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RE: COVID-19, Not a Respiratory Illness? The Link with Hypoxia and Cyanide

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Very interesting information here.
I think it's very difficult for people to step outside of the official narratives that receive wall-to-wall coverage from the media.
There are a few points here that people should be taken seriously.

  • Ventilators and deaths related to ventilators

This is very worrisome considering that it's possible that people are being misdiagnosed and there's evidence suggesting many are dying from the treatment rather than from what ails them.

A death caused by an attack of hemoglobin reducing the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream seems like a terrifying condition.

One thing that often strikes me when I read of the different accounts of COVID-19 deaths is that it seems to affect different people in different ways.
It makes me wonder if there may be several strains of COVID-19 out there with 1 strain being maybe more deadly.

Since, it's becoming apparent that the deaths attributed to COVID-19 are being inflated many people are starting to wonder if COVID-19 cases are not just mischaracterized cases of the seasonal flu or cases of pneumonia that have been relabelled.
What's your sense of this?
Is this situation where other ailments are being recategorized or is there something in our environments that is causing these conditions - whether it's industrial pollution or an actual virus or viruses?


I think the different effects of the illness are more having to do with underlying health conditions, or the potency of the infection, assuming it is a virus like we're told. Which the pollution can have greater effect on their lungs (like hydrogen cyanide). If you have more of a concentration of the virus, then you will have more sever effects compared to those who hardly have any or those that don't even have any at all. Certain drugs like ACE inhibitors also put one at greater risk of severity.