"Yes indeed, I'm glad you find it refreshing, many who hear my optimism proceed to 'correct' me by insisting we are all doomed because end of world/NWO/Great Reset/Bill Gates gonna kill us all with vaccine/etc. scenario."
Generally speaking, I'm usually one of those people. However, your perspective seemed packed with optimism. It goes to show with a pinch of paradigm wiggling--things can happen. That and there's a fine line between anxiety and excitement. I had a realization regarding this other thing. Most of the people who couch their arguments behind the theory of conserving "the rewards pool" are like celebrities who pay lip service to global warming and going green. All the while, they hop from continent to continent like fleas on crack in their private gas-guzzling aircraft. It's just a bunch of hypocritical BS masquerading itself as good intentions. Just like everywhere else, there's a lot of virtue-signaling fuckery going on among certain HIVE power players at the upper crusty.