
On an unrelated note, I cannot find your reports on Odysee, so I assume you have given up on it? I see that you neither post on 3speak anymore. Is it just broken?


I have not gone back to 3speak, as was having a few problems with the cloud sever thing - i thought would wait a while, to see if it gets fixed - I will have to check, maybes its even me or my browser, but it the same one i always use - so not sure what is going on - about odysee - I use it - the thing about it, is its auto uploading from my YouTube channel, the outer light - which I post like unrelated news roundup videos on - so now i am posting on mirror world - but it does not auto load from mirror world, it only allows from one channel - I had to move over to mirror world on YouTube, because YouTube had chess boxed my outer light to a level where no one seen my content - I have to update all this - but I do post everything on Rumble - and I post all my content here as well. I will try 3speak again when I get back from the weekend!

I'm not trying to get you to pander to me, my friend. I just much prefer Odysee to view content on for a couple reasons, and those are not likely to affect content providers that have an entirely different interaction with platforms than consumers. I do appreciate the explanation of why Odysee hasn't had your reports, because I had no idea of these challenges you are dodging and weaving around to get your reports in front of the eyeballs that need to see them.

I often feel like I'm letting you and other providers down by not following you on Tubeyou, but I'm just never, ever going to have a Goolag account because I adamantly refuse to provide them my data in that way. Any data they manage to scrape up about me is all going to show me using their competitors, and that's the only real influence I can apply to convince them to behave in a socially acceptable way, more like their competitors do.