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RE: Supporter Video | Trump assassination shooter reported to secret service 30min before shooting

in Deep Dives7 months ago

As I said in the other reply, my apologise for the late reply, I thought I had replied to comments, but see now I had not) I threw some pictures of the roof in my other reply - but here is the roof, its comical that they think that this roof is so sloped its dangerous lol

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Pictures are from the SS/law enforcement building, that looks out on the roof.

About the "purge of the conspirators" you are right about this alright - if there has been anything that sadly i have understood over the last few years, its that being a conspirator gets you promoted - i mean, covid is an example - look at the massive failures - gov were making decisions, all around the world, based on no evidence - such as social distancing, that stopped family members from seeing dying parents / friends - it was all based on lies, admitted now on the record - but no one has gone to jail - its like in the new world, if you lie and steal, its a good thing.

Yes, about biometric idea, I think if Trump is elected, the plan will continue to turn everyone into just a data mine - it is already being rolled out across the world - here in New Zealand, they are talking about the digital id system and why we "need one" - you see the same system being pushed out, across countries - more and more control -
