. I want the low maintenance high durability kind of electric cars that are made by the same principles American made power tools used to be. That's the kind of electric car I want.

Tesla's not making those. They can't even electrically shock car-jackers!

It is EXACTLY like the 2 minutes of hate from 1984. The violent domestic terrorists turn out not to be conservative families worried about their kids speaking at PTA meetings. No, it was the scumbag leftists grooming their children all along. Color me surprised.

Controlled opposition is so useful for the overlord class. Just before they need to crack down on political violence, their pet useful idiots go off just as the Conservative Right takes power, so they will take the blame for the out of control jackboots that will turn America into a dystopian hellhole. Well, those parts of it that aren't already.

That AI generated witch has poisoned all video, just like trannies make every red blooded man suspicious of every pretty girl.

The audio really went to hell at the Obama segment. Haven't seen that on any of your videos before.

LOL Leisure Suit Larry. I remember text adventures. Don't actually miss them, honestly. Man, audio keeps going to hell. I can't understand a word you're saying at the end.


But we've definitely seen enough in the documents to indicate that Israel that Israel was involved in some way, and that there were efforts by the CIA over the decades to cover that up.

Very interesting to see which influencers, particularly on the right, are completely avoiding this fact, or trying to pretend that is not what the documents say.

Watch closely. You can learn a lot about the information space by watching how people respond to this type of sensitive information.

Again, I am not of the belief that Israel was the primary player and I am not saying we know for sure what happened. I am just saying that sometimes silence speaks volumes. Particularly when every American should be entirely dedicated to the full disclosure of the facts.

All that is not to mention that Israel has resumed bombing innocent civilians to a huge way this week. The modern state of Israel - particularly the deep state of Israel is the elephant in the room right now. And it's many decades past time we talked about it.

On one hand he's saying I am not saying, on the other hand he's saying he's saying. He's on about we are decades past talking about it indicates he's saying for sure they had a hand in it. It's all speculative based on Israel wanting to build a nuclear bomb which Kennedy was against but his predecessor was for. So there was some heated arguments, and the fact they pointed this out while keeping stuff redacted and unreleased should prove it has nothing to do with it, they just want people to believe that. How do I know this? Because Jared Kushner didn't hide a word of how the Abraham Accord came about, who was refusing to align with it, and those two entities are taking the full blame for actions being committed for a new paradigm for the region perpetuated on behalf of the Trump administration to Make America Great Again.
You know, I'll give this much. Netanyahu repeatedly wouldn't go along with the Abraham Accord, he told Kushner this won't fly, and Trump repeatedly said Bibi wasn't going to come through and he didn't. Decades of logic would have been it wouldn't fly, and it wouldn't fly because to make it fly you'd have to commit genocide, and no sane government in the world would go alone with that. But obviously, they've jumped the shark and they have. There was only one point of contention between Kushner, Trump and Bibi, that was allowing Arab states to control Gaza. Once they removed that stipulation, and the genocide was allowed unimpeded, sure, I can see that, I'll grant many within Israeli government who'd wished for decades they could have actually gotten away with it but couldn't were happy someone finally could....but, is there going to be a price that is paid and paid for heavily by Israel itself. Because honestly, Israel isn't where this all started, this all started with Kushner taking a trip to the UAE and Saudi Arabia to get the funding commitment to rebuild Gaza once they demolished it. Kushner admits it all, all of it. This has to be the stupidest stuff I've ever seen. An American, an Arab and an Israeli walk into a bar, they see two Palestinians sitting at the bar. The American pulls out a gun and shoots one of them, the Arab pulls out a gun and shoots the other. The police come and they both point at the Israeli and said he did it, and off to prison he goes. That's how lame this is. This isn't where it's stopping though. Everywhere you go you see on every blog site that the whole worlds problems are the Jews. They are out there even pushing a narrative they are responsible for the pandemic now. Boy do I have something rather shocking to say to that once I can get myself back into my mindset to concentrate long enough. This thought crossed my head, I went to take a look, and it was way beyond what I had expected to see. Anyway, when he gets to the part where he says those on the right are trying to pretend that's not what they are seeing, they are building up a guilt complex, and I think maybe that guilt complex may come to a head when the final body count comes down to how many end up making it through the Gaza onslaught. You add that to the recent statement yesterday that someone in Israel introduced a bill to make it a crime to mention Jesus in Israel, well I don't know about you, but I can kind of right now see where they are taking this. They build up this guilt complex and the final straws come when Christians can no longer defend the Jews and finally admit to themselves, through propaganda, that they've let them get away with so much for way to long and finally let go.
Why? Because they've been over the history of the last seventy five years and they seen what works and what doesn't work, and religion doesn't work. And, in Elon's own words, "it's amazing what humans can do when taught falsehoods from childhood." Kushner writes and seen in his interview, speaking of how MBS is allowing the infrastructure (social media) to find the Saudi equivalents of the Zuckerburgs, Elon's of Saudi Arabia to influence young people. The move is obvious to remove the falsehoods taught to kids at a young age, the indoctrination of religions.
What some may not be aware, and I know I wasn't, was that during the war there were two sides within the cable, one on the German side, the other on the Jew. Who really knows what side is gaining after all these decades the upper hand. Since no one really knows who the cable really are, how can it be distinguished which side of the equation is playing along with Trump and Elon. Of which also, as the Dark Journalist made mention in one of his interviews on Alex Jones, there is also a secretive branch within DARPA of exclusive individuals, of which Elon and Thiel are both within that group, so was Trump's uncle John Trump. If there wasn't such an angry narrative, and I mean down right angry narrative being pushed against the Jews, like nothing I've ever seen before towards one particular group of individuals, as the cause of every conceivable problem the world has ever countered, I might not be amiss at what's up with that since they've also solved many of the worlds problems. Down right hateful, spiteful propaganda. As it stands right now, if they could go to war as it stands, it'd be quite a war, on the other hand, if they could guilt complex the other side to their side, there goes the Jews. I am only saying that because I've never seen the world take a blind eye to genocide, on top of that, once you accept it, where does it stop because from what's happening in Syria right now, they aren't planning on stopping after Gaza.

Anyway, all that, that's as far as I got in your video, and I was stopping by to tell you that plastic bag trick works. I grilled some chicken at the park the other day and I didn't have foil in my impromptu picnic basket so I put the chicken leftover on a paper plate and tied it up in a plastic grocery bag. I went to open it and I couldn't and I remembered that trick, it works great.