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RE: WARNING: British Columbia is one step closer to exterminating the undervaccinated

in Deep Dives3 years ago

If the jabs work, the unjabbed are no threat. If they don't work, no one needs them. Your overlords cannot fail to understand this simple logic. They aren't telling you to obey because they believe what they are saying to you to justify their orders. It's just a convenient excuse for those that submit to recite as they try not to realize they are abject slaves.

That's really all it is. None of the lockdowns, masking, or jabs have had anything to do with a virus. They're all about subjugation. The truth you need to focus on is that: you are free and sovereign over yourself. You are not property. You cannot be owned, transferred, sold, or acted upon lawfully absent your sovereign will to comply. That is the real issue, and no guilt tripping, confusing lies, or baffling bullshit change that in any way.

The only reason you should consider the jabs, the virus, and all that bullshit is to press charges for criminal conspiracy to commit genocide by the people that paid to make the SARS2 bioweapon, that planned to use the pandemic excuse to impose tyranny on free people in Event 201, that devised the worse bioweapon of the jabs to literally genocide free people despite the agencies and agents of government being aware that there were inexpensive and effective treatments for Covid, and that the jabs had 9 pages of serious and fatal side effects they cause before they have abused the power of government to force them on Canadians.

When it comes to forced jabbing, all that matters is that it's a crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Code to forcibly jab anyone. None of the bullshit about their bioweapons matters in the least, so don't let it distract you, or empower them to spew more bullshit.

Your point about your local overlord just working for bosses is true. She's not going to change her mind because you say the right words. That's not going to work. Trucks won't work again, because they'll bring Wagner back in to beat them until they quit honking again. You're going to need to wage an actual war to not be enslaved, because they are willing to literally genocide you - in fact, that's what their actual goal is. They want you dead. Literal democide is the goal that she is effecting, the goal of her masters.

You're not going to stop them with words. Prepare for what is coming. It won't be words.
