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RE: Fancy a Way Out of This Misery? LET'S TALK SOME SOLUTIONS!

An excellent program with every potential of success. Of course each of us will interpret these actions through our own lens, and effect them per our individual means and circumstances. I would add that brutal honesty is necessary so that we can be realistic and confident in our actual capabilities, because that will prevent us from being tricked, fooled, or baited into failures which could have catastrophic consequences. Humility isn't false modesty, but forthright acceptance of our real limitations and true capabilities. It is what enables actual confidence and prevents conceit from tripping us up.



you and @daretodefy will get along very well without a doubt!

I searched for your Odysee channel. Searching 'Jin' wasn't productive.

I was on odysee from 2021. EXTRICATE THE SYSTEM had about 700+ subs. I took it down due to the SEC fiasco with Lbry, and never looked back since.

Ah, that explains why I can't find it.

seach for "jinnmago", you may find some videos still there.