Clown World: Gunshot Death = CV19 Death

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Have you realize how much fraud there is openly being paraded in public as if it was not fraud? It's happening on a wide scale, globally, right now. Most people have no idea. Or at least it seems like most people don't.

I'm talking about is the false representation of what is referred to as an alleged death from COVID-19. Most of these death counts, are from people with comorbidities that died from their pre-existing health conditions. But they happen to have a PCR positive result at some point before, or even after they die.

And this is what constitutes someone allegedly having died FROM COVID-19. The most you can say is they died WITH COVID-19, allegedly. Again allegedly because the PCR procedure is not a diagnosis tool and it has upwards of 97% false positive rate considering the extreme levels of cycle threshold the pump out when applying the procedure.

But then there are obvious blatant frauds. Like someone dying in a car accident, or a motorcycle accident, and being added to the COVID death count. The death count that alleges someone died from the illness, despite the autopsy not being done to prove this.

Again, over 90% of these death counts are from people with pre-existing comorbidities. The CDC admitted in 2020 that only around 6% of the deaths were from people with no comorbidities. Italy has also recently reduced their death count for those paying attention to where only about 3% of alleged deaths from people who had nothing else to explain their death other than a positive PCR result.


Recently there has been a case of a 40-year-old man who died on November 15 from being shot in Auckland, New Zealand. But they happen to have a positive PCR results, and therefore were added to the COVID death count as having died FROM the illness when there is absolutely no proof of that being the case, especially since they died of a gunshot wound.

“An additional death in Auckland has today been added to the national Covid-19 figures,” the Ministry of Health said.

Yup. That's the clown world we live in right now.