Yeah, I heave heard of Cliff High, mostly watched when he was covering the stock market stuff years ago etc., or stuff to do with the markets - if my memory serves me rightly - project blue-beam is certainly a possibility - there was a lot of ufo news yesterday etc., but I don't think it really caught the zeitgeist - will see i guess on that prediction he made.
About the google search page - I did not see that myself, missed that - but you you could be right about that and how the top result was AI -
I hear about hunter's lawyers filing that - I wonder what the outcome will be. Normally I thought there were just payoffs behind the scenes for this kind of stuff - you know, Judge gets a weekend in Ukraine or something - but I guess its more out in the open these days. Almost looks like a real trial or something haha - yeah, Hunter is too close to real power for anything to ever happen to him. Mind you, a lot of people on the DNC end, seem to be angry with Joe Biden -unless that is just a school play.
I am shocked to discover that there is precedent for blanket pardons, which clearly only facilitates corruption. My naivete never ceases to amaze me.
I reckon there was no confirmation of the Web Bot prediction, which is fine with me.
It occurred to me that Hunter publishing himself his litany of crimes and unsavory acts utterly negated any utility of blackmail. Untouchable in fact, and not merely hubris.