If I had the logistical capacity
The future is an unpredictable sea. It's swells and chop cannot be predicted, except by those wizened and windblasted seamen that have surfed the swells and ridden the chop, windblown and erratic, yet able by men of long acquaintance to be at least relatively characterized. No one has a better understanding of how these markets and industries can be developed and will affect people and societies than you do, my friend. We peer into the future, and wonder what it will bring, but men brave the unknowable to undertake the first steps of epic journeys, and that is how followers in their footsteps dare to project their expectations on their own journeys after them.
I know you care for your loved ones, that you yearn for their prosperity and for them to thrive in good company in their lives ahead of them. While aquaponics isn't sexy, no shiny robots call you master and meticulously automate food production, the hanging gutters on a sunny wall fed by an aquarium bubbler from a tank of catfish or similar fish with easy diets and high tolerance for dirty water are a prospect of wealth and contentment in hard times to come.
https://www.usda.gov/about-usda/news/blog/2023/01/17/aquaponics-growing-crops-open-water openly provides information that is not all that is available. A few searches of the internet will provide what there is to know today, and from there you can develop specific information regarding specific local circumstances, supplies, and practices potential there.
What Cuba, and it's sons and daughters, can make of that information is truly up to you and your fellows. Almost all of the infrastructure can be made, or salvaged from used structures being replaced. Anything that can hold enough water will suffice to keep crawdads or catfish in. The biggest expense up front is the aquarium bubbler, ~$20.
If you fail, what is the downside? Who could blame you for trying? The simplicity of beginning with a 55 gallon barrel, an aquarium bubbler, and some used gutters on a sunny wall leaves almost no prospect of failure economically. Fear of failure is certainly a worse prospect than actually failing, because the expenditures are so minimal. Other tools like 3D printers are much more expensive, although capable of far more diverse production than some hydroponic gutters fed fish waste.
When you succeed at producing delicious food from table scraps and used gutters, what you learn you can share, and then people will not laugh and misunderstand, because no one hungry misunderstands a full belly. I encourage you to risk that laughter, to brave that fear of failure, because those are surely far worse threats in your mind than your efforts will produce in practice.