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RE: Protestors were INVITED into the Capital Building

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

When you watch the footage it's plain as day that the Capitol police opened the gates and allowed the protestors in.

This stunt was not a coup or insurrection, if it was a coup they would have remained in the capitol building and possibly burnt it to the ground. Instead, they respectfully stayed inside the roped area and took a bunch of selfies and left?

The only logical explanation for letting the protestors in is to accomplish a political objective - such as increasing online censorship and directing the tools of US military occupation inwards on the domestic population.

They spend literally TRILLIONS every year on defense and they were unable to prevent a few hundred protestors from breeching security?

This event should be viewed like something of a modern day Reichstag Fire which was blamed on communists and enabled the Nazis to rise to power.

I'm not equating anyone to nazis, simply the event should be viewed through a similar lens as it will more than likely lead to an increase in State power and control.


Indeed, Ryan and Whitney laid out the deepstate/left calls for creating 'domestic terrorists' out of the right months ago. They expected to pull off their wild claims after the election, as they were predicting the right would protest a Trump loss and 'riot', but it didn't happen. This was the false flag to incite/manufacture/engineer a problem, stimulate a pre-panned reaction from the media, and implement their 'solution' that they have been planning.

It's all going quite well according to plan. Instead of blaming communists, now it's communists-socialists-leftists in the media and big tech who are ushering in the destruction of American 'democracy' (or whatever was left of a semblance of freedom that is equated to 'democracy) by claiming others (who seem to value honesty, freedom and rights more -- i.e. the protesters) are the ones destroying democracy.

It's nuts, just claim your opponent is doing what your doing while they aren't even doing what your doing, and you can reshape the world in the image of your decrepit ideology. 2021 will be worse and bring in more of an Orwellian 1984 world than 2020 did.

It's nuts, just claim your opponent is doing what your doing while they aren't even doing what your doing, and you can reshape the world in the image of your decrepit ideology.

100% THIS.

The only logical explanation for letting the protestors in is to accomplish a political objective - such as increasing online censorship and directing the tools of US military occupation inwards on the domestic population.

Well stated.