
Watching the show now

I am unsurprised Harris is shown to have plagiarised other authors. I am not convinced she has ever had an original thought, so well does she parrot narratives profitable to her and the party.

If the FBI intervened in Vem Miller's arrest and prosecution I am even more suspicious he is an assassin for the scurrilous scumbags, since the horrific acts of the FBI gaslighting the American people about Trump, Russia, Jan 6, Hunter's laptop, and an endless litany of larceny of sovereignty and complete repudiation of their reputation as a lawful agency devoted to justice.

I am happy to hear Port Hedland in W. Australia has voted to ban the jabs. Slovakia, I have heard, has done so as well, having commissioned a report into the plandemic that characterized it as biological terrorism. The US state Florida has recommended against them, stopping short of banning them.

I had written more, but my connection failed a dozen times and I have had to switch back and forth from Odysee to Hive to watch this video, and I may have gotten a little distracted by my distress.
