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RE: Hive5 - IDEAS for Public, Witness & Dev consideration v1.3.1

Some criticisms of these ideas - not indicative of disapproval of the undertaking of improving Hive, but to prevent fixing one thing to break two.

"No one post can earn more than that posts percentage of the total posts that have been placed in the last day."

This eliminates the actual curative effect of upvoting content. Curation by a multitude cannot become promotion of superlative content, and all content is equalized, preventing better content from being better rewarded. Basically Communism, and unacceptable.

"...10 UV’s and 16 DV’s (51% more DV than UV), his individual post or comment will be flagged on-chain as "unliked" and muted by default until enough UV’s are received to reveal his post again."

The problem is that some users have >10k accounts, and can simply activate hordes of bots to deploy numbers of votes instead of weight of stake. This is not curative for the problems stake weighting creates by promulgating oligarchies. It simply changes the vector for that promulgation.

Censorship is necessary to prevent spam, scams, and plagiarism, but it is intolerable applied to opinions. There is some necessity to segregate content by it's nature, but I haven't seen any mechanisms proposed that aren't fraught with worse dangers than such content presents. It is also necessary to enable society to promote content via curative volume, where equalization of the value of UV's can be rationally applied. There needs also to be a mechanism that enables the weight of stake to apply to preferences of plutocrats, but the memo function and etc. enables such emoluments to issue. It simply isn't necessary for stake to weight curation and undermine social valuation.

"His vote (UV or DV) has equal value with everyone else’s vote."

This is simply factually false. It could be made true onchain, but that can be obviated via hordes of bots with facility, so such forcing isn't potentially useful. Greater stake has greater power IRL, and that's simply the fact. It is better to seek in some way to enable freedom of speech to not be suppressed or promoted via stake (or hordes of bots), but for curation by actual human users to promote or suppress content. I see no way this can be done absent nominal oracles. I see no way to implement nominal oracles. That doesn't mean there isn't any way to do it. It just means I am incompetent to propose any.

As much later in your post depends on these matters, I will leave my comments at this point, that your considerations might benefit as you prefer from this information, but you not be burdened with excessive commentary I am more than capable of issuing.
